Zodiac Story ~ The Chaos Flat

By SpiritGazer

115K 3.5K 1.7K

Updates every Saturday! Hi there, readers! So this is a Zodiac story about three brothers who move into an ol... More

The Chaos Flat
The apartment
Spirit(s) of Chaos
It has only just begun...
...actually, it didn't even start yet
A silent Chaos
Chaos strikes
Something silent
Return of Chaos
Whole again
Confession, Obsession and Chaos
Explanations (and more)
The Ceremony
Crashing Chaos
Chaos crushes (you) part 1
Chaos crushes (you) part 2
Flashback Day 1
Flashback Day 2
Flashback Day 3
Flashback Day 4
Brand new Chaos
Changes (and more)
Bad Influences
Accidental/On purpose
It's not... never mind, it's Chaos
Working Together
Mission Saving Chaos
A Chaotic Conspiracy part 1
A Chaotic Conspiracy part 2
Everything's... fine?
Time doesn't last...
...but friends do
Author's Note
Guess who's back!

Calm after the storm (or before)

1.5K 64 11
By SpiritGazer


      Aries' pov

'So? I still have no idea why there's a freaking hole in my wall!' I yelled, after Gem had put up a story of at least fifteen minutes long about things that had happened last week. During her actually pretty amazing theories of what could have caused the hole due to the things that had happened, I noticed Aquarius blushing now and then, and I just started wondering what that could be about, when Gemini had started a new theory which involved me, which pulled my attention away from Aqua.

'It's true that we have no clue of what could have happened,' Virgo stated, 'but Gemini is on a good path; we will have to collect the information that we do know and put it together into a conclusion.'

'Then get into detective-mode and figure the crap out of it!' I shouted. You could easily say this unexpected thing had not only scared the hell out of me, it also made me do the same things Gemini did; think back to last week. Did I notice anything that might have led to this? Did I perhaps catch any possible clues?

'All I know is that this can't be caused by anyone other than the boys next to you,' said Aquarius and she crossed her arms. 'So it's either Libra, Taurus or Sagittarius.'

'It couldn't have been Sag,' Virgo corrected her. 'He is sound asleep at my place.'

'You're leaving at one person,' Gem fell in, and she turned to me. 'You could have done it yourself too.' I bursted out into laughter, but when I noticed no one was laughing along – which was expected, as it was me, Virgo, Aqua, Pisces and Gem – I stopped. 'What? You're not seriously thinking I broke my own damn wall?'

'It could explain your overreacting on this; that would mean you'd want to pull attention to yourself for some reason,' concluded Virgo, and Aquarius nodded slowly. 'Yes... and there should also be a reason behind the concept of why you wanted to kick the wall between you and the boys, because if you "just wanted to kick something", you would've kicked the wall with the door, like last seventeen times.'

'See what happens when you mingle into things?' I snorted to Gemini. 'Next time you want to be a detective, you can go watch Sherlock and yell comments to the screen, as you always do, alright?' My sister shrugged and smirked widely, before she disappeared to her own room.

I turned back to the two detectives and huffed softly. 'Well, Sherlock and Watson, is anything going to happen here?' Virgo frowned. 'Of course. But first, let's consider the possibilities of who it could have been. So, you are option number one –'

'IT WASN'T ME!' I screamed while my frustration turned into a raging anger. Virgo remained calm and just went on: 'Alright, I think we can establish that you are not guilty of this. Option number one will be Taurus, then.' 'And option number two Libra, although I doubt he has done this,' Aquarius said.

Virgo nodded and walked past me into my room. Aqua and I followed him and I watched the two studying the hole. It was a small, but frightening. One of the many rules around here was that we wouldn't kick the walls between different apartments, because having to deal with this at least once a week would be way too stressful.

'Looks like this is Taurus' room,' Virgo mumbled. He leaned back, and I saw the frown hadn't left his face yet. 'And as I happen to know the relation between Libra and Taurus, I must say Taurus has caused this.'

'I can agree on that,' I said. 'I mean, we know he's capable of breaking walls. I've seen him do it before – wait, you were there too! A few days back, during the water fight!'

'That confirms it,' Aqua said and she sat down on a chair in the corner of my room. 'Taurus has done this.' 'But why?' I wondered aloud. 'Well, we also know another thing,' said Virgo, who was focused on the hole again. 'Taurus himself must have been pretty confused and frightened by this too.'

