He's My Prince Charming

By skpvz15

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Kylie Matthews is beyond shocked! Her boss has just told her; she's to go on a five-week trip to Terinian, d... More

Chapter 1: My Keys Please
Chapter 2: Just In Time
Chapter 3: The Trip
Chapter 4: Jet Lag
Chapter 5: Last Word
Chapter 6: Who Knew
Chapter 7: Why Lady
Chapter 8: Who Are You
Chapter 9: My Seat, Please
Chapter 11: What Is Ky
Chapter 12: The Kiss
Chapter 13: Revelations Brings A New Friend
Chapter 14: The Irish Temper
Chapter 15: Royal Lunatics
Chapter 16: What The Hell Kylie?
Chapter 17:Can I Say Overwhelmed?
Chapter 18: Stefan The Barbarian
Chapter 19: What Kylie Wanted
Chapter 20: Emmet Did What?
Chapter 21: It Was Only To Please You
Chapter 22: Kylie's Heart
Chapter 23: Morning Visitors
Chapter 24: And Your Answer Is?
Chapter 25: Destiny
Chapter 26: You Didn't Just Say That, Surely!
Chapter 27: Passport, Please?
Chapter 28: Emmet, I love you..
Chapter 29: Chances
Sneak Peek of Chapter 30....
Chapter 30: My Dear Hellion
Chapter 31: There is Only One Answer...
Chapter 32: Are You For Real?
Chapter 33: Sarah's Help

Chapter 10: Who Is George

9.3K 47 5
By skpvz15


I wake up to the smell of coffee, it smells so good. There's also a smell of cinnamon and something else but whatever it is, it's completely yummy! I stretch out, then it hits me. How can I smell coffee and food? I'm in the penthouse alone? The smell is to strong to be from the doorway. My eyes spring open, and I scream...

Several things happen all at once. I scream, Prince Emmet smiles chuckling, and four burly looking royal guards run into my bedroom with guns drawn which makes me scream more. I am trying my best to cover my half naked body. I am now giving every man the evil eye as I yell,


They all run out of the room at once, even the prince. I jump out of bed run to the door and lock it. i rest against the door for a minute trying to catch my breath and calm my heart beating down. I hear through the door alot of yelling from Prince Emmet,

"What the bloody hell was that? Do you want to give her a heart attack! Guns really? Burraidh! You have been standing at the door all night. What did you think happened to bring your guns in there? Completely stalcaireachd! Tog ort, thoir do chasan leat! Bloody baoghalta ùmaidh!"

All four men mumble, "tha mi duilich" then I hear a door open and shut. Some more mumbling and silence.

I didn't understand half of what was said. Didn't they know I don't spell Gaelic. How rude! Then something hit me, I heard the prince say all night! What the h.e.l.l.! I unlock the door and storm out walking straight in front of Prince Emmet. With my finger pointing on his chest, I yell,

"What the H E hockey sticks are you talking about all night? Have you been in my house all NIGHT? My dang on private penthouse! Grrrr."

I swear steam was coming out of my ears. But, his look made me freeze, he was staring at me with the most lust filled eyes I had ever seen. Then I glanced down and realized, I came storming out in my Victoria Secret sexy night wear the girls had bought me. I squeal. start running back into my bedroom murmuring about how utterly stressful it has been since getting here. Then something about George telling me relax and how was I suppose to do that with peeing toms and crazy royals making my penthouse their home.

I just hank out whatever clothes I can find, go brush my teeth & hair almost ripping it out then storm back into my main room. He has the nerve to be glaring at me and frowning while pacing back and forth. I am the one that is suppose to be mad pea brain! He turns and shouts,


That knocks me off balance. What, did he just ask about George?

"What about George?", I look confusingly at him.

"Just what I said, who the hell is GEORGE!" His face was actually getting red and he looked a little worried at the same time. Does he think George is my boyfriend or husband or something? I also start laughing but then I realized I was furious with him.

"AT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Bloody hell it is too!" He takes two strides and he is in front of me glaring at me like a crazy person. I quote him,

"Like bloody hell it is NOT! Who do you think you are? You don't even know me!" I'm starting to loose my temper again. I see him smirk then lean in closer almost in my face.

"That, my dear, is another example how wrong you are. I know exactly who you are. You are Kyliette Alexander Matthews, also known as, Kylie because she hates her full name. She lives in Tennessee has a sister, Sarah that is a newly widowed along with being a new mother of a little girl named, Mia, which you adore. You dropped all your plans to support them after her husbands untimely death. Your parents also, deceased from a tragic accident with a drunk driver left you and your sister without any savings. You work for Glass, Minns, and Tuckers, a very prominent law firm known across the state. You are their paralegal, though you do alot more that paralegal work. You have a rare, exceptional ability to read people thoughts by their facial expressions which in invaluable to the firm. They hold you in very high esteem. And one of them even named her new daughter after you. They gave you this trip because it's the one place in the entire world you have always wanted to go. Even though, you are the youngest you the strong one of the family. You have a very high IQ, yet you play it down with your sassy wit and unusual use of slang words. I hate the way people are treated differently because of money or positions. You love animals, nature, and history. You keep your private life very private not even confiding to your sister. You hold people at arms length and have a hard time with letting a person in to know the real you. So, yes Kylie I do know you and I don't want any other guy in your life. I want to be the one that you confide in and I will do whatever it takes to break down that wall you are holding up against me. And even though I just meet you last night, I know we are meant to be together. We have a electric pull toward each other. We feel it by simply touching each other. I will fight my family or whoever tries to get in my way, but I will have you as my wife. It is just a matter of time. So, again who is George?"

I step back as my legs almost give away. I can barely breath. My hands are shaking and sweaty, I am shaking my head at all that he said. I am starting to feel faint. Totally freaked out at all he said. Most stuff, that I didn't even know. It is completely taking me over with fear, I stumble and everything goes black. The last thing I hear before I give completely in to my body was Emmet voice,

" I believe your bluntness has already started rubbing off on me. Sorry my sweet ! I guess I should have waited to tell you."


Hope you like, I had a hard time with writing this chapter but I think in the end it turned out good:)

Let me know!


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