Chapter 33

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"I really, really wish I was the one going to Melbourne with you today instead of Niall. But I promise you everything will be fine. You're only there for one night," Harry says sympathetically.

It's Thursday morning and Niall and I are about to get onto the plane for the short flight to Melbourne. Mum and dad only wanted me to visit for one night weirdly enough, but I'm not complaining. The quicker the better.

"I wish you were coming too. You make everything better," I sappily smile even though he can't see me. "I'll message you once I'm there okay?"

"Good. I love you Via and I know you'll be fine. Stop freaking out so much. You're worried you'll see Zayn aren't you?" I hadn't even mentioned Zayn this whole time but I guess it's a little obvious that that would be a main worry of mine.

"Yes," I grunt.

Niall quickly interrupts, "we have to go on the plane now Via," he says calmly.

"I have to go now Harry. I'm still missing you. I love you," I let out a sigh.

"I'm back on Monday babe. I'll see you then, it'll come so fast. Trust me," he attempts to comfort me. I'm too worried for it to take effect.

"Yea you keep saying that but these last, almost four weeks, have been painfully slow. Quit lying to me," I chuckle.

"Via we really need to go," Niall says again.

"Okay," I almost snap at him, even though I'm the one who's taking my time here but I hate ending my phone calls with Harry, as cheesy as it sounds.

I hear Harry laugh. "I can hear Niall saying you need to leave. We'll talk once you're there okay? I'll stay awake for you."


A one and a half hour plane flight was like heaven compared to the one to England. That was stupidly long. We're not waiting outside for long before I see my dad's car pull up into the pick up bay.

Niall and I both scurry over to the boot first to put both our small bags in there. We quickly get into his car, Niall hopping into the front and I going to the back behind the passenger seat.

"Hey Uncle Jeremy!" Niall and my dad always got along. Much more than I ever did with him.

"Hey kiddo. How've you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" My dad smiles largely. Well maybe that wouldn't be the case if we never moved to Melbourne in the first place.

"Great thanks," Niall smiles.

Dad drives out of the pickup bay and looks at me through the review mirror. "Hi Violet. How's Sydney treating you?" My dad asks simply.

"Good." Is all I reply.

I'm really confused as to why my parents wanted me to visit because already my dad doesn't seem overly keen that I'm here and my mum has never had much interest in wanting to see me prior to this. I feel like there's a catch.

"You know we've all missed you," dad says whilst lacking in emotion. "Especially Zayn. I can't believe you just left him like that." Then and there I wanted to throw myself out of the car and fly back home. Just that simple statement made me feel sick to my stomach.

"You still talk to Zayn?" Is all I can muster.

"Of course we do. You know how much your mother and I like him. He's such a good fella," he smiles contently.

If only they knew. Ever since I started dating Zayn, my parents adored him more than they did me. I never completely understood why. It never bothered me because it would obviously be a bonus of having your parents approving of your boyfriend so much. But now it's different, very different.

"We're not together anymore anyway. It doesn't matter. Plus it was like seven months ago," I respond coldly.

"Maybe while you're here you can sort things out?" I look over to Niall and I can see he's just as awkward as I am with my dad's questions. I hate being here already and it hasn't even been an hour.

"I have a boyfriend, dad," I say sternly so that it'll hopefully sink it into that dumb head of his. "I'm surprised Zayn never mentioned that," I bicker sarcastically as I roll my eyes.

"That doesn't mean anything. We all know Zayn is perfect for you. Ya's dated for two years for Christ sake." Dad flails his hand in the air like what he just said was the most obvious thing in the world.

I didn't even bother continue the argument as my dad always thinks he is right.

The car ride was long and awkward. But eventually we reached my parents house just in time for lunch. Once Niall and I grabbed our bags from the boot we slowly walked over to the front door, a little after my dad.

"Hi via!" My mum squeals and potters over to me from the kitchen as I enter the front door, with Niall by my side. She engulfs me in a large, emotionless hug. "Long time no see," she smirks and rolls her eyes, turning around to head back to the kitchen to continue serving up lunch. It looks like an enchilada with a side of salad. I must admit my mum is a fantastic cook. Such a pity that she was shit at being a mother in every other aspect.

"Hi Sharon," Niall says sarcastically. She didn't even want to acknowledge that Niall is with me.

She looks over to him. "Hi Niall," my mum says with few emotions.

I walk down the hallway to reach my old room, that's already been turned into a spare. I step inside and there's a queen bed, but that's it. No draws, no mirrors, no cupboards, just two beds and a window. Way to go for a spare room. I walk over to the bed closest to the door and put my small bag down. I grab my phone out of my pocket and message Harry.

I'm here *cries* it sucks already. I just feel so awkward ugh. Wish me luck for the night xox

"Via I'm confused," Niall randomly states as he sits on the other bed.

"About what?" I look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Why your parents want you here," he laughs, "they both don't seem too enthused."

"Tell me about it! I feel like they need to tell me some news or something along those lines. That they don't actually want to see me."

"We'll have to wait and see then I guess," he shrugs his shoulders. "You coming out for lunch now?" He asks and walks over to the door of the room.

"Do I have a choice?" I rhetorically ask. Niall does his typical laugh as we walk out and into the lounge room.

We all sit at the table like a 'family', as my mum insisted, and it was full of awkward silences. It shouldn't be like this, they're my parents and yet they still feel like total strangers.

"So you're still single aren't you Violet?" My mum asks curiously, actually sounding interested.

"Nope. I thought Zayn would've told you considering you still talk to him," I huff and roll my eyes.

"Why did you leave Zayn? He was so amazing for you," she frowns.

"I'm not having this conversation with you. We fell out of love and that's that." I'm not going to even bother telling her what he put me through. She probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

Before my mum gets a chance to reply, my phone rings. "Sorry I have to take this," I quickly leave the table and head to my room. "Hi Harry," I answer with a happy sigh.

"Hi baby. How are you going at your parents house?" He asks with concern.

"Horrible. I feel like they don't actually want me here, that they've just brought me here for another reason, like wanting to tell me some bad news or something." I sit down on the bed, then fall onto my back. Enjoying being able to escape my parents, and just listen to Harry's voice.


A/N: I don't do this often, but it would mean a lot if you could please vote if you liked the chapter! Thank you and I hope you're enjoying it so far xx

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