'And we know that because...' I started, and Virgo looked at me while the frown on his forehead got a little bigger.

'We know that because he's not here anymore.'

     Sagittarius' pov

The moment I woke up was the moment I realized that living in one apartment with Virgo, is absolutely better than sharing an apartment with my most often annoying brothers. I didn't wake up to Libra trying to clean up my mess, or to Taurus playing music too loud again, but instead I woke to the smell of bacon, eggs and fresh-made coffee.

I stretched my arms above my head and rolled out of bed, and I remembered how amazing sleeping alone was. It made me think back to the times where I'd wake up, run downstairs and find Taurus and Libra fighting over the remote, while mum made breakfast and tried to shush all three of us. Dad would finally send us all upstairs and sometimes, we'd play together.

I smiled to myself and yawned softly. Ah, well. Waking up to bacon and coffee without my brothers around was a good thing too.

'Morning, Sag,' Virgo greeted me and I instantly smiled. 'You too! I'm not too late for breakfast, right?' 'You're perfectly on time,' he responded and gazed over to a big clock on the wall. I followed his look, and frowned at the time. 'Wait – it's eight o'clock? Huh, looks like I woke up early today,' I mumbled and sat down on the other side of the table.

I noticed Virgo was looking at me, and I cleared my throat softly. 'Eh... I was actually wondering about something –' 'I noticed,' Virgo said, once again surprising me with his calm. 'Well... I got to thinking and – and I think there's another reason you took me in, isn't there?'

He waited a few seconds with his answer. I didn't know whether he was thinking about how to answer, or whether he had no answer, but it supposedly was the first one as he answered me after some time. 'You're right in that. I believe I said I took you in because you should spend some time without your brothers, hm?'

'You did, yeah,' I said, waiting for him to go on. 'That indeed isn't the real reason, but I was hoping you'd find out,' Virgo stated and shifted a bit in his chair. 'The real reason does have something to do with your brothers, however.'

'What?' I asked him, as I was too curious to even slowly think things through. Virgo smiled. 'Well, the reason I took you apart from your brothers is because the three of you have to find a path to go. You and Taurus were doing fine on that, but Libra wasn't really, and still isn't. So, I decided to form the three of you into a position that will help you develop yourself further. Do you have any idea how I'd want to do that?'

'Eh...' I muttered, and my thoughts went to thinking. 'If you want Libra to find his own way... then I guess it would be good if he joined in on a Chaos sometime? To... experience that it's not as bad as he thought and that he can't prevent it?'

'Excellent,' Virgo smiled. 'And would that have happened if I let him live with me?' 'I think he'd more learn about how to be neutral, and that will keep him the way he is,' I thought out loud, to which Virgo's smile got a little brighter. 'Indeed.'

'So...' I started thinking again, and I realized what was the real reason for taking me out of apartment 26. 'You think I should be neutral to find my path?'

'You are an incredible thinker, Sag,' he responded and took a sip from a cup on the table. I, however, frowned. 'But why do you think it would be a good idea to keep me apart from the fight? I like insulting Furface!'

'We'll see soon enough,' Virgo said. 'Now, let's change the subject a bit. I have something interesting for you, and this is one of the first steps to complete neutrality. I don't suppose you caught up with any of the things that occurred last night?'

'If you mean the bug I killed when I had to go to the bathroom –' I guessed, but he shook his head. 'Don't worry, killing bugs is allowed here. No; I was actually referring to something else. Allow me to explain the situation to you...'

It took a few minutes before I understood everything and before I knew what he was asking from me. 'So... you want me to ask Taurus about what is going on?' I checked. 'But I can't say anything about the hole itself?' 'No, you have to ask him if he knows about the hole yet,' Virgo corrected me. 'And tell him it caused a lot of trouble here. Or, if your other brother also happens to be around; tell him it caused a lot of chaos.'

'Home!' I yelled into the hallway once the door of apartment 26 closed behind me. 'Home he is,' I heard some muffled voice say and I grinned before walking into the living room. Libra was nowhere to be seen; however, Taurus was settled down on the couch, looking rather bored.

'Hey, you're back. I was wondering when you'd return,' Taurus said, without facing me. Was that something bad?

