House of Anubis: The Grail of...

By cherrypepsii_

14.8K 224 34

For three years, the first and original Sibuna have been solving mysteries and finding ancient Egyptian artfi... More

House of Family/House of Death
House of Attics/House of Sneaks
House of Conversations/House of Feelings
House of Trouble/House of Breakups
House of Yearbooks/House of Faints
House of Emergency/House of Business
Author's Note
House of Visits/House of Questions
House of Sibuna/House of Surprises
House of Auditions/House of Tutors
House of Deals/House of Shadows
Author's Note #2
House of Trades/House of Planners
House of Dates/House of Grails
House of Parks/House of Theives
House of Answers/House of Time
House of Labor, Pt. 1/House of Cowardice
House of Labor, Pt. 2/House of Ages
House of Labor, Pt. 3/House of Babies
House of Members/House of Returns
House of Weather/House of Lock-Ins
House of Kisses/House of Distractions
House of Secrets/House of Trophies
House of Covers/House of Plays
House of Discovery/House of Rivals
House of Cheaters/House of Calls
House of Accidents/House of Proof
House of Sign-Up/House of Cameras
House of Gran/House of Coughs
House of Preparation/House of Realization
House of Meetings/House of Baking
House of Tests/House of Allergies
House of Easiness/House of Cats
House of Deletion/House Ingredients
House of Wrong/House of Brothers
House of Punches/House of Maps
Author's Note #3
House of Anger/House of Babysitters
House of Initiation/House of Bluff
House of Forgiveness/House of Snorers
House of Letters/House of Overhear
House of Sabotage/House of Corners
House of Election/House of Saviors
House of Generations, Pt. 1/House of Lures
House of Generations, Pt. 2/House of Deceit
House of Generations, Pt. 3/House of Masks
House of Generations, Pt. 4/House of Shoves
House of Generations, Pt. 5/House of Endings

House of Playoffs/House of Warnings

134 1 0
By cherrypepsii_

"Finally, an empty house." Charles sighed.

"Charles, I'm going grocery shopping." Trudy smiled, and left.

Charles was walking around the dining table, when he saw a sheet of paper sticking out from in between the surface of the table and the legs.

"Oh, little children. What a sad, sad, mistake." Charles chuckled. He snatched the paper from the wood and read it.

Tears of Gold you shall weep,
A Grail for Egyptian emperors.
The trophy of the man who wasn't loved,
The water from the Nile River,
The blessing of the Chosen One.

"Yes..." Charles smirked, "Yes!"


The kids were sitting in bleachers outside the field. "So, Riley and I were thinking," Leslie turned to Sibuna, "when we do get all the ingredients, what do we plan to do with them? It's not like we're going to drink it ourselves."

"We're going to hide it so it doesn't end up in the wrong hands." Sarah answered.

"But, why can't we just leave it alone?" She added. "Because, we can't let Charles or Rebecca get their hands on it. Who knows what they'll do if they gain eternal life." Robert replied.

"But, what's so bad about getting eternal life? I bet if one of us had the chance, we would take it too." Jax pointed out.

"He has a point." August chimed in. "I-it's wrong! No one is meant to live forever. You live, you die. It's the circle of life." Sarah ended the conversation, and turned away from the group.

Rhys went to sit beside her. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I don't know what they don't understand." She combed her wavy hair back with her hands. "Maybe they don't want to be apart of Sibuna." Rhys shrugged.

"Why? You don't either?" Sarah furrowed her eyebrows. "N-n-no! No! I'll never give up on the mystery. On you." Rhys declared. Sarah looked at him.

"Team!" The coach yells. "Yes, coach!"

"Are you ready?!"

"Yes, coach!"

"Then let's play ball!"


"Oh, no. I'm too late." MacKenzie huffs. "Too late for what?" Arielle asked, jumping down from the bleachers.

"You the rumors...", MacKenzie bent over to take a breath, " people have been saying the rival team is going to cheat? Well, it's true. Someone's going to tackle Duncan and steal the ball."

"But that's cheating!" Arielle yelled.

"Because I didn't know that already!" MacKenzie sarcastically yelled.

"Hey, what's going on?" All the Anubis kids jumped down from the bleachers.

"Athena's is going to cheat." MacKenzie explained. "The rival school?" Rhys asked.

(Just in case you're confused, Athena Boarding School is the full name of the rival school.)

MacKenzie nodded.

They looked over to the field.

"Can't we warn Duncan somehow?" August wondered.

"Charades!" Leslie suggested. "This is not the time for party games, Leslie!" Rhys groaned, not getting her point.

"No," Leslie giggled, "we can warn him with charades."

"Leslie's right!" Arielle agreed. "Duncan!" They all called out. They got his attention, and he waved. He went back to the game.

"Ugh. He'll never be able to pay attention to us without losing his focus on the game, and we'll be the ones who lost it for him." Sarah stated.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Arielle shook her head, and departed from the group, as did Sibuna.


"Rhys and I were thinking," Sarah started, "the only ingredient we don't have yet is the tears of gold. And since Riley saw Charles do it before-"

"You think that you and Rhys can go back to the house and get them." Robert finished.

Jax, Leslie, Robert, August and Riley glanced at each other.

"No." They said. "What?" Rhys and Sarah gasped.

"There's a reason we became Sibuna. To find out the truth-together. No way are we going to let you do this on your own." Robert explained.

"Okay." Sarah smiled.

That's the end of this chapter! Sorry it took me a couple of days to update but, I was planning on updating yesterday, but I just got finished taking the ELA portion of the End of Grade Test for this school year, and I was really tired, so I just didn't.

What will Sibuna do when they find out the riddle is gone?


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