He's My Prince Charming

Von skpvz15

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Kylie Matthews is beyond shocked! Her boss has just told her; she's to go on a five-week trip to Terinian, d... Mehr

Chapter 1: My Keys Please
Chapter 2: Just In Time
Chapter 3: The Trip
Chapter 4: Jet Lag
Chapter 5: Last Word
Chapter 6: Who Knew
Chapter 7: Why Lady
Chapter 8: Who Are You
Chapter 9: My Seat, Please
Chapter 10: Who Is George
Chapter 12: The Kiss
Chapter 13: Revelations Brings A New Friend
Chapter 14: The Irish Temper
Chapter 15: Royal Lunatics
Chapter 16: What The Hell Kylie?
Chapter 17:Can I Say Overwhelmed?
Chapter 18: Stefan The Barbarian
Chapter 19: What Kylie Wanted
Chapter 20: Emmet Did What?
Chapter 21: It Was Only To Please You
Chapter 22: Kylie's Heart
Chapter 23: Morning Visitors
Chapter 24: And Your Answer Is?
Chapter 25: Destiny
Chapter 26: You Didn't Just Say That, Surely!
Chapter 27: Passport, Please?
Chapter 28: Emmet, I love you..
Chapter 29: Chances
Sneak Peek of Chapter 30....
Chapter 30: My Dear Hellion
Chapter 31: There is Only One Answer...
Chapter 32: Are You For Real?
Chapter 33: Sarah's Help

Chapter 11: What Is Ky

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Von skpvz15

I blink my eyes a couple of times trying to get rid of the blurriness. The first thing I see is Prince Emmet starting down at me with a frown; then, a smile like a chester cat. That only causes me to be more confused. I try to get up, but he pushs me back gently, making tingles in my skin where he touched. Chuckling his said,

"Let's hold off momentarily on sitting up, my a thaisce."

I glare at him and ask,

"Why? What happened to me?", I pause for a second then glare again at him. "What did you do to me, pig brain?"

This of course, caused another chuckle and raised eyebrow. I just roll my eyes, he is not intimidating me with that cocked eyebrow.

"Pig brain?" he inquires smiling.

"Whatever, I asked what happened?", I'm getting annoyed again which is only hurting my head. I'm so blaming it on this stupid man in front of me. Got I hate his smiling ass, I really do!

"No, you don't"

He said matter-of-factly which made me realize, I had spoken aloud. I just put my arms over my face to hide the burning red at was taking over my face.

"Ok my a thaisce, I will put your curiosity to rest. You fainted."

He stated that like it was the most normal thing in the world to do. Had I ever fainted in my life? I can't remember ever doing such a dimwitted thing before. Does my humiliation ever end in front of this hunky prince? And what is 'a thaisce' anyway? And dang it I'm not is anything! He doesn't even know me! Once that came to mind I lost all color in my skin. I swear, I almost passed out again!

"By your appearance, I would say your memory is returning", he chuckles.

I am speechless. His declaration was crazy. I'm not even thinking about all the crap at the end; but, like the stuff that he knew about me. OMG, I didn't even know about the baby's name. Which one of them? I hadn't heard they had delivered yet. He made me sound incredible ;which, was so far from the truth. It's annoying! Ugh! Stop this! Why does he make you think about yourself and do crazy things. Like, crazier than my more crazy stuff. I am a middle class girl that should not even be in his presence. OK, Kylie he is looking at you waiting for a response. For the life of me, I just don't know what to say. That's a first! I snicker at myself; which, causes him to lift that damnable eyebrow of his.

"Well, yes it seems I can remember you telling me your version of me. I guess I should be flattered that you think that; but honestly, it's annoying. I refuse to believe anyone would name their child after me, they can't be that cruel to such a sweet little bundle. Well, unless you are my parents and thought it was a great name. That's beside the point all together, though. You first laid eyes on me not even 24 hours ago, tell me how did you come up with all of that? You know, it's sorta creepy if you ask me!"

I huffed out that last part, and yes I had no intention of acknowledging all that stuff about us and crap. I crossed my arms as he continued to smirk at me. I will not fall into him gloating me. I will ignore him. Yep, that's what I'll do.

"I believe my a thaisce, that you have forgotten to mention the most important part of that conversation we had. However, with the question of how I got that info, well, I am a prince after all. The luxuries of being that comes in hmm... .handy, shall we say, at times when you need to learn about a certain enticing beautiful goddess with a lot of sass and colorful vocabulary."

