two moons ❦ calum

By seekercalum

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she was combat boots, dark jeans, low cut tees and leather jackets; careless, mischievous, and most important... More

❦ chapter one ❦
❦ chapter two ❦
❦ chapter three ❦
❦ chapter four ❦
❦ chapter five ❦
❦ chapter six ❦
❦ chapter seven ❦
❦ chapter eight ❦
❦ chapter nine ❦
❦ chapter ten ❦
❦ chapter twelve ❦
❦ chapter thirteen ❦
❦ chapter fourteen ❦
❦ chapter fifteen ❦
❦ chapter sixteen ❦
❦ chapter seventeen ❦
❦ chapter eighteen ❦
❦ chapter nineteen ❦

❦ chapter eleven ❦

383 21 10
By seekercalum

the beginning is smut so if you're not comfortable with reading it, or if you're surrounded by family and don't want to get a lady boner right now, just scroll down to the page break and pick up there. if you're reading it, enjoy while looking at that gif and listening with my song suggestion ;-)

at first it was all sweet and long kisses in the foyer before Calum grabbed Flossy's shoulders and backed her against the front door. her eyes immediately opened with a bewildered and alluring brown tint to them. a smirk creeped through the shadows and planted itself tauntingly on her lips. she gasped at the contact of the cold feeling against her shoulder, leaning her head against it as her eyes inveigled him closer to her. she bit her lip like she always did when he was around and held up a finger, gracing it back and forth in the darkness to beckon him towards her.

he sauntered to her with a supercilious manner. he was an asshole. he was a sinner. with those eyes and that stature, she wanted him to do her real dirty. when he was close enough for her to smell his skin and cologne resting upon it, he slammed his fist against the front door and immediately grabbed her hip, bringing her so close that she could feel him everywhere. most girls would've jumped with fear and uneasiness but she nearly moaned at the feeling of the vibrations his fist made tingle down her spine.

his lips attached to hers once again a single time, pressing enough pressure against them to be more than effective. as they retracted, his teeth took hold of her bottom lip and he let go of it slow enough to stir something within her.

too quick to see it, she somehow pinned him to the door now. she gripped the hair at the nape of his neck as she came closer to him and whispered in his ear, "wait ten seconds. come find me. you'll be rewarded."

Flossy ran up the stairs and waited in his bedroom: not in a place where he would have to look hard, but in a place where he would not immediately look for her. he was up the stairs quicker than he normally would have, motivated by her kiss and her touch. he walked into his bedroom like he was going to tear everything down he could get his hands on to find her.

she closed the door behind her and stood against it. he turned to look at her as he heard the door close. all too slow for his pace, she grabbed a handful of the bottom edges of her too small top and started to pull it off her aching body. her shoes were kicked off as Calum meandered towards her. he only looked at her pale face in the darkness of his safe haven, more specifically her eyes. his rough hands rested on her shoulders as he dove in tongue first and started kissing her with even more heat applied than before. his hands slid slowly down her shoulders, over her breasts, down her sides until they rested on the backs of her legs.

Calum lifted her up and bit her neck just as he let her bare back hit the cold wall, the pain and pleasure of the action making Flossy cry out. she bit her lip once again as he continued to bite her and kiss her various places on her chest, neck, jaw, and lips. she felt him against her crotch and if her hands weren't secured in the curls of his raven hair. he began to bring her up and down on him as he held her in place, teasing her just enough.

"we're ruining our friendship, you know that right?" her words were intoxicating smoke hanging between them in the darkness. "there's no way we can go back to being friends after this."

his lips were behind her ear, kissing her right there before he whispered back to her, "we were always more than friends." he bit her ear, letting his perfect pink lips hang there like fog over a dark night. "let's set flames to our friendship tonight and become the dirty people we are."

months ago, he stuttered over every word and tried to make it perfect so he could be accepted. now, he said every word like he owned it, didn't care what she thought about him if he said it wrong. he was rodomontading every word that left his mouth like he was a god and that his word was a religion. he was plighting her to do whatever he needed with his words, and she kindly would.

Calum lifted her and walked her to the bed, only to throw her onto it. her jeans and everything else except her brassiere and underwear were off in one swift movement. his shirt, jeans, socks, and shoes were off his skin before she even realized they were really there. he climbed on the bed and suddenly, he was no longer human, and neither was she. they were animals about to tear each other apart.

their body parts were covered by layers but that didn't stop him. he grabbed her hips and brought them to his, grinding them to the mattress. their skin didn't touch but it was still enough to get her to become vociferous. he smirked down at her, pleased at how he could get her like that just by doing that. he reached underneath her to unclasp the sexy red and black lace pushup bra only to throw it across the room and she followed suit with her underwear. she grabbed his hips and inched his boxers down. once they were off and the condom was on, he looked down at her with a look that was asking everything she answered with her expression.

