Chapter 24

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I sit myself up, so I'm now looking down at Harry. "What?"

"I'm staying for another four weeks after you leave." His voice is low.

I frown at him confused. "Why?"

"I want to see what it's like living here again. I'm going to look into a job, maybe enquire somewhere about studying something to do with psychology." I can see he's a little scared telling me this, like I'm all of a sudden going to jump up off this bed and fly back to Australia right now.

I don't want him to move. I don't know what I'm going to do with out him if he does. I feel selfish because we've not been dating for that long, and we've just known each other for just over six months. "And what about everyone back home? And everything? You're just going to leave it all behind?" I pause and compose myself a little, trying not to sound too whiney. "So I'm flying home by myself?" I add

"That's why I'm not moving here yet Via. I'm just going to stay for an extra four weeks without you, to see what it's like. I doubt you would move to England with me. That's what's holding me back from packing up and moving now. It's you," he grabs my hand and lightly squeezes. "And no, Danielle is arriving in two days, so Wednesday. She thought she'd visit her family too, she's going to fly home with you. I wouldn't have let you fly back alone."

I lay back down onto my back, staring blankly at the roof. "I-I," I stutter. I don't know what to say. I just want to hug him tight and beg him not to do this to me, but I can't be that selfish. "I can't express how much I don't want you to move back here. Gosh I don't know what I'd do with out you," I finally continue. "But don't let me stop you from doing what you want to do. Your own happiness is what's most important." But what about me?

"This is why I love you so fucking much," he leans forward, kissing me passionately, cupping my cheek with his hand.

"I don't want you to leave me," I whisper through a part of the kiss.

"Then don't. If I do decide to move here, come with me," he leans down to continue kissing me. Harry slowly moves his body on top of mine, deepening the kiss. Carefully he guides his hand down my thigh, bringing it up to his waist, making more room for his body.

"Harry..." he moves his lips to my jawline, kissing my sweet spot. Why does he have to do this to me during such a serious time? "I can't just move here like that, I'm not like you," he doesn't reply, he just continues to kiss along my neck. Slowly he moves his lips teasingly down my body. "Wait wait wait," I slightly pant. "I can't do this while your mum and sister could walk in at anytime."

Harry looks up at me and laughs. "Very good point," he moves himself from on top of me and gets off the bed. He stretches out his hand for me to grab and lift myself up. He quickly pulls me into him and kisses my forehead. "Thank you for understanding. I know it's going to be hard," he pauses and pulls myself away from him to look at me. "If I do decide to move back here. What happens to us?" I don't even want to think about that right now.

"I think we'd have to decide that at the time, because I really don't know Harry," I slouch into him again.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day? It's just hit one o'clock," he decides to change to a happier subject.

"I kind of just want to walk around your town. Show me places you used to go," I suggest quite excitedly.


"I really love it here Harry. I understand why you used to come here all the time," I say as I look around the empty green field with large trees surrounding the place.

"It's nice isn't. Just peaceful."

Being autumn and the middle of September, it was really quite chilly, especially because it would be Spring in Australia right now.

"Harry it's starting to get dark," I look down at the watch on my wrist. "Can we start walking back to yours?"

"I just have one more place I want to show you," he quickly grabs my hand and begins to lightly jog towards the bush of trees.

We were quite far away from where his destination was and he didn't stop jogging the whole time, still dragging me along with him. I was puffed, almost having to stop. Harry was so fit, he did work out a lot. here as I liked cake so... but thankfully we reached where he wanted to be before I did have to embarrassingly ask for a quick breather.

"Wow," I gasp as I look over the cliff. I'm still gasping for so much needed oxygen.

"Now this is what I truly miss," his eyes glisten as he looks at the view.

You can just see silhouettes of mountains as the sun goes down. It's really quite beautiful. It's one of those incredibly simple moments where you won't forget it. Being with your favourite person whilst seeing another day close off in front of you.

I turn to look at Harry, to see he's already looking at me while smiling. I smile back gleefully. "The view's that way Harry," I chuckle while pointing to the mountains. With my other hand I reach out to entwine mine with his. Oddly enough, his hands are easily one of my favourite physical aspects of him. He gently squeezes my hand noticing the gesture.

"You're quite the view to me," he leans down and kisses my cheek.

"I think being cheesy is your forte," I lean into his side.

"I know you love it," he lets go of my hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders. We're both now looking back to the view, I hadn't even noticed that now the Sun's half hidden already.

"But I love you more."

"Look who's being cheesy now!" Harry exclaims defensively as he looks down at me.

"Can we start walking back to your place now? I hate walking in the dark."

With that we both begin the ten minute trek back to his house. Just being here with Harry while he's with his family, and walking around with him in his home town, I noticed his persona has changed already, he seems happier, more relaxed; like he doesn't have a worry in the world. I adore this sight of him, but deep down, it really worries me. What if he really does move back to England? I selfishly would hate that so damn much. We haven't dated for too long, but we've been such good friends for over half a year now. If he left, he would mindlessly take a little piece of me with him and I'm not ready for that.

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