Chapter 22

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My phone goes off with a message, I check the screen to see that it's Brodie.

'I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what it would be like losing the one you love. Sorry for the late message. I only found out today xx'

What is she talking about? Soon after, I receive another message, but this time from Danielle.

'I can't believe he's gone Via. I just can't. It's been 3 weeks and it's still just as painful.'

Are they talking about Harry? I quickly get out of my bed and head towards my bedroom door, I need to see Niall and ask what's going on. But It won't open. I try and try to turn the knob but it's completely stuck. I turn back around to face my bed, and there's Niall, with his head in his hands crying his hardest. As I was about to walk over to him, a girl appears, sitting next to him with her arms around him, consoling him. She's got long, blonde curly hair and a similar skin tone as Niall too, but that's all I can really see, as she's looking at Niall.

"What's going on?" I ask. But neither of them look at me. Can they even hear me? A tear falls down my cheek. "Hello?" I persist as I walk towards them. I still get no answer. My phone receives another message. The message tone sounding incredibly loud, like a giant ringing sound almost, it causes me to fall to the ground. I look at my phone, it's Louis.

'Don't worry Via, it'll get easier. Just remember that he always loved you xx.'

They must be talking about Harry.

He's gone.

I sit up frantically, gasping for air. Another nightmare to add to my list, I swear I've been having them more than usual lately.

I go to roll over closer to Harry, but there's just a large, cold empty space. He's not there. I quickly look around the dark room, I want to go run around the room to find him. But it was only a nightmare, he's probably just on the toilet.

The one thing that I didn't really think about before flying to London, was the time difference. England is nine hours behind. Nine fucking hours, so my body clock is way out of whack right now and I don't think I'm coping, it's only the second night of being here too. I look over at the digital clock that's on the bedside table, it reads 2:30A.M, great. Harry and I are visiting his family in eight hours. I'm starting to get more nervous as time goes by. What if they don't like me? What if they know Harry could do better? What if they're horrible people? Ok scrap that last one, anyone who could have raised Harry the way he is today, would have to be at least as kind him, I hope.

I've been laying here for a good five minutes now and I still haven't seen or heard Harry, so I'm starting to think he's not on the toilet, which causes me to panic a little.

I walk out of our little bedroom and towards the small hall way, he's not on the toilet or in the bathroom. I walk out towards the lounge room, and I can just see him through the darkness of the very early morning, sitting shirtless with his hair up in a bun, on one of the deck chairs that's on the balcony. I let out a sigh of relief. He's just staring off into the city.

"Are you ok?" I ask him as I open the glass doors to the balcony.

He looks up at me and smiles contently. "I'm fine. Why are you awake? It's really early."

I drag over the other deck chair so it's right next to Harry's. I slowly sit in it before I look back to him. "I woke up from a stupid nightmare and saw you weren't in the bed. I thought you were in the loo but you didn't come back for a while, so I thought I'd check on you," I lightly laugh. I put my arm through his bent one that's propped on the arm chair, my hand brushes over his torso. "You're absolutely freezing. Are you sure you're ok?"

He looks down to his lap, before he entwines his large hand in mine. "I just couldn't sleep."

I take my other hand to Harry's cheek, guiding him to look at me. "I know there's something else on your mind. You can tell me."

"I just miss it here. Being in London has made me realise how much I miss home. Home will always be Cheshire for me," he pauses and looks back out into the city. It's such a lovely view from our balcony. "At the moment I feel like the only good thing about Australia is you."

It's hard to explain what it feels like to be so special to someone, but overall, it's incredible. I let go of Harry's hand and leave my seat to go sit on his lap. I face him so that he has to look at me instead of continually looking away in what seems like shame. I lean forward and wrap my arms around Harry's cold shoulders. He rests his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around me tightly, like he doesn't want to let go. Even though both of us are cold, I feel so warm in his embrace.

I pull away from him and take both his hands in mine, resting them between us. "It's ok to feel like this, I'd probably be the same way. But what about the boys? They must be a bonus about Australia too?" I smile hopefully.

"I love Australia, I do. I love the boys as well," he laughs and shakes his head, but soon his smile falters. "But I'm feeling very lost there, and bored. I honestly think that if I hadn't met you six months ago, I would have flown home by now."

"Well I'm very glad that didn't happen. Or I would have never gotten the pleasure to meet you," I lean forward and peck his lips. I pull myself off his lap and hold out my hand for him to hold. "We're going back inside before it gets too cold. We might freeze to death."

He gladly takes my hand while laughing, and slowly stands up. We both walk back into the bedroom and onto the bed that's still remotely warm. Once we're both comfortably under the blankets, we face each other, Harry then hugs me close to him, trying to get warm again.

"Are you okay with meeting my family tomorrow?" Harry asks as he closes his eyes.

"A little nervous but of course I'm okay with it," I snuggle closer to him.

"Don't be nervous. If I love you, they'll love you. Don't worry about it," he lets out a long breath.

I slightly look up to face Harry, he groggily opens his eyes and leans down to kiss my forehead.

"I love you," I say unexpectedly. I don't think I've ever seen Harry smile like he did. It was a mixture of excitement but also complete relief.

I knew I was ready to tell him, and I don't regret one ounce of it.

"Say it again," his voice lathered with giddiness.

I laugh to myself, he's honestly the cutest human being. "I love you," I lean up and peck his lips.

He leans down to capture my lips again, "I love you too."


A/N: if you hadn't saw, I updated a little earlier in the week (big mistake on my behalf because it didn't get that many reads haha) so be sure to read that chapter first! Enjoy x

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