Team Crafted vs. Herobrine {D...

By adriwonderland

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Adrianna loved only three things: her friends TeamCrafted, Minecraft, and gaming. One day she had just rapped... More

Team Crafted vs. Herobrine
Chapter 1: That Fateful Afternoon
Chapter 2: Leaving for L.A.
Chapter 3: Moving in with TeamCrafted
Author's Note 1
Chapter 4: The Mysterious Note
Character Description
Chapter 5: Old Friends
Chapter 6: Prank Gone Wrong
Author's Note 2
Author's Note 3
Chapter 7: Prophecies Fortold
Chapter 8: The First Attempt
Chapter 9: Seto Explains All
Author's Note 4
Author's Note 5
Chapter 10: TC to the Rescue
Chapter 11: Pick One!
Chapter 12: Like A Boss!
Chapter 13: New Powers New Me!
Chapter 14: Jadri is Real
Chapter 15: Friendship
Chapter 16: Even More Betrayal
Chapter 17: Be Prepared
Chapter 18: Is this the Hunger Games?
Author's Note 6
Chapter 19: What's The Plan Again?
Chapter 20: Let's Play a Game!
Author's Note 7
Author's Note 8

Chapter 21 : Victory Is Mine!

31 3 0
By adriwonderland


Katie's POV

Adri had transformed all of us into our Minecraft characters and teleported us to a virtual Block Hunt arena. It's cool how the arena is custom made just for us. Adri's powers are pretty impressive, I must admit. I don't really know the extent of my powers, but I'm figuring out new spells and techniques everyday. Anyways, back to the current situation. The map seemed to be a school. Not big but still quite large. "Ok, so just chant the name of your block twice and clap your hands together and you'll stay frozen as your block" Adri explains.

"Ok, so how will Mitch know the difference between the blocks and the hiders?" Shelbus asks.

"I enchanted his sword so it glows if he hits a person" Adri replies. Everyone nods their heads and Adri begins the timer, signaling for us to go and hide. I run towards the cafeteria area of the school map. I find on my way, several different rooms with several different rooms. There was an Art Room, a Cooking Room, a Math Classroom, and several more that I didn't pay attention to. I run a little ways more until I find a room with a lot of crafting tables, anvils, and wood. I look at the sign above the door. "Woodshop Room" is what it read. I made my way inside and found a nice spot in the corner where I could place myself.

"Anvil, Anvil" I chanted. *clap*. I looked down to see an anvil right where I was standing. My body was also translucent. I stood standing for a bit until I heard Adri's voice.

"OK, everyone the game is going to start, I hope you found a good hiding place. I'm going to start the timer from 5 so, Mitch get ready," she said over the loud speakers. "By the way, I'm not in the audio room, just in case you try and look for me there Mitch". she added. Once Adri finished talking, a loud robotic voice started talking.

"Round begins in 5...4...3...2...1..." *Ding*

I could here footsteps approaching, I didn't think I was this close to Mitch. I see the door open and I crouch down a bit. I may be translucent, but I am not taking chances. I peek up from where I am currently crouching to see Shelby (lilshortysgs) run through the door. She frantically looks for a place to hid and see a spot in the opposite corner. I hear her chant her block and clap. Then, I can no longer see her. Instead, I see a crafting table where she stood. The robot voice came back on.

"Player caught...JeromeASF"

"Already, Jerome?" Ian says telepathically to us all.

"I'm sorry dude, but I couldn't find a good hiding spot." he replies. I chuckle a bit, until a question pops into my mind.

"Wait, so is Jerome a seeker now?"I ask.

"Yeah, when you die, you become a seeker" Adri answers. "Oh, which reminds me, Jerome are you near Mitch?" she asks.

"Yeah, he's right next to me, why?" Jerome questions.

"He needs to duplicate the sword for you" Adri responds.

"Ok, he did. Now what?" Jerome asks.

"Hunt, duh" Adri replies. Everyone chuckles in this little call over telepathy. As Jerome and Mitch hunt us down. I plan my next moves. If Jerome and Mitch come into the room and found I was there, I'd round around them and then out of the door. That way, the circling causes them to become dizzy and I would be able to escape.

"Player caught...SSundee"

"The cake is a lie," Ian proclaims. We all giggle and continue on with the game. Mitch finally makes it to my room and starts hitting things around the room. He whacks Shelby (lilshortysgs) and she hits back. He realizes her presence and then begins to attack her. She constantly hits him back but is eventually defeated.

"Player caught...Lilshortysgs"

"Darn, I thought my hiding spot was pretty good,"Shelby (lilshortysgs) exclaims.

"Ha, you wish, mine is better!"I proclaim.

"Oh, yeah? Where is it?" Shelby asks.

"Oh, no, I'm not telling you where I am, that wouldn't be fair," I protest.

"Well, you'll be found eventually," she says.

~Time Skip because I'm to lazy to write the entire game

So far almost everyone had been captured except Adri, Kyle, and myself. I was still in the same spot I started with. I have seen many of the hunters come around hit blocks and then leave. I haven't moved from my spot since the game started. I decide to ask how much longer we will have until I would win. "Hey Adri, do you know how much time is left until the Hiders win?" I ask.

"Um, about... oh crap... 2 minutes" she says.


"I'M SORRY I FORGOT TO ADD THAT" Adri replies. I burst out laughing, seeing as I would clearly be winning this game, along with Adri and Kyle.

"Player caught...Kkcomics"

"FRICK" I hear Kyle scream. He sounds relatively close to me, so I better keep an eye out for the other hunters.

"All that's left is Adri and Katie..." Mitch says.

"Yeah, and you'll never find us" I say proudly.

"You sure bout that?" Jerome asks.

"Player caught...AdriWonderland"

"Motha-f-er!" Adri shouted. I guess that means I'm the only one left.

"Alright, one minute left. Time to find Katie," Mitch says. In order to insure my chances of getting caught, I switched my position while Mitch was talking. I moved to the opposite side of the room in the corner. Now, only 1 minute remains.

"Katie, mind giving us a hint?" Jerome asks. I was so not going to give them an actual hint. I'm in it to win it baby. So, I thought up a little white lie.

"I'm in a place with food." I say. I heard a bunch of footsteps run past the door of the Woodshop Room. Now I just sit and wait till the game ends, which will actually end in about 10 seconds if I did my math correctly. I count down from ten in my head. 10...9...8...7...6...

"5...4...3...2...1...Hiders win"

"Ha! I win!" I shout with victory. I revert back to my own self and run out of the room shouting and hollering about my victory. The room setting changes and we are back in the living room mansion. Everyone is standing in the same circle we started in. "Good game everyone! Well played."

"Katie, where were you? You weren't in the cafeteria" Jerome asks.

"She was in the Woodshop Room," Adri replies for me.

"How the hell did you know that?" I question.

"You came screaming out of the Woodshop Room when you won." Adri answers. I nod to her answer. All of the gang decides to go out for dinner in celebration of my victory. We separate into 3 different cars. I am with Shelbus, Adri, and Jason. Ian is with Kyle, Tyler, and Shelby. Lastly, Mitch and Jerome are in a car together with Lucie. We all drive off to Hibachi since I was in the mood for chinese and a show. We all were listening to Adri's playlist. The song currently playing is "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" (Bonus points for ppl who know who its by). We were all rocking out and head banging. Adri was full on jumping in her seat, pretending she was holding a mic. Jason was laughing at her, they made a cute couple. Once the song finished, none of us had noticed that we were here. We all stepped out of the car and huddle into a group. "So, who is going in to get the table?" Adri asks.

"I'll go in," Ian says. As Ian goes in to get the table, the rest of us follow but wait behind him. The hostess looks at the semi-large group with wide eyes. "We need a table for 11" Ian tells the hostess.

"Follow me" she replies, grabbing a hand full of menus. We all follow the lady to a big table in front a grill area. She places menus at all of the seats and ushers us to pick seats. Adri, Shelbus, and I take the sit next each other. Me in between the two of them, Adri to my left and Shelbus to my right. Jason sits to the left of Adri in the last seat. Mitch sits to the right of Shelbus. Next to Mitch is Lucie, then Jerome, Tyler, Kyle, Shelby, and lastly Ian. We patiently sit together, reviewing the menu for what we want. When the waitress returns to take our drink orders, most of us order Coca-Cola, Adri and Jason ordered Iced Tea, and Ian ordered a beer, since he was over 21. Before the waitress leaves, I take notice of her appearance. Her hair is a dark blue, clearly dyed. Her eyes are an icy blue and she wore black clothing with blue sneakers. Something about her appearance was oddly familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Conversations were started throughout the entire table. Shelbus, Adri, Jason, and I started talking about music. Mitch, Lucie, and Jerome were talking about the game, Dark Souls. Ian, Tyler, Shelby, and Kyle were talking about something in Minecraft. I couldn't quite hear their conversation as they were further away from me.

"So, I've been working on some new music and I sent a demo to this producer and he seems to be really interested in my music," Jason exclaims. We all smile for him, although Adri seems a little sad about it. I'd ask her about that later though as the waitress returned with our drinks. She hands everyone their drink and asks for our food orders. Half of us order chicken and the other half order steak, both having fried rice. We see the chef come to the station. He began to perform this sort of show while cooking the food. The waitress came back a bit later with the meat that would belong to our food. The chef cut up pieces of zucchini and asks us to try and catch it in our mouths. Jason fails, miserably might I add. Only Adri and I were able to get the pieces in our mouth without a problem. It was quite funny to watch everyone fail so terribly. We all finally are able to get our food when the show was over. I took notice as I ate that the place was quite empty for a Friday night.

"Would you like a refill?" the waitress comes back to ask me.

"Oh, sure" I reply. I watch her take my glass, but I notice at the bottom of the glass is a small little blue pill. I use my powers to look at the others glasses. Only Adri has the pill in her drink. Everyone else doesn't have them in their glasses. "Pssst, Adri, there is something in your drink," I say to her.