'Yeah, and I just checked up with Virgo for a bit,' I stated, remembering what Virgo had taught me to say. 'Did you catch up with anything that happened last night?'

Perhaps he was freaking out in his mind, but his physical him didn't react that much. He just froze for a second and turned to me, but his eyes were narrowed a bit more than usual. 'What are you talking about, dude?' he asked, although I was pretty much sure he knew very well what was going on.

'Oh, you know. Something weird happened to Aries last night,' I said and that's when I was finally sure. Taurus' cheeks shaded a little red and he immediately stood up, his back to me as he walked over to the balcony. 'Really?' he asked, and I nodded. 'Yeah, it's like a hole in her wall, or something like that. You really haven't heard it?'

Taurus turned around again, and I could now very well notice how his cheeks had changed colour, but when he opened his mouth to say something, the door behind me opened and Libra's voice cut the tension. 'Sagittarius; you're here again? I-I thought you were – where have you been?'

Well, looked like someone was nervous.

'I was just asking Taurus if he heard about the gap in Aries' wall,' I stated promptly, and any other sound following was broken by Taurus voice: 'A-And I had no idea of that, s-so this is kind of a funny situation, isn't it?'

'Is it?' I asked. 'Isn't Aries' wall right next to yours?'

It barely took three seconds before all three of us stormed to Taurus' room to see the evidence. And yes, it was there. A hole, close to the floor, and I could see another room on the other side. I even heard very soft voices from there.

Taurus seemed stunned, and that was weird, because he almost never showed it when he was shocked or surprised by things. He'd just groan and turn away, but now, he actually looked kind of... terrified, that was really the only word I had for it.

And Libra...

Libra looked on the verge of breaking down.

'There's – there's a –a hole in your wall,' he said, slowly. He chuckled softly, but it wasn't a normal chuckle – this one actually sounded a bit creepy, or more like nervous. 'T-There's a h-hole in your wall,' Libra repeated and I saw a little bead of sweat forming itself on his forehead. His hands were clenched into fists as well, and I decided now might be the best time to say the last things Virgo wanted me to say.

'Yeah, and you know?' I said, looking over at Libra. 'It's causing a whole lot of trouble to the other side. Or, in different words; a whole lot of chaos.'

'STOP IT!' Libra screamed out, and punched Taurus' wall with his fists. Taurus and I stepped back in fright, as we watched our brother clench his teeth together and shaking all over his body. 'I-I am not t-taking this any- anymore – no – STOP LOOKING AT ME!' he screamed at me and Tau, and he wrapped his shaking hands over his ears as he closed his eyes. 'I – I just – too exhausted from – from all of this, there's just – just way too much stress, a-and headaches, and – and – why is the room spinning?'

'Lib, are you fainting again?' I asked in a soft voice, at which he attempted to shake his head, but he only stumbled forward a bit. 'F-Fainting? Fainting? I-I'm breaking d-down, that's w-what I'm d-doing! N-No, I can perfectly handle t-this myself,' he groaned when I tried to take his arm. He stumbled up against the door, shook his head again and step out of the room. We heard a bit more of his soft mutterings, before the door to my former room opened and a loud smack caught our ears.

It was a bit silent between me and my oldest brother, before he coughed and turned to me. 'Well, I think he has reached his breaking point.' 'You don't say,' I mumbled. 'How long do you think this'll take?'

Taurus shrugged and turned to the wall with the hole again. 'No idea. We should probably ask Aquarius for advice.' I nodded and turned to the wall along with him. 'So, you really didn't know about the hole?'

'I SAID I DIDN'T!' Taurus ejaculated suddenly, staring at me with fire in his eyes. 'Now, quit talking about it! I thought you'd moved out, huh? Then how about you go back to your new place and leave me alone!'

'But I –' I started, at which Taurus grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the apartment – reminding me once again of how much stronger pretty much everyone in the world was than me – and he roughly closed the door.

I stood outside for a few seconds, letting the past minutes sink into my mind. And all of a sudden – I had no idea where it came from – I turned around and kicked the door as hard as I could. Nothing happened, of course, but I did realize how extremely angry I was, at both of my brothers. I groaned softly and turned around to make my way back to Virgo's apa- my apartment. Hopefully Virgo would have a few of his pretty words ready to cure my anger, or at least to solve the still lasting case I couldn't have fixed.

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