
By biasantosg

688 82 24

Everything was great in Hazel's life, especially when she finds out a chance to follow her dreams. But when... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIV

Chapter IV

35 6 1
By biasantosg


"You better have a good reason to take me out of my room, because i was busy".

"What?! You said you weren't doing anything important!"


"Hmm it was nothing important, i just... Forget it okay?"

Shut up mouth.

"Okay Hazel, you are an horrible lier, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just...." I didn't know what to say.

"Give up" he said.
He always catches me.

"Okay! I finally said "I was finishing preparing the trip."

"And what's the reason, for not telliing me?" he asked.

" I didn't want you to think about it, because i know you didn't like the idea!" I said.

"We already have this conversation." he said.

I really didn't know where would we go, but i trust him so.

"Yeah, i know sorry."

"Don't worry about me, I'm gonna be fine."

"I know."

He stopped the car literally in the middle of nowhere. Nobody was here, just the full moon, and the stars and the summer breeze, that passed slowly into our hairs.

He took off something, I couldn't see it right away, but quickly I understood what it was , because I felt down, in a black hole, and suddently I was blind.

"Really?bI said "Is this really necessary?" I said blinded.

"Yeap, surprises are surprises." he said.

I could feel a long smile on his face.
And the car was on again.

"So, how am I suppose to know if you're kidnapping me or not?"- I asked Alfie.

"Because, if i was kidnapping you, I would't do this for sure." as he finish to say that, he kisses me, a sweet kiss.

"Alfie! Eyes on the road!! okay for moments I had a panic attack.

"How do you know i took my eyes off of the road?" he sounds ridiculous.

"Because I could feel it, and... there's no one who can do two things at the same time, So guess what? I know!"

Okay, We're gonna end up here, the both of us, Dead.

After a few minutes the car stopped and my heart started to stay calm again. Thank god.

"Can i take this blind off now?" I asked with some hope.

"No!" He screamed "Only when i tell you to!"

"Okay..."  I rolled my eyes but I was happy because I knew that he couldn't see my eyes so...

Being in the dark don't have to be bad at all.

Carefully, Alfie helped me to get out of the car, and holded my hand. We were walking now, and I feel ridiculous! I could feel now, how blind people feel every day, and for a few seconds I was sad about them.

One day when I was in primary school , our teacher give us a challenge: " you have to be deaf and bling during 2 hours" Half of the class would be deaf for 2 hours and the other half would be blind for 2 hours too, but not inside the school. In the street. And we had to help each other's. Basiclly she wanted us to feel and be in the roll of a blind and deaf people. I was deaf, and i have to admit that it was one of the hardest challenges I have ever made in my entire life because I couldn't ear nothing, and it would be so horrible if this really happends because i wouldn't be able to ear my music, and communicate with human-beings, I think the objective of the challenge was mostly to prepare us for the future, and now I think I am prepared.

We stopped and I stopped feeling his hand.

"Okay, You can take that off now. " he said and he seems happy.

"Oh my god!"

I just coudn't believe it.


So Hello Hello Hello Beautiful people!
Are you enjoying the story so far?
I hope so, because i can promise you that this will not be what you're expecting it to be, There's so much to come believe me

Thank you so much for reading my story and please don't forget to comment and vote !

Love you guys, and till the next chapter.

Bea Xx

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