His World

By melcruz0319

815K 20.9K 5.4K

***WARNING*** ----SEXUAL AND MATURE CONTENT----- My name is Laylie Francis Volevoy, and this is the story of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 2

45.6K 1.1K 584
By melcruz0319



I look at the time and realize I'm already fucking late. Great. I look around and notice how there are so many damn trees. 


I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and already knowing who it is I pick up the phone without bothering to check the caller id.

"What?!" I ask in an aggravated voice.

"Damn chill man, I was just calling cuz Boss was wondering if you were at the school already? You better be at that fucking school or Boss is gonna-" I hang up on Evans because his voice is making me even more frustrated. This little bitch think he can tell me what to do? Please he has no idea who he is dealing with.

I let out a large puff of air.

I speed up a bit in the black Ferrari that Boss said I could use for this task. I just don't fucking get why he chose me to do this job. I mean I am the right age for it but still, this is going to be boring as fuck.

I finally see the tiny high school. What damn high school is this tiny? I groan and just climb out of my car. Great, I'm already 20 minutes late.

I look around taking in all the detail. I already studied the floor plan of the inside of the school. Only one floor, 5 main hallways with classrooms, a small gym northeast of the entrance, and the cafeteria right next to it, and all the rest of the faculty besides the teachers will be found near the entrance.

The outside is small too. One main parking lot for both the students and faculty, the fields are small right next to the parking lot, and the track is right next to the fields. There are four exits and entrances to the building. One on each side of the rectangle high school.

I walk into the school and into the office where the old ladies behind the counter stare with a horrified expression on their faces at me. I also notice a tiny brunette with tight skinny jeans and an extremely tight top that make her breast protrude out. She has a devilish smirk plastered on her face looking right at me.

I just keep a scowl on my face and look back at the old women.

"Well, are you going to help me or just stare at me all day?" I say harshly because just being in a school makes me wanna shoot someone already. That's probably bad to say but it's not like it's new for me to shoot people anyway.

"Oh uh-" the old lady with obvious died hair clears her throat "yes sir- um may I help you?" she asks, I just roll my eyes and keep my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket.

"Yeah this is my first day and I kind of need my schedule," I say glaring her right in the eyes.

"C-Can I have your name please?" she stutters. I love making people feel intimidated, I smirk at this. Her eyes are blinking rapidly and I notice her breathing is uneven. I remove my jacket and place it on the table because it's so damn hot in this tiny cubical.

"Asher, Asher Hale," I say and she quickly looks through a folder and fumbles with the paperwork. I look around the office, there are three people at the main office table, large windows surround the whole room, and two large vents on the ceiling.

Eventually she grabs a couple of papers and hands them to me. I snatch them from her hand due to my impatience, grab my leather jacket from the table and walk out the door.

Boss had made sure I was put in all the same classes as her. To make sure I have a close eye on her, to watch her every move and make sure I do my job. He has told me that this is the most important mission that has been given. I honestly don't know why I mean its a fucking teenager for christ sakes.

I head towards the first class. History. Fucking fun. I'm already 30 minutes late to the class so I just casually walk in. An old man who's bald and has a gross stomach scowls at me and says in the most annoying voice, "And who might you be?!" I look around and everyone is staring. Ughh typical high school kids. Although there is one who isn't staring and she is in the back corner reading what seems to be a textbook. She doesn't even sneak a peek at the disruption. The loose strands of her light brown hair cascade around her pale complexion, her long eyelashes flutter as she reads. I soon realize, she's my assignment.

"Excuse me, Sir, I asked a question!" the fucking old man says making me want to punch his damn face. I clench my fists letting out a deep breath and close my eyes for a second trying to keep my cool.

"Yeah and I heard your question, I'm new and its my first day, I'm Asher Hale" I say in a monotone voice.

"Ah yes well then" he scowls at my appearance and looks me up and down. This piece of shit is about to be punched out.

"Take a seat and try not to disrupt my class" He extends his arms shooing me away.


I look around and spot an open seat right next to her. I smirk for a second but then scowl again looking back at Mr. whatever his name is and walk over to the seat.

She is still reading but then I slam my book bag down on the desk and she instantly flinches as if someone may hit her. I furrow my eyebrows in a questioning way. Then I slump down in the desk. She breathes deeply and turning her head to look at me.

She looks at me with wondering eyes, its not the same look like others do when they first see me. She stares into my eyes and I stare back into her blue eyes.

Those eyes, they have the most unique color, such different shades of blue. Wait? What the fuck? Why am I talking about eyes? I raise an eyebrow and she soon realizes she's been staring and quickly turns her head looking back down at the book.

I know she isn't reading. She's very tense and timid, barely moving an inch during the whole class. I notice how soft her skin looks and how plump her lips are.

Damn. The things she could do with those lips. I shake my head. Stop. She's your assignment. Not a fuck.

Ughh this class is so boring. But this is my new assignment and hopefully, something amusing happens soon. The class drags and soon the bell rings and in a blink of an eye, she's up and practically runs out of the room.

I then get up and follow her because I am in all her classes. Plus I need to watch her closely, watching everything she does and everyone she talks to.

I head out to the hallway following right behind her.

Knowing its going to happen before it does, I watch as she collides with a guy dropping all her things. That fucking guy obviously did it on purpose for some unknown fucking reason. I sigh and lean against a wall pretending to be reading my schedule.

The guy is kinda tall. Light brown hair, tan skin, dark brown eyes. He looks like everyone else here. She looks like she is about to say something but doesn't.

I watch as she squats down and picks up her things. Damn. Oh god. She has a really nice ass. I watch as he watches her intensely as she picks up her things. What a fucking creep.

I let out another huff of air and decide that its best if I walk ahead to the chemistry class already before my mind wanders places. I walk past her and nudge her a bit. This is going to be harder than I thought.


During the whole day, I watch her. Closely. I see she has one friend she primarily talks to. Well, that's the only girl she talks to.

She is very smart, though she never takes part in class discussions, she mostly mumbles the answers to herself or scribbles them down on her notepad.

I can tell she is not one from wealth, from her raggy clothes and torn backpack. Boss has told me lots about her but not enough, just general stuff I need to know.

I lean against my car and wait for her to walk out of the school. I have my arms crossed and my leather jacket is on the top of the car. I watch as people walk past me staring at me, girls practically undressing me with their eyes.

"Hello, never seen you around here before," I turn my head and see the same girl from this morning standing a little too close for my liking in front of me.

Her hair is stick straight, her eyes are a boring brown and her eyelashes stick up in a fake way, you can tell she spends hours just trying to get them like that. Her lips are coated with a thick layer of gloss. And her tight clothing looks suffocating.

"that's because I'm new," I say looking her dead in the eye. Trying to intimidate her, but she's completely oblivious and keeps smirking at me.

"Well since you're new, I'm Carly, and your name is?" she says in a seductive way but it is not turning me on. She may be someone I may go to to have fun, but nothing else.

Anyone I interact with sexually is always just a fuck, no strings attached. My world is too dangerous.

"Asher," I say looking around looking to see if she is out yet. I then look back down at Carly and am annoyed that she is still here.

"Well, Asher, if you're ever bored and looking for someone to have a little fun with, you know who to call." She then hands me a half-folded paper. Her number is on it.

She then walks away trying to sway her hips but fails miserably. I then toss the paper onto the floor. I'm on a mission and I don't need a distraction, even though the target herself is one already.

I lean back against my car looking around again with a scowl on my face. I then spot her.

She is with her friend and I take notice that her friend is the complete opposite of her, blonde hair, tanned skin, and a walk full of confidence. They then both get in, I'm guessing, her friend's car. A white Mercedes.

I memorize the license plate number so I can write it down in the car.

I then get in my car and quickly write down the license plate number labeling it 'her friend's car' next to it with a small description.

I wait until they drive off first and follow making sure another car is between us so they don't see me.

