Chapter 21

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"You do realise this is incredibly cliché right?" I ask Harry as he ties the blind fold behind my head.

"Nothing wrong with cliché," he says defensively.

As Harry slowly guides me into what I'm gathering is the passenger seat of his car, I feel quite giddy. I cannot think of anywhere that he'd be taking me.

It feels odd being blind folded, being able to fully work all five senses but only being able to put four of them into action. It's really irritating; but I'm trying to get past it for Harry, I don't want to seem like a drainer.

"Any hints as to where you're takin' me?" I ask with hope.

Almost immediately Harry replies. "Nope."

Once Harry closes the passenger car door, I soon hear him open the drivers door then abruptly shut it. The car speedily hoons out of the car park.

"Why are you in such a rush?" I chuckle.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I just know he's smiling.

The car trip goes for I assume to be about thirty minutes, but it was probably shorter. It's very boring in the car not being able to see. Shows how much I take my eye sight for granted.

I feel the car come to a halt and Harry quickly jumps out of the car. He opens the boot, I can't hear what he's grabbing out of it though. "I'll be back. But please, I beg you, don't take off the blind fold," he says before he shuts the boot. What am I supposed to do sitting here by myself, completely oblivious to what's going on around me? The temptation to take off my blind fold is so strong, but I couldn't live with myself if I did take a peek.

What felt like one hour, which was probably only five minutes, of sitting in the car, Harry finally opens my car door. "Sorry about that," he puffs while grabbing my hand to help me out of the car. I get guided a fair distance away from the Range Rover and into some form of building I gather, due to the decrease of car noises, Harry suddenly stops. "Ok I'm going to take your blind fold off now," he says through excitement.

Everything is really bright at first but once my eyes quickly focus, I see we're at Sydney airport, I look around to see if there's anyone that we're waiting for. "The airport?" I ask as I turn to face Harry. He hands me my passport with a plane ticket slotted inside it. I slowly open it and pull out the ticket, it's a plane ticket with my name on it that leaves for England, in three hours.

"You didn't," I look up at his incredibly large grin. "Oh my god you did," I look back to my hands that holds his gift.

"You like it?" He asks with slight worry in his voice. I leap forward giving Harry the largest hug around his torso, nearly making him fall over. He's a bit shocked at first but hugs me back just as tight.

"I can't believe you did this. How? Why? When?" I quickly stutter out while I still hug him tight.

Harry pulls me away slightly to look at me. "Danielle helped me organize your suitcase because I'm a guy and had absolutely no idea what you'd want to bring," he chuckles. "Why - because I wanted to go away with you. Also my mum and sister wanted to meet you. I organized this about two weeks ago, there were only two seats left. Lucky us," he leans down and kisses me.

"I just can't believe you did this for me, I have to pay you ba-"

"You are not paying me back for this Via. I wanted to do this for you," he puts his hand around my cheek. "So don't even think about it," he smiles cheekily.

I go back in for a massive hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," I repeat before kissing him forcefully. I'm absolutely speechless that he did this for me. How'd I get so lucky, I'll never know.


Twenty-three hours. It took twenty-three hours to get to England by plane. Technically longer because we stopped off at Manila for a night. At the moment I'm next to Harry on the hotel bed, we're both half asleep and half dead. I've never experienced jet lag until today and sadly my ticket wasn't one way, so I'll have to experience it all over again when we return back to Australia in two weeks.

"Harry," I grumble through my pillow. He just makes a noise to signal he heard me. "Does Niall know I'm here?"

"Why do you think I made you give Niall a hug good bye before I drove you to the airport."

I didn't even reply as I was too tried. We're in a hotel at the moment because Harry wanted to make meeting his family a surprise, and we don't want to be moping around being tired as anything, so we will be in this lovely, overly priced hotel for about two days instead.

I feel like I should be exploring London right now, I've never been before and from what I've seen so far, it looks absolutely amazing, but I just couldn't be stuffed due to my greatest friend, jet lag, hanging around. Apparently this can last up to a week too. No thanks.

Harry rolls over from his side of the bed and closer to mine, wrapping his arm around my waist. As much as I love when he does this, his incredibly clammy skin is making me feel ill.

"Harry you're too hot. Please get off me," I mumble.

"I know," he grunts. Even when he's feeling like this he tries to be funny.

"Do you think we should explore or something?" I ask as I turn to face Harry and take his arm off me.

"It's nothing special honestly. We'll go around tomorrow," he hums.

"You lived in England, of course it's not that special to you," I chuckle.

"I have other ideas in mind," he smiles as he moves his body on top of mine, his long hair falling over his face. He leans down and kisses me roughly with both his hands next to my body, holding himself up. His biceps protruding from holding his weight, it's a very, very lovely sight.

"How are you in the mood right now? I feel like I just ran ten kilometers," I shake my head at him, but I couldn't fight my smile.

Harry kisses me again before he speaks. "So do I."


"But that's,"


"Not going,"


"To stop,"




A/N: thank you to everyone who's been reading my story. I decided to update a few days earlier :) x

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