Calum didn't hesitate to go right in, alarming her as he went all the way in. she wasn't unfamiliar with the feeling, if anything, it felt better with him than with anyone else. she clawed at his back as he kept up the quick pace. he topped pretty well for someone who had so many qualities of a bottom. after three different positions - all of which felt more amazing than the next - Flossy flipped them over so she resumed the top.

as she dove back in, she leaned down against his chest so her breasts were right in his face, and placed a tongue-filled kiss as she grabbed his glasses when she came back up. noticing a snapback resting within arm's reach, she slipped it over her brown messy waves. when Calum reopened his eyes and saw the sight before him he closed his eyes and let out an exasperated, "Jesus Christ," which was enough of a response for her to pick up her pace as his hands came up to cup her breasts.

moans and grunts filled the bedroom as the bed squeaked so much it sounded like it was going to break. she exclaimed that she was close and immediately, his beautiful hands clasped against her hips, telling her no. she halted her movements and he expostulated with a whimper, switching back on top of her. she left scratches on his back as they let go at the same time.

he got up to dispose of the condom and lock his door so his family wouldn't find the two naked together. he stood in the doorway and smirked at the sight of Flossy without clothes in his bed, hair messy because of him, and seeing the artwork he left on her skin. he let himself lay beside her and brought her into his side.

"I told you before," he said into the darkness, "I like seeing you in my bed."

"I like seeing you in nothing at all." and she meant it. who knew he was so muscular from his thighs, to his butt, and even his shoulders were buff. the two laughed, feeling at peace now that everything was out in the open with the two of them.

they played with each other's hands in the moonlight, speaking until their voices were entirely sore about their childhood memories and even what they expect their future to be like. they fell asleep in each other's arms much before the sound of the car doors and the front door opening and closing. they fell in love underneath the stars and constellations, where their love story was first written.

the sun was rising through Calum's blinds when his alarm went off for school. if they had planned last night's events ahead of time, they would've taken more thought about the morning after. it seemed that Flossy woke up before him, rolling over to turn it off. she stared up at the ceiling for a few seconds and she felt something in her chest, in her veins, in her mind, even in her glowing skin. it wasn't just happiness she felt. it was something so much more than that. she looked around the room and over at Calum and just felt whole.

she rolled over to his side and placed her head on his chest. his heartbeat was a symphony in her ears that almost serenaded her back to sleep. she watched him in the hazy light and wondered how bright his skin would illuminate when the nine o'clock sun took it in. she smiled as she reached up slowly and slightly to twist his chocolate curls between her fingers, a desire of hers since she became aware of their existence. she wanted to know how it felt to have his hair against her skin, how it felt between her fingers, and no matter how odd it sounded, she really wanted to just smell his hair.

"five more minutes," Calum softly grumbled.

"we'll be late," Flossy reminded him in a whisper that said she really didn't mind either way.

"we'll skip," he concluded as he rolled over and slipped his arm over her bare abdomen.

just then, it felt like everything filled with color had slipped away and turned into something bleak. as much as she didn't want to confront her mistakes, she knew that running away would make more instead of solving them. she shook her head and started to get up, even as Calum softly protested.

"I have things to amend," she stated simply. she was pulling on her clothes from yesterday, then concluding that she'd have to go home and immediately get in the shower without her parents having a fit.

"do you mean why you flipped on everyone?" Flossy slowly turned to look at him on his bed. he was propped up against the headboard and looked over at her through tired eyes and long lashes. "are you still upset about it?"

and despite being late already, she said nothing as she sat down on his bed, facing the wall opposite to him. Flossy elucidated the things bothering her for the past two days about the entirety of the situation, Calum came closer to her and rubbed her back reassuringly. his hands spoke all the words that he need not say aloud.

"there's nothing wrong with not living with your birth parents." as if he sensed her reluctance, he continued, "me and my brother are adopted." Flossy turned around to him quickly, giving him an expression of pure astonishment. "yeah I know, we look a ton alike and we resemble our parents. anyway, I've known all my life that I was adopted and it never changed how I view myself, or make me love them any less. I realized a long time ago that if I'm living with them, then there's a good reason that I'm not with my birth parents."

Flossy hadn't thought about it that far. she had pent-up, angry feelings about how her parents went about it, and why Rosemary treated her the way she did for most of her life. she never took the opportunity to step back and analyze why things had to be the way they were.

"times like this, I wonder how I survived without you." not even the worst of news could tear apart the radiant smile she had on her face as she gazed over at him. she really wanted to just lean over and kiss him hard enough that he could feel everything she kept in her soul for him. she wanted to kiss him like it was the only medicine to keep her alive and she wanted to savor ever last drop. instead, she grabbed the remainder of her things and told him that she would see him in first period after everything was resolved. he smiled as he watched her go, wondering if there would be a time when he would have her here like that again, without strings attached this time.

Calum consoled Flossy by telling her that he was going to be with it through it all. though she was greatly heartened, she couldn't accept his kiss when he leaned in for one. she reminded him that Diff could see them at anytime, and he would not be as merciful as other men would be.

"are you going to tell him?"

she pondered his question. she couldn't exactly that she was sorry she snapped on him yesterday than proceeded to have sex with another man. she shook her head. "soon, though." when she noticed his guilty, almost sad expression. it made her feel guilty and sad for being the reason for it.

"don't think that you're a home-wrecker," she reassured, grabbing his hand for a brief moment so that even if you were looking, you wouldn't be able to tell. "there was no home there for you to wreck, anyway."