I assume her friend is just going to drop her off home, but then she drives right past her street. Where the hell are they going?

They keep driving for 10 more minutes and then we enter a neighborhood full of mansions. She must be going to her friend's tonight. They pull up a driveway to a large brick home with large glass windows.

I park my car about two houses down and wait until they go in. After waiting a bit I drive my car up and park across the street. I then write down this girl's address. Now, I wait.  

Damn. These two girls are the total opposite, from looks to social statuses. Yet they seem to be good friends.

Thank God that this house has large windows. It makes it perfect for me to be able to watch her. I was supposed to be staying at the home across the street from her house since it's on foreclosure, but you know, I guess I'm sleeping in a damn car tonight. This job is aggravating me more and more by the minute.

Time passes and its now 10 and the only source of light outside is the light posts and the inside of the home. I have a small flashlight and am writing down exactly what this girl did today - I have to know her well enough before anything happens. I left for like 30 minutes earlier to grab some food because I was starving and hadn't known she was gonna fucking stay someplace else besides her own house. This girl is not going to make me starve to death.

The two friends have been watching lots of movies and stuffing their faces with food. Is this what girls really do at sleepovers? Whatever.

Its dark in her friend's room but I can see the television light illuminating on her face. Her friend is passed out but she seems to be wide awake. She suddenly tosses the comforter off her body and walks out of the bedroom. I notice the downstairs light go on and she is revealed. Fuck.


My head snaps to my phone on the seat. I quickly pick up looking back at her.

She is wearing silk pink shorts and a tight white tank top. It is the complete opposite of her usual attire, most likely her friend's clothes. But they do fit her very well, exposing her nicely. Focus. I need to fucking focus on the damn task given.

"Shoot," I say knowing its probs Boss checking up on me.

"So kid, hows your new assignment going for you?" I can already see the smirk on his fucking smug face. He knew I would hate this task.

I turn around and look at the backseat of my car. There I have two desert eagle guns and a sniper, clenching my jaw I let out a sigh.

I then turn back to her. She is drinking some water leaning on the counter sticking her ass out. She probably is not one to intentionally seem sexy. She is too innocent. Too gentle. And too fragile.

"Great," I say in a low monotone way still staring at her.

"Well that is excellent Asher, I hope you found the weapons I have given you to be quiet sufficient. I'm sure they will be well fitted for the task given" Boss says.

I look back at her and notice how her hair cascades around her body. Long and untouched of any fakeness. Looking at her from the side seems like she is a portrait painted just for my entertainment.

"Yeah well, this assignment has just begun. I need to know her well enough before anything happens" I say in a serious tone combing my fingers through my hair.

She then puts the glass in the sink and starts to head for the stairs. She pauses and this catches my attention. But nothing happens. She just stands there for a few seconds and in those few seconds worry flashes in her face and then realization.

I wonder what that was all about.

She then turns off all the lights and heads to bed.

"this is why you're perfect for this assignment Asher, anything I give you, you complete with precision. And for this task, I needed someone who is meticulous, and you Asher are the one." his little speech is boring me making me roll my eyes as he speaks.

"Yeah okay, I guess, look I gotta go. She just went to bed and now I'm tired so I got stuff to do" I say seeing that the house is now all black. I've decided that I'm not sleeping in a damn car tonight.

I let out a large sigh and start the engine.

"Okay but remember you must have visual on her at all times! Even if you have to sleep in a damn car! Oh and Asher... don't be late tomorrow." He says in a calm creepy way, then hangs up and I toss my phone on the passenger seat. Yeah, right I am not sleeping in a damn car as I said before.

I look at the house one last time and furrow my brows. She is too innocent for any of this. But there is a reason why she is connected, and why her whole world is about to change. It's a shame really.

What is this feeling?

I don't ever give pity or sympathy to anyone. But I guess that was before this assignment. Just know this, your world is about to change completely after today Laylie Francis.


Thanks everyone for reading, don't forget to comment what you think so far!!! And vote and share


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