"What? What's in my glass? Is it a bug?" She questions. I point towards the bottom of the glass and tell her to use her powers. She pulls the pill out of the drink.


Seto's POV

"Dammit, Katie didn't take the pill" Herobrine says, refilling the drink. That pill is crucial for the plan to get back on track. It knocks out anyone that takes it within the first 15 minutes. They fall into a deep sleep for about an hour.

"Did Adrianna take it? She's the one we want, remember?" I ask.

"I don't know, I didn't see her drink empty" Herobrine responds.

"Well go back out there and look!" I demand. If she didn't take the pill, we will have a difficult time recapturing her. Although, if everyone else had taken the pill, we wouldn't have much of a fight to deal with. Either way, she IS getting recaptured. Whether she comes willingly or not.


Katie's POV

Our waitress comes back with my glass and she stares down at Adri's. "Are you done with your drink, ma'am?" she asks.

"Huh, oh yes, I am, thank you. Can I just get a glass of water?" Adri replies. Smart thinking on her behalf. That way she can tell if another pill was put in. Although, since we now knew something fishy was up, she took the pill out before the waitress came back. Once we are sure the waitress left, me and Adri head to the bathroom to investigate this pill's use. "Ok, let me use my powers to analyze the pill." A small glowing purple orb forms around the small pill and lifts it into mid-air on top of Adri's hand. Her eyes glow purple and I can see words running through her pupils. Then as soon as it happened, it ends. Everything goes back to normal. "I sense someone coming" she says.

"Let's split, I'll go into a stall, you go to the sink. Pretend like you are the only one here" I plan out. I run int the bathroom stall and lock it. I cloak my presence from the room so no one would think I was there. I hear the door open and a voice start to speak.

"Well, aren't you all dollied up today, Adrianna" I hear the voice say. I recognized that voice immediately. It's Herobrine. I knew that waitress seemed familiar. He probably disguised himself to fool us all and slipped the pills into our drinks. "Your friends sure are having a nice nap. That pill did a number on them, although I was wondering, where Katie and you had gone off to." he said, I could sense the smirk on his face through the stall door.

"I had to come to the bathroom, and Katie went home to get something she forgot" Adri says, trying her best to cover. "Why would you give us pills, Herobrine? Did you really think you could capture me that easily?" she says to him.

"Well, with your friends gone, you have no back up. Now, why don't we pick up were we left off last time?" Herobrine replies. I hear footsteps moving. I couldn't stand by and watch my friend get raped by a fictional character from a video game. I burst out of the stall and transformed.

"Don't think it'll be that easy, Herobrine." I proclaim. I smirk and speed towards him, kicking his legs so he falls to the ground. I grab his throat and form a green sphere of energy in my other hands. I just see a smirk on his face as I stand there, about to end him.

"Well, well, well. I knew Adrianna was lying about you being home, but who would have thought, you'd be in the stall, eavesdropping on our conversation." Herobrine says.

"Any last words before I end you for good?" I ask, being in a decent mood of mercy.

"Yeah, why don't you turn around and see your best friend disappear," He replies. I turn my head to see what he meant and low and behold, there is Seto holding an unconscious Adri in his arms. I turn my head back and Herobrine is gone. I stand and rotate my body. Herobrine is now standing beside Seto, grinning like the cheshire cat. Today, I though victory was mine, but in reality, it's Seto and Herobrine's victory. They poof out of the room with Adri in hand, but not before I grab a piece of cloth from Seto's shirt. All is not lost, if I could use a tracking spell, except I need to wake the others and get them home. I return quickly to the table and sure enough, everyone is unconscious as well. I use a large amount of my power to teleport everyone back home, including myself. Everyone lands somewhere in the living room. I use the last ounce of my powers to wake everyone up. One by one, they all wake up, but I start to feel sleepy.

"What happened to us? Wait, more importantly how did we get back and where's Adri?" Shelby asks.

"I teleported everyone home, and Adri...she's been captured...again." I say, my eyelids growing heavy. The last image I see is Jerome coming to catch me before I fall to the ground. Then I see black and only black.


Ok, well this chapter is WAAAAAAAAY overdue. I am truly sorry that this has taken me over 5 MONTHS to write. Writer's block and school ending has become way to stressful. My graduation is coming up soon as well as prom. Then I will also be entering college and it has become very overwhelming. Then there is the fact that my tastes have matured and I've outgrown most of the minecraft youtube community. I will be ending this in the next 5 chapters, but thank you to everyone who stuck around to read this message. Even though this book will be ending, my writing career will not be ending. I have SOOOOO many ideas for really interesting stories that I hope people will read. Most will still be fiction but I am slowly making my way out of the fanfiction writing community. Don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with the fanfic community, I probably will still write fanfics. I just don't plan on focusing on them too much. Anywho, it's about 2:30 in the morning and I'm tired so....

Peace and Love wonderlanders,

AdriWonderland x

P.S. Don't forget, we're all mad here! ^-^

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