I finally sit up because he had slowly started moving closer to me, it made my head fuzzy when he was close. I rolled my eyes at that, the damnable man!

"I would not know what your talking about since I am a simple middle class girl visiting your country. Come to think of it, I'm thinking about just exploring some other countries. Or maybe just go home to see my niece and sister. I miss them."

This did not go over well with him, he jumped up and came up to me causing me to back up while he was approaching me. I suddenly hit the wall. Crap, I keep underestimating him, which is highly usual for me. I must still have jet lag.

"You will do know such thing! Don't you even try to run from this, Ky. I will not allow it!"

That stopped my heart, but not because he threatened me. No, it was the nickname he called me. I had not heard that for 3 years. My Daddy was the only one to ever call me that. Oh, how I missed them. I block how close he is and that my body wants to touch him then angrily ask,

"Why did you call me Ky? Where have you heard that from?"

I paused a second waiting for his answer. He looked at me with confusion on his face.


I was breathing hard, trying my best to calm myself. It seemed extremely important that he did not know that only my father had used the nickname.

"Kylie, I have not heard it from anywhere. Your name is so unique, I have never met anyone with your name. It just came out, why does it upset you so? I'm sorry, my a thaisce."

He spoke softly touching my face. He brushed a tear off my check, I had not even been aware I was crying. I closed my eyes taking me some deep breaths trying to calm my nerves. I was twisted up like a spin top about to be let go. Between, the physical pull of wanting to touch him and the thoughts of my parents it was too much. I push him out of the way. I pace back and forth for a few moments. He must had sensed I needed that time, for he just stood where we had been standing. He was looking at me; but, not saying a word. I finally look up at him to meet his eyes,

"I'm sorry, I was just caught off guard when you said that nickname. I haven't heard it in a while."

I regretted meeting his eyes because, I saw the compassion in his. He approached me slowly, like he was afraid I might run. He took my hands looking down at them. I was thankful for the break of eye contact. He seemed to be studying my hands like if there was an answer in them. He was rubbing his thumbs against my hand. It felt like he was making electricity do that. It was flowing throughout my body making me hot. Fighting hard, I tried to focus on his question,

"Who used that nickname, Kylie?"

He looked up into my eyes. I saw that the answer was extremely important to him. I didn't want to tell him, but something in me just quitely gave him what he wanted,

"My father."

I saw him close his eyes, there was relief in them which confused me. He was truly, puzzling to figure out. I've always been good with figuring out what someone is thinking. It drove my sister crazy because I always knew what she was trying to hide from me. Once he opens his eyes, he looks deep into mine. Then said,


I waited for him to say something else but he didn't. I even though he would tell me that he would ever use it again, but again he didn't. Somehow, that made me smile I didn't like the thought of not hearing it again. At least from his lips, which made me nervous. I needed space, so, I gently take my hands from his. I walk over and pour some coffee. I noticed my hands were shaking and prayed to God he didn't notice.

"Would you like some, coffee?"

I asked quitely, needing the conversation to change, he seems to sense it. He answers politely,

"No thank you."

He smiles that chester cat smile again. Then frowns looking angry all of a sudden. He barks out,


I rolled my eyes all stress forgotten. Mumbling, hopping hippies!

"For the love of all thats holy! Are you serious? Honestly, I just don't have the enegry to keep arguing with you. It's Mr. Glass you, dough dough brain!"

I can't hold back a chuckle of my own, when he relaxes and gives me this sheepish look. But, that didn't last long. He frowns again,

"The partner that is single?"

I widen my eyes, it still shocks me that he knows so much about me and the people I work for. I just nod my head. When he glares at me, I became exhausted by his behavior.

"Jumping Jeeves! What is your problem now?"

He startes storming toward me, something in me said, "you best back up." It was like if I didn't get away this time something would happen that I didn't want. But of course, I'm apparently not very smart after all. I just end up backed against the wall again. This time he doesn't stop in front of me, though. He leans into me, his body almost touching me. His arms go up, then land right besides my head blocking me from moving even my head. I know I'm looking scared, because I was scared shitless! I tried to push him away with everything in me, but he did not even buge. He leans more into me; yet, still not touching me. Then I feel his lips on my ear caressing it. He seems to just linger there for a second causing shivers all over me.

"My problem my a thaisce is that, it's rumored he has a huge crush on you. And that my a thaisce Kyle, is just not acceptable. There will be NO other man for you! I will not share you with anyone. You belong to me!"

With that outrageous statement he crashs his lips to mine leaving me no doubt that he was quite serious.


Hope y'all like. Let me know:)
