Long Lost Brother

By kylieskatz22

8.6K 340 106

Riker Lynch, age 16, finds out one day that he has another brother. And that brother just happens to be his t... More

Chapter 1 : Twins
Chapter 2 : The arrival
Chapter 3 : Meeting Jeff
Chapter 4 : First night
Chapter 5 : A not so good second night
Chapter 6 : Pink underwear
Chapter 7 : The leak
Chapter 8 : Boredom
Chapter 9 : Vacation?
Chapter 10 : The disagreement
Chapter 11 : The car ride to New York
Chapter 12 : Riker's unpleasant car ride
Chapter 13 : The first day
Chapter 14 : The beginning of Riker's down spiral
Chapter 15 : I'm sorry
Chapter 16 : The woods
Chapter 17 : Attacked
Chapter 18 : Not ok
Chapter 19 : Something's wrong with Riker
Chapter 20 : Tag
Chapter 22 : Feelings
Chapter 23 : Going back home
Chapter 24 : Where's Riker?

Chapter 21 : Fainting

304 13 3
By kylieskatz22

Chapter 21


Jeff POV

I woke up, and saw Riker awake next to me.

"Good morning," I said.

"Morning," Riker whispered.

"When did you wake up?"

"Never went to bed..."

"Oh... Really? Why?"


I sighed, and sat up.

"I'm going to get breakfast," I said, getting up.

I went upstairs, and had breakfast with Rydel and Rocky.


Jeff POV

I went downstairs, and Riker was still laying in bed, staring off into nowhere.

"Riker? Did you want to go have breakfast?"



I grabbed my clothes, and got changed in the bathroom. I went back upstairs, and found mom in the kitchen.

"Hey, mom? Could I talk to you for a second?" I asked.


We walked upstairs to her bedroom, and sat on her bed.

"What's up, Jeff?"

"It's about Riker."

"Did he hurt you?"

"No... Um... I'm just worried about him..."

"Oh. Why?"

"He's just... He hasn't really been eating anything, he's not sleeping well, and he just seems sick or something. I don't know... And he seems upset. I think it's the whole twin jealousy thing, but I'm just worried he's going to... to hurt himself..."

"Why? Did he do something?"

"Um... Well... I don't know..."

"Jeff, what did Riker do?"

I sighed.

"Nothing. I'm just worried."

"Well I'll keep an eye on him. Thanks for telling me."

I nodded, and went down to the basement. Riker was still just laying there.

"Riker? Are you feeling ok?"

He shook his head no.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting down.

"I just don't feel good..."

"What doesn't feel good?"


"Riker, seriously. What's wrong?"

Riker turned over onto his side, and sighed.


"Could you get me some water please?" Riker whispered.


I ran upstairs, and got Riker a bottle of water. I ran back down and handed it to him. He took a few sips, and then screwed the cap back on.



"I-I feel like I'm going to p-pass out."

"Ok. Lay down until the feeling passes, ok?"

Riker laid down on his bed. I noticed his face was all pale, and his hands were shaking slightly.

He was looking at me one minute, and then his eyes were closed the next.

"Riker? Riker!"

He was passed out. I ran upstairs.


I found her in the kitchen.

"Jeff, please don't shout."

"Riker fainted."

I followed mom down the stairs.

"Go get your father."

I ran back up the stairs, found dad, and told him to go downstairs. He told me to wait upstairs, so I did. I sat on the couch, worried. What's wrong with Riker!?

Riker POV

I opened my eyes, and realized my head hurt. Everything was all blurry, but that was partly because I didn't have my glasses on.

"Riker? Riker, are you ok?"

I squinted a little, recognizing my mom and dad.

"I... My head..."

I rubbed my forehead a little.

"What's wrong, Riker?" Mom asked.

"I have a headache... And a stomachache... And I just don't feel good."

"When was the last time you ate?"


"And you barely had any dinner... What about fluids?"

"I didn't really drink anything since yesterday..."

"I think you were dehydrated. That's probably why you fainted. You need to have some breakfast."

My mom made me get up and walk up to the kitchen. I still couldn't really see anything though, and I felt like crap.

"We'll be upstairs getting ready if you need anything," mom said.

I realized I was all alone now.

I felt my way around the kitchen until I found the fridge. I can barely see anything without my glasses, and I'm not risking the stairs just to get them.

I opened the fridge, feeling around for the milk. I was planning on making cereal.

