Typical {H.S}

By LirryFlowers

13.5K 728 104

Via was too blinded by, supposed, true love to realise what she went through wasn't right. But she finally fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Thank you.

Chapter 46

202 6 0
By LirryFlowers

It's October thirty-first.

One more night with Harry.


"Stop thinking about it babe," Harry walks over to me from his standing position on the other side of his bed. He kisses me soothingly on the forehead as he stands close to my side. Myself still gazing mindlessly at his hanging clothes in front of me. "I'm still here." Yea but not for long.

I'm trying to help him pack some of his clothes, but I just keep thinking of how he's actually leaving tomorrow. Leaving me.

I turn myself to Harry and away from his wardrobe. I decrease the space between us, leaning my forehead against his, our noses brushing. "I'm really, really going to miss you," I murmur, placing my cold hands on his warm sides.

"Offer still stands for you to come with me," he jokes as he encases his hands around my cheeks. His offer was more sincere than he was letting on.

I lean my head up and hungrily place my lips onto his. Harry moves his fingers through my hair, putting more passion into our kiss. I'm going to miss the taste and familiar softness of his lips. I really don't think anything will compare.

After about another minute, we both pull away, drawing in heavy breaths, but keeping our proximity increased.

"I love you," he soothes.

"Say it again," I persist as I look up and into his eyes. I won't be hearing this in person for much longer. I may as well embrace it now.

A cheeky smile creeps onto his face, showing his dimples that crinkle up the skin by his lips. "I love you," Harry hums.

I smile contently. He could say that all day and I'd still never won't him to stop.

"Don't be too selfish," he chuckles. "It's your turn," his smile grows wider.

I slightly lean up onto my toes and hug my arms around his neck. Very lightly, I brush my lips against his. "I love you," I say, barely audible.

He immediately leans forward to make full contact of our lips for a brief few seconds. "Once more," he encourages.

"I..." I kiss the left side of his jaw. "Love..." then the other side. "You," I peck the top of his nose.

His large smile suddenly begins to fades, surprising me a little. "Were you serious when you said there would have to be no us, if I moved?" He asks cautiously.

I release my grasp slightly that's around his neck, leaning back enough to look him in the eyes again. "Yes." I swear I saw his irises go a more dull green. "I mentally couldn't do it Harry. You know how painful it would be. Look how much we missed each other when you were only gone four weeks."

"Don't you think it would be more painful knowing that I could be with someone else once I've moved?" He rambles, trying to get his point across.

"I'd be worried that'd be happening anyway, regardless if we were dating or not," I whisper. I know he'd never cheat on me. But when someone as attractive and charming as Harry is on the other side of the world, your mind is going to think otherwise.

"I would never do that Via." He sounded so hurt, the pain almost running through me.

"I know that Harry, and I trust you," I place my hand on his cheek. His arms are still tightly wrapped around my waist. "But you're on the other side of the world. I am completely blind to what's happening. So many girls could be throwing themselves at you that are better, and much more attractive, than me. I'm too self conscious to think you'd still want to be with me," I drop eye contact with him, too embarrassed with my own monotonous thoughts.

He swiftly places his fingers under my chin to lift my head, planting a quick but forceful kiss to my lips. I've never seen his gaze so...how do I put it? Annoyed yet loving?

"Don't ever say that again," he hums firmly. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met - inside and out. I'm going to tell you that everyday, together or not, until you believe it yourself. Regardless, once i've moved to England, I will never look at another girl the same way I look at you. Want to know why?" He says rhetorically. "Because I fucking love you. And I know you know that." I finally see a small smile, as if he's trying to reassure me.

I have to force myself to hold back happy tears from his sincere confessions. I would have never thought someone could love me as much as he does, and I feel incredibly privileged for it.

I lightly chuckle to myself. "How did I end up with someone like you?" I shake my head before placing a small kiss to his cheek.

"You could do better," he's quick to reply.

"Don't even bother," I laugh and place my chin on top of his shoulder, squeezing him in my embrace. Just wanting to hug him senseless.

I can't imagine how hard it'll be for me to say goodbye to him tomorrow, the thought of it alone is painful enough. And seeing everyone else say goodbye to him with saddened expressions won't be any help. Especially Niall and Danielle, they're always being strong for me with this whole situation, yet they'll be taking it pretty hard too. This shit sucks.


"Via, how are you?" Niall oddly asks me as we sit on Harry's lounge while he's having a shower.

"Fine?" I hesitantly answer, looking at him with a tilted head, slightly confused.

Then it clicks again.

Harry's really leaving tomorrow.

"Oh right. Um, yea. I'm all good," I vaguely lie. I'm not exactly bad, yet anyway.

Niall wraps his arm around my shoulders, giving me a small, tightly squeezing, side hug. "He still loves you y'know," he tries to comfort. "He just thinks this move will be good for him. The change he needs to find himself a little more."

I laugh to my self, thinking back to the conversation Harry and I had this morning. He definitely still loves me. "I know. But can't he try find the change here or something? He could've moved to a different area," I sit myself up and look to Niall. Disappointment is ridden through his facial expression.

"I know. I agree. I'm really gonna miss the idiot too," he laughs, trying to make a joke of it. However, I can see through Niall, this is hurting him too.

This time I lean forward and wrap him in a comforting hug. I wonder if Harry realizes how many people he's affecting from this move? I know Danielle is still uneasy about it.

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