Chapter 49

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This isn't possible.

How is he here?

His plane departed from Sydney fourteen hours ago. He can't be here. I must be dreaming, that would make the most sense.

"Harry?" I whimper, barely audible to my own self.

He stands still in front of me, shoulders shrugged in a tense manner. His torso is covered in a baggy black jumper with his hair tied back in a bun, a slim, red, head band holding back an imaginary fringe, a pair of black, square sunglasses are covering his eyes.

"Hi," he replies with a raspy tone as he removes his sunnies from his eyes, placing them over his head.

I don't think this is a dream anymore.

His eyes are all bloodshot and swollen. He's been crying. I can't even move, I just stand here in shock that he's before my eyes. He was the last person I would've imagine at my front door at three in the morning.

"How?" Is all I can seem to murmur in my shocked state. My hand is tightly gripping the door, keeping myself balanced. I finally got myself in the mind set that Harry has left, then he shows up at my house?

"I'm sorry," he croaks. His shaky eyes hold back tears.

In an almost leaping action, he takes a step forward and engulfs me in a tight embrace, picking me up from the floor as he snuggles his head into the crook between my neck and shoulder. With out even a thought, I wrap my arms around his warm shoulders.

We stand here like that for what feels like forever, just holding each other like we never, ever, want to let go. My feet haven't touched the ground since he picked me up. He's either real strong or too caught up in the moment to realise his arms would have to be tired.

I take a brief look at Louis. He's still sound asleep on his sofa bed, not even acknowledging Harry or I.

"Walk us to my room," I whisper to Harry, making sure not to wake Louis from his slumber.

Harry slowly but gracefully guides us to my room. Once we enter, he gently places my feet back onto the floor, but keeping himself around me just as tight, still not wanting to let go.

I slightly pull myself away from his grasp, needing to look at his face. Needing to talk to him.

"How are you here?" I whisper against his lips, my eyes closing as I enjoy the proximity.

He doesn't reply, Harry just leans forward an extra few millimeters to make our lips lock passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck forcefully. This kiss feels, and is, entirely different to the one we shared only half a day ago. So much more need and lust.

He pulls away and looks me dead in the eyes. "You know I love you right? And I'd do anything for you?"

I frown, confused at his confession. Has he done something wrong? I instantly think of Eve, she had been out of our life for so long. What if he went and saw her again?

"Yea I know," I shakily take in a deep breath, "why? Did you do something bad?"

His shoulders suddenly relax immensely, even a small smile creeps onto his lips. I'm incredibly confused.

"Please tell me what's going on," I say in a mere panic as we still hold onto each other tightly.

"I thought you'd be mad that I came back," he lets out a cooped up breath.

"You're staying now? You're definitely back?" I release myself slightly from his hold, just to get a better look at him, and for more breathing space. I definitely need some more of that.

"In my head I just kept saying 'this will be good for me, this will be good for me.' But I always had this ache knowing I wouldn't get to see you." He sounds like he's starting to panic again. What exactly is he talking about?

I place both my cool hands on his heated cheeks, an attempt at trying to get him to calm down again. "You're talking in riddles Harry. Start again for me?" I pepper a few kisses all over his face.

He leans back a bit, but he still makes sure our distance is minimal. I drop my hands to his sides as he keeps his arms around my waist.

"It's hard to explain what's going in this stupid head of mine," he does a small, humorless chuckle. "But I thought leaving for England was a good idea," he stops.

I rub my right hand up and down his side comfortingly, still looking at him with my full attention. "Keep going."

"As I sat there at the airport, already having intentionally missed my flight, I realised I had lost you, and fuck," he pauses momentarily, "that feeling I got after knowing I'd lost the most important person to me was terrifying."

"Harry." I didn't intend on continuing, as I was just in awe at his statement. The fact that I'm the most important person to him fills my whole body with a funny warm feeling that I'll never get sick of.

"That's when I knew I made the right decision of coming back," he leans down and kisses me longingly. As I enjoy his plump lips on mine, I'm still a little confused as to why he was so sorry just moments before.

"What are you sorry for?" I ask once the kiss breaks.

"I'm sorry for fucking this around. Making you feel like crap because of my stupid plan that I didn't even go through with," he tilts his head upwards to kiss my forehead. "I thought you'd give in and eventually come with me. But while I was sitting down there, with the plane already in the sky, It throughly clicked that you never did end up giving in and coming with me. I knew you weren't going to change your mind. All I really want is to be with you."

I almost fell onto the floor from my legs turning into putty at his words. I've thought it before and I'll think it again, I never knew someone would love me as much as he does, and vice versa. I'm utterly in love with this precious man in front of me and I would never change that.

"But I'm not leaving anymore." Suddenly his face falters to a mere frown. "U-unless you don't want me to stay anymore. Which is fair enough because I put you through so much shit and-"

I had to cut his rant short by placing my needy lips back onto his again. I already had some happy tears rolling down my cheeks at the fact that he's not leaving me anymore.

I pull away from him as we both needed some air, he gently wipes away a few tears from my cheeks. "Harry I'm almost crying rivers of happy tears that you're staying. Of course I want you here."

"So you're not mad?" He asks, like he was full expecting me to be angry at him.

"No. You're here with me. I thought I wasn't going to get to see you for so long, but you're here." And I'm back to wrapping my arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"I love you so damn much," he mumbles into my hair.

Harry pulls away from our embrace, grabs my hand and walks me over to my bed. He pulls me forward so I'm in front of him. Then gestures to get me to hop into my bed first, then he follows closely behind. Once I'm under the blankets, he stays on his knees to swiftly pull off his jumper, chucking it onto my clean floor, along with his sunglasses that I heard clatter to the ground moments before. His bare, toned chest now on show. Cheeky bugger didn't even have a shirt on underneath.

He quickly joins me under the duvet.

"I love you," I kiss his shoulder as I'm cuddled into his side. "Thank you for not leaving."

"So you didn't think it was a typical move of me to come back?" He smirks.

"No," I laugh, "I genuinely thought you were gone and we were becoming pals."

"We're never, ever going to be pals. Got that?" He squeezes me tightly to try get his point across.

"I'm more than fine with that."

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