No Fucks Given [A.A]

By pxneapplez

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After turning down August Alsina at her work place 21 year old, Mia is soon approached with a oppurtunity she... More



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By pxneapplez

G e n e s i s (in media also)

Damn. Caught. Shit.

"Ashely I know what the fuck you've been doing alright."

She closes the door and throws the leather book on the bed. "There. Take it. But you won't get very far."

She walks towards me. And I get ready to fight. She throws the first punch to my throat and I try to scream but nothing comes out and I hunch over in pain.

She knees me in the stomach and I tackle her. And punch her in the face. Then she stops moving.

I can't talk and my throat hurt likes hell. I grab the book and make my way down the hall way.

I see Tina and I run towards her. "Genesis? What's wrong dear?" I hand her the book and she looks in it

Shr flips through a couple of pages "Fuck why'd you have to find out? I actually liked you."

Huh? She punches me in the face and I'm out.


I wake up in the hospital. With a I.V. sticking out my arm.

I try to talk but words won't come out.

"Gen you lost your voice. And fractured 2 fingers." Mia says

Wtf! You're joking right? I can't talk and now i can't even write down what the fuck Ashely is planning!

"They said you should be at least well enough to perform next week. I'm just glad you're okay." she kisses my cheek. But they're going to keep you here until tomorrow to check up on your voice. The doctor said you should get it back in about a couple of days. But your fingers wont heal for a few weeks."

The door opens I cant see because Im laying down and don't have the strength to look over but I hear her voice. Both their voices. It's makes my heart monitors beeps get faster.


M i a

I get a call from the hospital telling me Genesis was there. I drop everything and get a Taxi because I didn't have I ride. I text Trey on the way there. He was at the studio along with August and Chris.

My heart is beating so fucking fast. I love this girl she is my family and It's eating me up knowing she hurt herself minutes after seeing me.

I go to the visitors desk which required me to sign in. "Who will you be vis-"

"Genesis Athens." at this point I'm not in the mood too waste any damn time with fake ass love from receptionist

Her fabricated smile fades "Room 211." she says vaguely

I make my way to the elevator and to the second floor. It doesn't take me long to find her. I walk in and wrap my arms around her. She's sleeping. The doctor walks in as I scoope her out her neck is mad red and bruised alittle around the outside of the bandages.

"Hello," a voice says from behind me and I quickly turn around coming face to face with a moderately attractive blue-eyed doctor "I'm Doctor Hicks. It seems your friend has temporarily bruised her vocal cords along with a muscle in her neck. We think it may have been an accident. We don't quite know yet but her thumb and index finger are fractured."

"Geez." I say biting my nails "how'd she get here?"

"2 women brought her. A mother and daughter. I think there names where Ashely and ....Tina Know them?"

"Tina's Ashely's mom?" wtf

Trey bursts in with like 10 ballons and a bear along with her favorite candy:twix. Once he see's her he drops everything by her bed. "Oh my-Is she good is she okay? Is she hungry. Does she need clothes? Can I-"

The doctor cuts him off "she's doing fine sir."

"Uhm." he walks toward her side and kisses her forehead

I look at August and he looks at me and walks towards me squeezing me into a tight hug then looking at Genesis. "Hey uh I wanna ask you something."

"Anything." he says and we step into the hallway

"Tina is Ashely's mom?"

"Uhm yeah.." He says

"Oh. Wow." Is all I say

"So Gen?" he says changing the subject

"She's good she can't talk for a few days and she fractured two fingers."

"As long as she's good...I miss you."

"You just saw me." I say chuckling lightly "And Tina doesn't want us together."

"Mia I don't give a fuck about that."

"August..she could fuck up your career, mess with your sucess-"

"Baby there's no point in being sucessful if I don't have you to share it with. Believe me." he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me

The door open and Trey walks out. "I need some air but yall better chill Ash just texted me and told me her and Tina are on there way up here."

I pry his hands off of my waist because I know if I didn't then he would have held especially since they're coming up here.

"Do you mind getting me something to eat? Oh let me give you the money for it." I unzip my purse and reach in but he stops me "I got it."

"You know I don't like you paying for-"

"You're my girl so Ima treat you like it." he says kissing my forehead.

I hear the elevator ding which most likely means Ashely and Tina.

I walk back into the room giving August one more glance.

I see Genesis suffling around. "Gen you lost your voice. And fractured 2 fingers." I say

I can tell she's trying to talk but I know she can't "They said you should be at least well enough to perform next week. I'm just glad you're okay." I kiss her cheek. But they're going to keep you here until tomorrow to check up on your voice. The doctor said you should get it back in about a couple of days. But your fingers won't heal for a few weeks."

I hear the knob twist open and I snap my head back and see Ashely and Tina walk in quietly.

"How is she doing?" Ashely asks


I notice Genesis heart monitor start to beep faster. Then the doctor comes in and walks over to her bed. "She's experiencing a little too much excitment. Im going to have to ask you all to leave."

"What?" I say scrunching my eyebrows up

"Just until she calms back down ma'am." he says standing in front of me egging me towards the door

I walk out and he closes it behind me.

"I'm sorry Mia, maybe it was us." Tina says

"No it's okay. You helped get her here. Thanks."

"Just tell her we said hi." Ashely hands me flowers they got and I take them nodding

A u g u s t

I wait by Ashely's car.

"August crawling back so soon?"

"Haha funny. I just needed to ask ya' something." I stick my hand inside my pocket feeling for her ring

"Why was ya' ring in Mia's suitcase?"

"Oooh your girlfriends a theif? Not suprised she looks like a-"

"Don't make me slap you in ya' fucking mouth. I ain't ask for ya' whole fucking life story. I asked why the fuck was ya' ring in her luggage. And don't try to sell me that stealing shit. I'd get her twelve of these ugly ass shits if she wanted it." I toss it at her chest. I'll be damned if I stand here and let her talk about my future baby's mother.

"She ain't shit yo! You wastin' ya damn time cus' last time I checked she was all on Corey's dick am I right?"

"And last time I mutha' fuckin' checked you was on every nigga dick you see am I correct?!"

She gets quiet and rolls her eyes

"Exactly what I fucking thought. Just let me find out you had anything to do with her stuff being stolen okay."

Later that night.....


At around 11 pm Genesis doses off after waiting for Mia to bring back food. Meanwhile Ashely and her mother where just arriving.

Tina stood at the door as a lookout and pushed Ashely in. Ashely knew it was wrong and lowkey didn't want to do it. But she thought this was the only way. Genesis knew too much and pretty soon her voice would come back and she'd be able to tell everybody EVERYTHING which is what she knew, since she'd read Ashely's journal.

Ashely hated Mia with a passion and loved August so much and that's what she thought about as she pushed the pillow down onto Genesis' face, feeling her struggle and kick then watching the heart monitor slowly decline until there was this long beep signaling Genesis was dead.

"For August." Ashely whispered putting everything back in it's place and making a hasty retreat back to the hotel.


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