Chapter 25

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I go back to Australia in a week and honestly, I'm a little excited. I've missed Australia, the weather, Niall, my own bed. Harry's bed is fantastic, it's even better being able to share it with him every night, but it's just not my bed. It's been good having Danielle here now, she's just another piece from home that helps me feel less home sick.

"Are you over your jet lag yet?" I laugh, remembering how moody she was when I called her mid symptoms.

We both decided to have a quick catch up in one of Danielle's favourite cafes in London.

"Yea. Only just though," she snorts, "absolute worse thing about flying back home is with out a doubt, the jet lag."

"Out of curiosity, why didn't Liam come with you to visit your family? Have they met him before?"

"Uhm..." I look at Danielle as if to continue. But she doesn't.

"They don't know you two are dating do they?" She looks down at her coffee mug, swirling around what's left of it. "So you've lived in Australia for almost four years, have been dating Liam for two of those years, yet your parents don't know about him?" I frown in confusion.

Danielle looks up at me and huffs frustratingly. "My parents are so strict that it's ridiculous. I'm twenty-two years old for Christ's sake, but the slightest mention of me being in a relationship, they want to have me home straight away by trying to guilt trip me. I hate it."

"Is Liam ok with this?" I don't think he would be.

"He says he is, but I know he's not. I should just man up and tell my parents, but I just can't. And plus," she looks down to her lap sadly. "Liam and I are having issues at the moment. Probably the main reason why I decided to come to England now. We need a break from each other for a tiny bit," she looks back to me, shrugging her shoulders sadly.

"I'm sure you both will sort this out. You're both the strongest relationship I've seen in a while. You're probably just going through a rough patch at the moment. Maybe do try tell your parents about you and Liam? It may help rekindle your love," I coo at the end.

Danielle leans back in her chair, placing her hand on her chest and sarcastically gasps. "Look who's giving me relationship advice now!"

I sarcastically laugh and roll my eyes. "You're so funny Danielle." My sarcasm heavily evident.

She cheekily smiles before standing up. "Do you think we should start heading back to our temporary houses?" I nod and stand up along side her. We both gradually begin to walk to her car.

"So obviously you know about Harry wanting to move back here," I look at her.

"Yep," she says emotionless.

"Well...what are your thoughts on it?" I ask, kind of confused at her reaction.

"I'm glad he's staying the extra weeks to test out what to do first. But he'd be an idiot if he moves. He's going to be miserable like he was before he moved to Australia. I don't know why that would change."

"Well let's just hope he hates it while I'm gone, then maybe he'll even decide to come home early," I raise my hands, crossing my fingers.

Danielle laughs loudly. "Sounds horrible, but so do I," she adds before she sits in the drivers seat. Once I'm in the car and buckled in, I get an iMessage.

How's England?

"Who's it from?" Danielle asks as she drives off.

"Nosey much," I laugh, "it's just Niall. Why?"

"I thought it might be Harry, I swear he's always checking up on you," she pauses and smiles. "It's sweet actually. You know I've never seen him like that before with any of his previous girlfriends? He's head over heels for you that boy."

All I can do is smile largely. I couldn't feel luckier. He's one of the most caring, attractive guys I know and I get to call him mine.

Then as I'm about to reply to Niall, I remember Harry's new found idea. "Then why's he willing to let me go already?"

"I don't think he is. If he decides to move here. I think he's going to persist that you move with him."

"I don't think I can do that Danielle. I'd love it for maybe the first month or two but then I'd want to move back home again."

"I don't blame you," she huffs whilst she starts the car to drive off.

I look back to my phone and decide I should probably reply to Niall.

It's really lovely!! I'm loving it here :) isn't it really early in Aus right now?

Only midnight. Got Louis over playing FIFA lol

I chuckle lightly to myself. I secretly hate when he uses 'lol'.

Of course you do aha. I'll leave you to it then. Chat later x


"What movie do you want to watch?" Harry asks as he's crouched down, looking through the bottom of his TV cabinet. He's only got black boxers on and his hair up in his oh-so-famous man bun; thus exposing his very pleasing back muscles. I lay on the bed under the warm blankets, still admiring, forgetting he asked me a question. "Earth to Via. What movie?" He looks at me with a cheeky grin. He walks over with about six movie options and spreads them out on the side of the bed next to me.

"How about...that one," I point to Twilight sarcastically. "Wait, why do you own Twilight?" I laugh behind my words.

"It's Gemma's," his face flushes a light pink.

"Oh my god you like the twilight series?" I try to stifle my laugh, I don't want to make him feel too bad.

"I just said its Gemma's!" He squawks defensively.

"I'm not stupid. I know when you're lying," I get onto my knees slightly shuffle to the edge of the bed to Harry. Wrapping my arms around his neck and pecking his lips. "I think it's sweet, you could have just said it was yours."

Harry slowly wraps his arms tightly around my waist, leaving merely no space between us. "It's embarrassing though," he kisses me.

"It's only me you goof. Nothin' wrong with a good chic flick."

"You're honestly the best. You know that right?" He smiles happily but shakes his head a little at himself. His smile could cure cancer it's that charming.

"I know," I dramatically flick my hair over my shoulder. "But thank you for reminding me," I lean forward to kiss him passionately.

He slowly kneels onto the bed with me, guiding me down onto my back while still keeping our lips connected. Once I hit the bed he moves both his arms to my sides on the bed, holding himself up. He continues to kiss down my jaw line. Honestly again with those biceps, they'll be the death of me.

"I don't want to watch a movie anymore," he raspily whispers into my ear. "This is more fun."

Typical {H.S}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant