BreakingPoint [h.s]

By stylsLvr

9.6K 231 26

"There are people I no longer want to associate with, by that I mean I don't want to sit in hour long lessons... More

chapter. 1
chapter. 2
chapter. 3
chapter. 7
Please read
chapter.13 part1
chapter.15 part1
chapter.15 part2
Important note.
Final Author's Note
One more lol

chapter.13 part2

195 6 0
By stylsLvr

Liza POV

I had sent a text to my mom during last period to let her know where I'd be going. But the odd part is that she didn't even try to object, just told me to have fun. It was weird.

The drive to Harry's took a good twenty minutes. The entire time he was telling me a story about when he was back in England and something had happened to where he had to run home from school with nothing but his underwear.

It was hilarious.
He parked the car in his drive way and got out. As I was collecting my things he came around my side and helped me out of the SUV. His fingers interlocked with mine as he led me to the door, before unlocking it and pushing into his home.

"My mum isn't home yet, and I think my sister has class today." He said as he put his keys on the hallway table and slipped off his shoes, I did the same with mine.

"You have a sister?" I asked as I looked around the house out of habit.

"Yeah, Gemma. She's four years older." he walked into another room, I followed. "Do you want something to drink?" he looked back at me as he walked to the fridge.

"Just water is fine." I smiled and walked towards him. He pulled out a water then turned to me. He opened the top then handed it to me with a smile. I took a drink then set it on the counter next to me.

"You look amazing today Liz." he said, slipping his arms behind me and pulling me closer. Due to my lack of heels, our height different was now more than half a foot.

I looked up at him and smiled. "So do you." I complimented before rolling my lips against each other. I attempted to stifle a laugh and looked away, his intense stare becoming intimidating. My hands resting on top of his arms as they pull me even closer.

"You look amazing everyday really." he rests his forehead against mine, nudging my nose with his.

"Mhm." I hum, exhaling as I feel his breath on my face. My eyes are closed and I feel his grip on the side of my face, his thumb rubbing across my cheek.

"You're beautiful Liza. You deserve someone who makes sure you know that." he tilts my head up towards him, his eyes searching mine. He glances down at my lips, running his tongue over his own.

He seems to diminish the minuscule amount of space between us. Time goes by slower than possible as I wait for what's next.

His lips meet mine and time speeds back up. My lips move with his after a minute, his left hand holding my face and his right arm holding me to him. My arms slide up to rest around his neck. 

His tongue runs across my lower lip, my mouth opening to grant him access. I release a moan and feel him try to pull me even closer. Our tongues battling as he turns and pushes my back against the counter. The arm around my back moved to rest on the counter, my right hand dropping to rest on his waist.

Suddenly I heard something drop on the counter a few feet from us, causing me to pull away rapidly.

"Mum. Hi." Harry says, out of breath.

"Harry." I could hear the smile in her voice. "And who is this?" she inquires.

During the short interaction I had been facing Harry with my head down and the tip of my fingers touching my lips. I quickly turn around at the question and smile at her.

She's beautiful, middle aged with dark brown hair and eyes to match.

"Mum, this is Elizabeth." he says, resting his hand on my lower back.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Styles." I say, putting my hand out for her.

But she does the unexpected and pulls me in for a hug instead. She pulls away after a quick squeeze, "Sorry, I'm a hugger. And it's Anne, please." she laughs. "My, that's a beautiful necklace love." she says, she's looking at my necklace with intent.

"Oh, thank you. It was my sister's." I smile slightly.

"Well she has amazing taste." Anne smiled at me.

I smile back with nothing to say on the topic of my sister having good taste, because she did.

"We're gonna go upstairs, Mum." Harry interjects while pushing on the small of my back to get me to turn and go back down the hall.

"Alright honey. Elizabeth are you staying for dinner?" she sends a smile my way as an invitation.

I look to Harry, almost asking if it's okay. He nods his head and gives me a smile. "If that's alright." I smile back at the two, not wanting to impose.

"I'll set a place for you then, dear." and then she was off to gather items for the meal.
"Harry!" I laugh as he lays next to me on his bed. "I can't believe you would rather do this than actually listen to the best movie ever made!"

We were currently lying on his bed watching a movie. But Harry had it on mute and was adding his own version of the story.

"Oh c'mon Liza." he laughs. "You really think it is?"

"Of course it is! Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard were the epitome of class and grace." I defend. "Breakfast at Tiffany's is such a timeless story." I look over at him to find him already looking at me.

"Well in that case, we can actually listen to it. Just for you." he smiled before unmuting the movie.

"Well thank you." I laugh as I turn my head back to the tv.

He rolled onto his side and looked up at me. "Do you want to go to a party with me Friday night?"

"I can't. I'm staying over at Julie's Friday." I glance down at him to see his face fall.

"Why don't you bring her along?" he suddenly had excitement in his voice. He sat up, "And you know, my friend Niall thinks she's a solid ten."

"I'd have to ask her tomorrow. But knowing her, she will probably say yes." I smiled at him to ease the possible tension.

"Kids, dinner is ready." Anne called from downstairs.
"So, Elizabeth. Why has Harry never brought you home before?" Anne asked before taking a bite of the stew.

I quickly swallowed the food in my mouth before speaking. "I actually just transferred to White Water this school year. I used to go to Waterdale"

"Oh that makes sense! Harry used to know a few kids over there. Harry, darling, why haven't I seen the lads around lately?" she inquired before taking a bite.

"Uhm, well Jason got a job so he's always busy. Liam kinda just disappeared and Landon moved." He explained slowly.

"Liam?" I asked quickly. "Liam Payne?"

"Yes! That was his name, ugh." Anne laughed a little at herself.

"You know Liam?"


"I didn't know that. Why didn't I know that."

"We weren't extremely close." I shrugged. "We had psychology together last year. He kinda saw me as an outside person he could really talk to. We'd go get coffee sometimes or he'd come over or I'd go to his. We usually just went to this secret little pond behind my house." I had to take a sip of my water after that. "He's a really sweet guy, lots of problems though." I would know.

"Do you know where he went?" Harry turned completely in his chair to face me. No longer was he a cheery and cheeky type. He was serious, completely.

"He went to Avalon?" I answered like it was trivial. "He didn't tell you?" I asked when I saw the look of bewilderment on his face.

Avalon Treatment and Rehabilitation Center. It was for troubled youth and young adults. It's where I went when Bell first passed. It helped me a little I guess.

It's actually where I met Liam. But when on the first day of my freshman year I ran into the tall, troubled boy, he begged me not to tell anyone. When we ended up with a class together he explained we would just say that's how we met. We weren't to be close friends, even though two summers prior he came to be my rock. And that was that.

"What are you talking about?" he sounded so appalled. "Why would Li need to go there? It's for crazy people."

I must be crazy then.

"No Harry. It's a rehabilitation center for trouble youth." I defend the center; for if I hadn't gone there, I might not  be here today.

"Same difference." he mumbled as he turned back in his chair.

I was dumbfounded. No, disgusted.

" Oh goodness. I just remembered, I have to go. Julie and I have a project due Friday and we haven't even started." I quickly scooted my hair back and stood up. "Thank you Anne, dinner was lovely." I turn to him. "See you later." I gave a forced smile then quickly walked out of the room.

I went to the door and slipped my shoes on and grabbed my bag. I ran out the door and around the corner before I finally slowed down. I heard Harry yelling my name down the street a few times before it was silent out.

After realizing I had no way home, I walked to the nearest bus stop and got on a random one. Thank god I had extra cash on me. It took five buses to get home.

I walked into the house tired, sore, and more emotionally damaged than I have been in a while.

"Oh honey! How was Harry's?" I hear her call from the kitchen.

"Fine Mom. I'm tired so I'm just gonna go to bed." I bounded up the stairs, not waiting for a response.

After taking an extremely long shower, laying in bed and and crying for the past hour and a half, as well as ignoring all twenty two of Harry's calls, I'm laying in bed staring at the ceiling.

"I'm crazy."

An wow okay so long time guys I'm sorry. Five months between chapters is not cool. I've honestly just had really bad writers block. But I'm back now I pinky promise!

Now we know more about Liza! Liam and Niall have been introduced!

Is Liam just like Liza?? Hmmmm


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