I found the milk, and found the counter. I put it on the counter, and then went to find bowls. I found a bowl and a spoon, and then put them on the counter too. I found the cereal boxes, but I couldn't tell what they were. There were 3 of them, so I just randomly chose one.

I opened it up, and attempted to pour the cereal in the bowl. But it didn't exactly go in the bowl. It went all over the counter.


I opened the milk, and decided to try that. I tried pouring, but stopped immediately. It went on my feet...

"This is freaking impossible!"

I went to try to find paper towels, and ended up slipping and falling flat on my butt.


I laid there on the kitchen floor, not feeling like I wanted to get up. I felt defeated. By the freaking bowl of cereal.

"Need some help?"

I squinted, trying to see who it was.

"Um... Yeah..."

Someone helped me stand up. They walked me over to the kitchen table, and had me sit down. I heard them walk away, and I thought I was screwed. But I heard them come back, and then my glasses were put on my face. I realized it was Jeff.

He went into the kitchen and cleaned up my mess. He made me a bowl of cereal, and then brought it over to me.

"Thanks," I said, embarrassed.

Jeff sat down across from me.

"So are you ok?" Jeff asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You fainted. And then fell."

"Oh... Yeah, I'm fantastic..."

My butt hurt, my stomach hurt, and my head was pounding. Eating made me feel worse, but I ate anyway, knowing that mom would make me eat if I didn't.

Jeff put my bowl in the sink for me.

Honestly, I was starting to feel so weak. Weak as in, compared to Jeff, and also physically. I had no energy anymore.

I went downstairs to the basement, which didn't creep me out so much anymore. I got back in my sleeping bag, and pulled it over my head. I just wanted to stay there forever.


Jeff POV

Mom wanted me to bring Riker his lunch, which was a sandwich. I went down to the basement, and he was staring down at the floor.

"I'm surprised you're not asleep," I said, putting the plate on his lap.

"My head hurts too much. It's keeping me awake. And I'm not hungry."

"Too bad. Mom said to tell you to eat that."

Riker sighed.

"Well tell her I don't want it."

"Riker, you're going to get in trouble."

"I don't care! I don't want it!"

Riker handed the sandwich back to me. I brought it upstairs, and put it on the kitchen table.

"He refused to take it," I said to mom.

She grabbed it, and went downstairs. After a few minutes, I heard yelling between her and Riker. She came back upstairs with the sandwich, and then threw it out.

Riker POV

All that yelling my mom and I did made my headache 10 times worse. I had to keep my eyes closed. It hurt too much.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs. I was preparing myself to get yelled at by one of my parents. But I didn't hear any yelling. Someone sat down on my bed.

I opened my eyes, seeing my sister. I looked up at her, and realized she was crying. I sat straight up, and took her hands.

"Rydel, what's wrong!?" I asked, concerned.

"You! What's wrong with you, Riker? Why won't you eat, and why won't you hang out with the family? You used to be so happy and energetic all the time. I want the old Riker back!"

"Rydel, please don't cry."

"Riker, please. Whatever's wrong, get over it somehow! I want my brother back!"

"But what about Jeff? Isn't he better than me?"

"Riker, I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about you. I want you to get better."

"Me? But I'm just..."

"My brother. You're my brother, and I've known you all my life. This isn't how you're supposed to act."

"You really care about me?"

"Riker, don't be stupid! Of course I do!"

"But you just want to be with Jeff. He's the better twin..."

"Riker, there's no 'better' twin. You guys are both great for different reasons. I just want my old brother back."

Rydel hugged me tight, and I hugged her back. She loves me... Not just Jeff, but me too... She loves me. Me as in... Riker...

She finally pulled away, still looking at me.

"Rydel, are you ok?"

"Only if you're going to go back to how you used to be."

"Yeah... I'll try... But I have a pounding headache..."

"I'll go get you something for it."

Rydel left, and came back a minute later. She handed me a pill and a glass of water.

"Thanks, Rydel."

"What even happened to you?"

"I don't know... I was stupid..."


"I thought... I thought that everyone loved Jeff more. And they didn't care about me anymore."

"Riker, that's ridiculous! How could you ever think that!?"

"I don't know... I just..."

I sighed.

"I don't know... But I was really mean to Jeff..."

"He'll understand. He loves you. And so do the rest of us."

Rydel hugged me again. I pulled away, smiling slightly.

"Thanks. I needed to hear that."

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