Chapter 16

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"You know you were just a distraction Violet. I never really wanted any form of relationship with you, but I thought it would be the easiest way to get in your pants," Harry laughs as he holds Eve's hand tight and brings her closer to his side.

"Why would you do that though Harry? I never did anything wrong to you," I whimper.

"You're annoying as fuck. Needing lifts everywhere. Needing to see me every day. I never wanted that," he says as he presses his lips to Eve's forehead whist she proudly smiles.

"Did Niall know this whole time how much of an arsehole you are?" How could he do this to me.

Harry throws his head back and laughs in hysteria. "He actually kind of, how do I put it? Suggested you? He knew that you'd be pretty easy to win over." Every word physically hurt as he said them.

I sit up incredibly fast, with a heavy chest. That dream felt so real. Well, nightmare more like. I look over to the bedside table to see the time on my little digital clock, it's five a.m. Thankfully I don't have a shift at work today. I get out of bed to quickly go to the toilet and rinse my clammy face. Once I return to my room, I see my phone screen is lit up. I walk over to my phone, confused as to what notification I'd be getting at this time of morning.

You have no idea how much I hope you will talk to me at some point today. I can't even sleep properly thinking about how much you hate me right now. I'm such an idiot.

Very soon after reading that one message, another one comes through.

I'm using all my strength to not come over to your flat right now and explain myself. You're probably not even awake.

Before I really think about what I'm doing. I reply with just two words.

Come over.

I walk into the lounge room and sit there waiting silently for Harry. I couldn't wait till later on to hear what Harry has to say, especially after that nightmare.

Shortly after my thoughts, there's a light knock on the door, I open it slowly. I'm first met with Harry's tired eyes and messy bun.

"Come in," I softly gesture as I begin to walk back to the lounge and take a seat. Harry joins me on the lounge after he carefully closes the door. He makes sure there's an obvious distance between us.

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I tru-" I had to cut him off. I was too tried and moody to want to hear a sob story.

"I just want an explanation. I don't care for an apology right now," I say firmly but kindly.

"When Eve came to my door, I was so full of anger and shock. In all honestly I was just confused, and even scared as to why she was there in my home in the first place. What made her want to come to my flat so bad? She was being so manipulative, I was barely speaking any words to her actually. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and possibly lead her on. I was being pathetic during the whole encounter," he pauses for a moment and takes a long breath. The whole time he's been telling me what happened, he's been looking everywhere but my eyes. "Then you came to the door, I really really didn't want you to think that I had invited Eve over."

"Did you know I worked with her?" I'd be annoyed if he knew and never said anything.

"Not in the slightest. I don't think you ever mentioned her name, I only knew she was your manager because she said so when she turned up at my flat. She was lying to me, saying that you would bitch to her about me and act like I was nothing to you. I have a bad and incredibly stupid habit of believing everything she says, and once again, I believed her. I was thinking to myself that I was right, all this time I knew you were too good for me. Why would a girl like you want to be with a guy like me?"

I want to hug him and kiss him and tell him he's so incredibly wrong. I can't believe he thinks I'm too good for him.

He begins to continue. "When she held my hand, I fucking thought it would be a good way to get back at your feelings, so you felt how I felt. Then once you had finally made eye contact with me," he finally looks at me in the eyes as he says those words. "I saw the pain from my action. So then it just clicked, that I mean, well meant, something to you. It's like reality hit me. But I was still so speechless to actually say anything to Eve. I don't know why I was like that, but I regret it so much, especially after seeing you so hurt."

I was thinking, processing Harry's words. I could and couldn't make sense of them at the same time. "You still mean something to me Harry. I just don't know what to do," I say as I look down. "Do I pull myself away from you? Do I end what we have to become just friends again because we've only now known each other for just about five months? Do I stay?" I say through too much desperation. Harry shuffles closer and puts his hand under my chin to get me to look at him.

"I love you Via," his words take me completely off guard. "I don't know what it is, but every tiny thing about you intrigues me so much. You make me the happiest I've been in so, so long. I wouldn't have ever thought in a million years, that I'd fall for someone as hard as I've fallen for you, in such a short span of time." Every single one of his words hit me so hard, I had tears brimming my eyes and I hadn't even realised. "What ever you decide to do, I'll go along with. I want you to do what's right for you. I don't want to pressure you into anything you're not sure of." The fact that he cares so much about my well being has made my decision quite easy, especially because I think I'm over reacting a little about the whole ordeal.

"Do you really love me?" I slightly blush, still shocked at his statement. Harry's serious features all soften.

"Of course I do. I wouldn't just say them unless I truly meant it," he lightly chuckles, "you mean so much to me that it actually scares me."

I reach forward and engulf Harry in a tight hug around his shoulders. His arms retaliate tightly. I can feel him relaxing under my touch.

"We have an issue though," I say as I pull away from the hug. "I'm not sure if I can say it back yet," I choke through holding back tears. I feel so bad, but I'm scared. I'm scared to go through this all again, I love him. Of course I do, but I can't bring myself to come to terms with it yet, thanks to Zayn.

Harry smiles sympathetically at me. "That's fine. I'm not rushing you," he leans forward and kisses my forehead. "When you're ready," he whispers.


A/N: I haven't done an authors note before, but it would mean a lot if you could please vote for my chapters? And thank you to everyone reading/enjoying my story so far xx. Also if you hadn't noticed, I update every Sunday, so keep an eye out :)

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