"but still, you cheated because of me." the way he put it, it seemed like he was pinning it all on her. after all, he kissed her first.

"it was a conscious decision on both our parts, yeah, and if I had the chance to do it all over again, there isn't a single thing I would change." her words barely hung in the air long enough to dissolve before Calum brought her into his arms, pressing Flossy to him so tightly that she could feel the warmth in the crevice between his neck and shoulder as well as the smell hiding there in the shadows. "except maybe, I'd get on top first and a lot more shoving me against the wall. that was good stuff." she felt Calum laugh against her at her levity which brought her a great twist in her heart.

she reached up and let her fingers glide through his hair once more, following her finger's movements instead of his eyes. just then, the bell shrilled through the hallways and outdoor spots. they'd be late even if they left now. with a small smile and reassuring hand squeeze, they set out for whatever gym class was going to bring them today.

Flossy waited until after school to confront Diff. he just started yelling at her with every statement she made, so she started to yell back, which led to a huge scene in the middle of the hallway. innocent bystanders had to weave their way around the pair but not without hearing whatever pieces of information they could and looking at them with every step they took.

Lesla was going to be so much easier to handle than this.

she had to run to catch up with her best friend. she climbed into the expensive Camaro breathing like she'd been running for hours without stopping. Lesla simply looked over at Flossy then raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner. Flossy just nodded and they set out for her house.

like it was routine, Lesla and Flossy opened up one of the elegant cabinets containing all the worst junk food in the world. they talked over all of the allegations said and even cried a little here and there. Flossy explained, like she did with Calum, why she was so upset the day before and Lesla forgave her easily. she knew that whatever was said was said out of anger at something or someone else.

"so what about Calum?" Lesla asked sometime in between the Ben and Jerry's and the cheddar cheese pretzel bites.

without looking up from her junk, Flossy responded, "what about him?"

"I see the way you look at him. and the way he looks at you -"

"how does he look at me?" she immediately cut in. Lesla flashed her a mischievous smile, like she had Flossy right where she wanted her.

"I don't know exactly. his eyes darken in a vigilant, almost voluptuous kind of way. when he catches you look at him, all of that is just wiped away and he literally radiates elation and you can tell he's enamored for you. whenever you're around, he's just so much more prepossessing, like you make him better in every way. it's just - what's up with that?"

Flossy couldn't look at her friend as she thought things with Calum over. she wanted to give up every secret the two of them made in the darkness of the bedroom. she wanted to divulge every piece of information she collected on the mystery of him. she wanted to relieve herself of the pain and suffering she endured while she caught feelings for him as one would catch a cold. she wanted to talk about him for hours until her mouth could no longer move and her tongue was dry.

all at once, she stopped thinking. she blurted words that she was trying to keep to herself, but grew wings and flew up out of her throat into the air between them. "we had sex last night," she confessed, still not looking into her Latin friend's coffee eyes.

seconds that felt twice that passed between the two. after letting go of her fear of being overlooked, she picked up her head and looked at Lesla. she was almost delighted at the news. she was looking at Flossy like she was her younger sister, wanting to protect her at all costs. though they were closer in the past, they always wanted the best for each other, no matter what was going on with them.

"Diff won't like this though." her voice was charged with gratification, like she was going to use the information against him.

"do you know how many times he's cheated on me? I mean literally because I've honestly lost count."

Lesla's expression suddenly took a drastic change. she looked at Flossy with a forceful affliction in her expression. "I know that you look at him like he's a god walking the earth and he owns everything his eyes can touch and you feel blessed that he chose you out of everyone because you're everything he's ever wanted but never knew he needed. you might even think that he loves you. he doesn't. hell, he doesn't even know what that is yet. every second you tell yourself that, every second you live with those lies, a piece of your heart ruptures. you're the goddess walking the earth. you own everything your eyes can touch. he should feel blessed you chose him because you could have anyone on this earth.

"he hurts you time and time again and you let it go because it's better than being alone and ignored. you don't deserve him if he doesn't see all your magnetic subtleties, or if he acts like you're supposed to be the ground he walks on."

"so what should I do then?"

"leave him. you might have loved him once, but you definitely don't love him now. Calum can treat you in every way you deserve. you might not know if you love him, or even if you have feelings for him, but you deserve someone who can treat you like she you're art and any time that he's with you is a personal museum to gaze at you with nothing and no one to keep his hands off of you.

"more than anything, I want you to be happy. I know you're not happy with Diff, but I can tell that Calum would make you so happy that he could put back together all of your broken pieces."

v long chapter but good stuff is going down. honestly it's going to be a roller coaster of angst from here on out so strap yourselves in bc it's gonna be a hell of a ride.

honestly this reminds me of clizzy a little bit not just be emeraude plays lesla but bc in the beginning I think I made it seem like they didn't like each other but honestly they're hoes for life that were just mad at each other for things they couldn't control.

anyways dedication to @emilyoxton  bc i hope the smut was just as good as you expected it to be ;-)

keep commenting bc like I said this is really picking up and I want some feedback yo

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