Chapter 50

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*two months later - New Years Eve*

Slowly, the sky fades darker and the new year just becomes nearer and nearer. In twenty minutes to be exact.

Every year, even when I lived in Sydney, I've only been able to see the midnight fireworks that crackle over the Sydney Harbour Bridge, on tv. However this time it's different. Fortunately enough, Liam's parents were going to the U.S for the new year so we got to borrow their boat.

All the boys, Danielle, Brodie, Molly and myself are gathering near the front of the little boat. Getting the best view for the colourful flares that are going to be shot up to the sky.

"Have I already told you that you look beautiful tonight?" I hear Harry ask from behind me.

I can tell he is slightly, let's say happy, from the beers he's had due to his tone of voice. He wraps his bare arms around me, over my own that hanging by my sides. My back now pressed suffocatingly close to his toned front.

I bring my hands up to place them on his forearms. "Only about five times," I smile.

"Good." He moves my hair off my neck and brings it over my shoulder, giving him plenty of space to pamper kisses there, giving me all kinds of good feelings. Suddenly I hear Niall walking over to us, Harry then removing his lips from my neck.

"I said the only time you two can do PDA in front of me is when it hits midnight," Niall looks at his watch. "That's in fifteen minutes!" He points his finger at us. He's quite drunk compared to Harry.

Even though Harry and I have been dating for a while now, Niall still hates seeing any form of our affection. He acts like a protective dad.

"You and Molly were just making out!" I retort defensively, trying to keep a poker face. What double standards.

With that he walks away like nothing ever happened, going back to his sun chair that's next to Molly. I look around them, Brodie and Louis are propped next to each other on a long blanket on the ground. They're still not exclusive but they're very close to being so, well I think anyway. Liam and Danielle are right at the edge of the boat, talking intimately. I'm still standing by my statement that they're the cutest couple I know.

Standing here with everyone as Harry's arms are protectively around me, I realise how lucky I am now. I got the chance to get away from an abusive relationship and horrible parents, I got to find someone I love with everything in me. I made new friends, I'm living rent free with my favourite family member and I'm back in the city I loved growing up in.

I wouldn't change anything, even Harry's irrational plan to move back to England. I'm still thankful he changed his mind.

"Harry?" I tilt and turn my head to look at him as he still stands behind me.

"Yessss," he drags out before walking around me. He now stands in front of me, his hands on my hips as he brings me closer to him. A very cheeky smile is prominent on his face.

"Since I will clearly never forget about you, what will the meaning of the promise ring be now?" I teasingly peck his cool lips.

He looks down to my hand, then places it in his. His eyes scan the ring intensively before he looks back up to me. While still keeping eye contact, Harry smoothly pulls the ring off my finger.

"Via. Will you promise me, that one day, you'll take my hand in marriage?" His voice is nervous. "I would just propose to you now, but I don't want to rush you." His face shows no mockery or sarcasm. He even has a slightly worried expression taking over his prior smile. If he had drunk maybe an extra beer or two, I'd believe it was the alcohol talking, but he's not far off being sober.

I smile, a massive fucking smile. "You're willing to put up with me for that long?" I chuckle, laying my forehead on his.

"Absolutely," his smile returns. "You mean more to me than I thought was possible. There aren't enough words to explain my love for you." His lips are forcefully planted on to mine, taking me off guard a bit. I respond immediately, wrapping my arm that's not being held by Harry, around his neck.

"I'd love to marry you one day Harry," my whisper is raspy.

He looks back down to my hand again, sliding the ring back onto the finger it was on moments ago. He puts his gaze back on to me, looking deep into my eyes, showing that bright smile of his. "Thank you."

"For what?" I let out a small laugh, reaching up to tangle my fingers in his long hair. "Wanting to marry you?"

"Yea," he oh-so-gently kisses my lips, leaving a lingering need for them to be there again. "And for loving me. I don't even know if that makes sense, but I can't thank you enough for loving me." It makes plenty of sense, I feel the exact same way.

Before both of us even know it, everyone else is shouting around us.

"Eight!" They yell.

"Seven!" They continue as we decrease out proximity. Keeping our arms around each other but now facing the Harbour Bridge.

"Six!" We join in.

"Five!" The digital timer on the bridge decreasing just makes my stomach flutter with nerves. Even though nothing will more than likely change, I feel like this new year will be different. A good different.

"Four!" I look up to Harry. He's watching the timer in awe.



"One!" Here we go.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all proudly announce in sync.

The fireworks in front of us blare up high into the sky. Showing vibrant colours of pinks, reds, yellows and blues. Harry quickly turns me around so I'm facing him. Cutting my view short of the pretty sparks in front of me. He eagerly kisses me with everything he has. Holding me as close as possible.

"I'm going to be the first and last person you kiss this year," his smile is smug yet proud.

"Happily," I continue kissing my favourite lips.

Harry ends the kiss earlier than I wanted, leaning in towards my ear. "I'm actually shit scared of fireworks. I'm doing this for you."

I grab his head with both my hands and dust kisses all over his face. "This is why I love you." My smile almost reaches my eyes.

I turn myself back around but making sure to keep myself tightly next to Harry as we continue to watch the fluorescent works in front of us. Everyone's beginning to hug people other than their lovers, so I decide to do the same.

As I walk around, hugging Liam first then going around in a mere circle, wishing them all an amazing new year, my heart fills with warmth. I'm incredibly content.

I'm now starting the year with the best man in the world, in a stable home with multiple people around me that love and support me.

And I thought I couldn't be any happier.

Typical {H.S}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora