It was his Eyes {ON HOLD}

By skpvz15

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Jolie Petters was a enjoying her new life being a English teacher at Liberty High School. She has been burned... More

Chapter 1: The Scene
Chapter 2: Can I disappear please?
Chapter 3: Backed in a corner
Chapter 4: The Devil Must Be Near
Chapter 5: Who is Greyson
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Ms. Petters, are you daydreaming?
Chapter 8: Say My Name
Chapter 10: Jolie, Don't Run
Chapter 11: Brotherly Love
Chapter 12: Through Greyson's Eyes
Chapter 13: Greyson's Plan
Chapter 14: Jolie's Wakes Up
Chapter 15: The Truth Hurts
Chapter 16: A Little Obessive, Much?
Chapter 17: Oh Shit...
Chapter 18: The Blue-Eyed Voice
Chapter 19: I Love You, Jolie
Chapter 20: Male Bonding
Chapter 21: He Is My Everything
Chapter 22: Slight Temper?
Chapter 23: The Bastard in the Basement
Chapter 24: Is It Over?
Chapter 25: Are You in The Mafia?

Chapter 9: The Cat Caught the Mouse

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By skpvz15

Chapter 9: The Cat Caught the Mouse

It's been several days since the storage room, near disaster. Since that day, we have developed some kind of cat and mouse game. Unfortunately, I am the mouse! His goal seems to be to get me alone. Mine being of course, not to be caught. My childhood comes as an advantage in times like this. I am very good at hiding and squeezing myself out in tough spots. Example, Greyson has only been able to catch me during lunchtime; however, it's not in my room. No, I now eat very publicly. Right smack in the middle of the cafeteria. This brings him great agony and me some much needed entertainment. Though, one drawback is that now everyone has noticed his preference to be with me. But considering, I get to watch his discomfort it seems worth the evil eyes from all females in his drooling club. Like today, he was trying his best to have a conversation with me. (not that I would have participated) The girls noticed this and one of them decided the best diversion would be spilling her drink on his lap. This created her and other one trying to clean up his lap. I giggled a little to loud, his face turned bright red. I'm still not sure if it was from embarrassment or anger. He did get me this look like, 'I'm so paying you back for this humiliation. I cocked my eyebrow at him. I mean seriously, it wasn't my fault. If he would have just refrained from trying to chat with me it wouldn't have happened. Putting aside my fun of seeing him try he best to get rid of his fan club,I did need to put a stop to it. The dodging is becoming a nuisance. I mean I feel like some criminal or spy sneaking around everywhere. The leaving school was the worst. He parked wherever I did no matter what. So, racing to my car and pulling out before he could reach me was becoming more and more difficult.

As 7th period bell rang, I was jolted out of my daydreaming. So, I start packing up quickly. I was annoyed when I looked up to see Mary Jane. That girl really needed to get a life! I without my sigh, 

"Did you need something, Mary Jane?" I said rather nicer than I thought I was capable. This could cause a huge kink in my dash to leave.

"Err. Um hmm... Yeah.", she mumbles out. I keep waiting for her to finish but seems that's all she is going to say.

"Well, I don't read minds my dear, so spit it out." My patience is long gone. It's been a long day, week for that matter and she's screwing it up.

"Oh! Sorry, I was just hmm wondering when the term paper was due.", she seemed serious but I was about to pop the girl in the head. She knew that the schedule was on her hand out, along with its written on the board. I turn to the board then turn to look at her with my eyebrow lifted.

"Oh, right. I will just copy that down.", she said digging in her backpack. I just roll my eyes and finish packing up. Ten minutes later she is just now pulling out a pen to write it down.  

"Mary Jane! What is up with you? It's Friday, I've got to go. Do you not have the hand out I gave y'all?" I asked, completely exasperated with her.

"Err Well, I can't seem to find it?" It was more a question than a statement. I'm going to pull her hair out! I stomp back to my storage room and look for the hand outs. Ugh! I can't seem to enter this stupid room without thinking about what almost happened. Shaking my head I gave what I need and shove it in her hand.

"Oh, thanks Ms. P!", she gives me a huge smile oblivious to my irritation and to my utter exasperation she just stands there looking at me.

"Is that all? Because I'd really like to go home now!" I give my evil eye letting her know it had better be all she needs. She glances up at the clock then smiles. Then grabbing her stuff.

"Yep! That should do the job, thanks Ms. P have a nice weekend." She strolls out of my room.

I stood there a second wondering if she had been hanging with the druggies lately. She used to be a somewhat normal teenager! I glance at the clock to see how much time she wasted. Heck Fire! It's 3:45 totally not good! I jump over a stair and grab my stuff and run down the hall. Luckily, it's completely empty so I didn't have to worry about people thinking I'm crazy. I mean, they pretty much already think that anyway, no need to add to that fire.  Once I get to the entrance of the school, I start walking just in case someone's around. I walk out to an empty parking lot. Yep, gotta love Fridays. It's the only time students and teachers agree. Freedom!  I glance up to where I parked while digging for my keys and stop. I blink and try to clear my head. There sitting in front of me is my car. By it's self, no cars around at all. The black BMW is not sitting beside it. I'm stunned at first, then I get all excited. He has finally given up! Probably moved on the Ms. Terrance or Melanie the girl that was wiping his 'lap' today.  I was sorta disappointed at that thought. I was starting to think maybe he wasn't a player. I mean, he had the moves, but he definitely was only showing interest in me. That's not common for players, right? Then I frown at myself, what does it matter. It's not like you wanted anything to happen with him. You have been avoiding him at all costs, right. I pushed all thoughts out of my head and just focused on the fact that I didn't have to jump and run. Once I'm getting close enough I click my keyless entry turning off the alarm and unlocking the doors.  

A huge crash from behind me makes me jump! I turn around my heart racing only to see the janitor. Oh snap! That freaking scared the heck out of me! I roll my eyes at myself, I'm really becoming paranoid. I finally turn back around to my car and climb in. I throw my stuff in the back then start  the engine. Just then, my passenger door opens and Greyson flops down shutting the door after him.

"What the, Greyson are you crazy! You scared the life out of me! Now, get out!" I scream this at him while he has the nerve to grin at me from ear to ear.

"Hey Jolie! Looks like your leaving a little late today. Someone hold you up?" I glare at him thinking about Mary Jane. Then I brush it off, I guess that was just a lucky guess on his part. I mean she's a student. There's no way he would get a student to help him, right?

"GREYSON!  Get the H. E. L. L. out of my car! I don't have the patience for your games this afternoon. It has been a long day, I'm tired and just want to go home. You can get back to bugging me on Monday." Did I just invite him to continue his interest, oh crap I'm just not gotta think about that right now.

He smirked at me then said, "I'm sorry you have had a rough day. I will give your shoulders a massage if you like?." He reaching over to grab my shoulders and I slap at his hands.

"Ugh! You are so annoying! Go home! Go do whatever you do on Fridays, ok!", exasperated with everyone by now.

" Well, see that's the problem. I don't have my car so I can't go anywhere. I need a ride." He states this with a completely innocent looking face. I just stare at him for a second.

"What do you mean you don't have your car? Where the flip is it?", I practically yell that out.

"My friend took it.", he said. Just like it was the some normal thing ever.

"why did your friend take it?" I stare at him like he has lost it. I also take care not to look at his eyes. I have learned if I don't look in his eyes, I can usually not go 'spaced out' and let him have his way with me.

"I told him to come and take it." He smiles.

"WHAT THE HELL? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" I'm back to yelling.

"It was the only way". he shrugs like I should already understand this. What is wrong with people today! I sigh loudly and ask,

"Pray, tell me what was the only way?" I want to give him the evil eye so bad, but to do this would require eye contact. So, I'm still just letting my eyes go back in forward from the window to his shirt. And god, he had a tight white shirt on him. He had a bode to kill for. Stop, I tell myself. Do Not Go There!

"Why, to get to ride with you, of course." That dang gone sexy smile!

"What? Are you crazy? Have you been getting drugs from the druggies here?" My eyes are probably popping out of head now. Please, oh please don't make me take this hunky man home!

"Nope! I only drug I take is you." He winks at me. I scream. I mean scream! I have a huge urge to choke him. He leans over and gets in my face, looks me in the eyes and said,

"We can do this two ways, Jolie. You can drive us to my house or you can drive us to yours. Doesn't really matter to me. It's your call." I take a deep breath which wasn't a good idea since he was so close. I try to huff but it comes out more as a plea for something I just didn't want to think about.

He continues, " Come on, if you go to my place, I will make dinner for us." He eyes pulling me into his spell.

I jerk my head away and look out the side window, sigh then quietly answer,

" I will not walk in your house, Mr. Zanndy! I will drive you home, but that is all. Got it?" I turned to give him my evil eye but was quick to break the eye contact.

"we will see...", was all he said.

The drive to his house was a silent one. It was annoying because it wasn't those uncomfortable silent awkward moments. It was just quite, comfortable, way to comfortable.  I start thinking in my head if I could transfer schools. I mean, this dude was really getting under my skin. And to be honest with myself, it scared the hell out of me! The only time he spoke was to say where to go. That was a surprise because he took me into my own subdivision. That made me panic some. Had he ever seen me leave my house? His house was 3 doors down the road on the same side. I think that house sold not to long ago which would make sense. But, oh my god! he passes my house every time he leaves and comes home! This was beyond dangerous now.  Because right then I realize no matter what, I can't continue avoiding him. I will have to deal with this thing he wants to call 'our connection'. Running away we going cause me more panic of when it finally comes to a  end.  So, with a deep sigh that comes from my soul I resign to the fact, to let him in. However, only as a friend. I will not ever get involved with him romantically. No, that would be a disaster! He is my co-worker, neighbor, and a player. I mean, what worst combination can you get.

I murmur quietly, "I'll eat with you." He jerks his head around. His eyes sparkles and widens in disbelieve.

"Did you just say you would stay and have dinner with me?" He looks like a kid that was just told he will never have to go to school for the rest of his life.

"I said that I would eat with you. Don't call it more than it is. It's not a date, it's not me agreeing with you about what is between us. It's that I have a few things I want to be clear about. I want it clear to you where I stand." I said this with firm determination. There was no misunderstanding what I mean.

His shoulders slump down and the sparkle leaves for a second but he seems to recover then shakes his head.


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