
By elenawild

116K 2.3K 154

"Everyone you meet has a part to play in your story. And while some may take a chapter, others a paragraph, a... More

~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
Quick update
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
Still here
~ Chapter 13 ~
Hey Guys
~Chapter 14~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
Update - Let's talk
Hello Again
~ Chapter 21 ~

~ Chapter 6 ~

4.4K 107 1
By elenawild

The weeks that followed were relatively silent between me and Danny. I don't know if it was the awkwardness of being around somebody you accidentally slept with and can't remember or if we just lost touch for other reasons.

Sam has thankfully not said anything or suspected much of anything about it and hasn't questioned me at all about the night of her wedding.

I sat on Sam and Julians couch in their apartment, sipping my water as Sam plopped down.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked, wondering if she had anything planned further than us just sitting here. 

"Well Julian is going to be home soon so I was planning we go out dancing actually." I perked up at the sound of dancing.

"Dancing? That sounds really fun!" I said, jumping up, about to leave to get ready. 

"Are you going to go get ready?" She asked, standing up with me. 

"Yeah, I don't want to go out in jeans. This way if I'm ready now I don't have to do it later. I'll be back in  like in hour." I said about to leave.

"You know you could just borrow one of my dresses and heels? You know like the old days?" I stopped and turned to her smiling.

"You want tonight to be like the old days?" She cocked an eyebrow, winking. 

"Maybe." I winked back before walking with her to her room.

"Here's what I got." She said, opening her closet and as I walked in, I was stunned.

I'm not saying Sam is innocent, at all, but looking at her collection of lingerie and short, slutty dresses, I was surprised they were hers.

"Sam?" I asked, pointing to all of it and she blushed, but smiled.

"Julian likes what he likes." She said, grabbing one, a red, spaghetti strap, short dress.

"This is his favorite." She set it down, looking at her heels now.

"Just pick any of them." I started looking through them, not sure how I felt about them and what I wanted to wear, but one caught my attention finally. 

"How about this two piece? It looks so cute." I said, putting against me and looking at it in the mirror.

"Dude, do it." She pointed to the room and I ran out, slipping into it quickly and immediately, I was in love with this ensemble. 

"I might have to steal this from you." I said, looking at myself in the mirror and she through me a pair of strap heels.

"These go with that dress perfectly. Put those aside and we'll do hair and makeup." I put them by my purse before we sat at her mirror, helping each other with hair and makeup.

I straightened my hair down, as she did and I did my usual winged liner and red lips. 

"Home!" I could hear Julians voice boom through the apartment.

"Here!" Sam screamed back and as he walked in, he smiled immediately. 

"Getting ready to go out?" He asked, kneeling down to her side, kissing her. 

"Yep. I decided we are going dancing." He nodded, walking to his side of the closet. 

"So I'm guessing I better look fly then huh?" He asked, pulling out his own club ensemble, which comprised of a regular shirt, nice black pants and some pumas it looked like.

So regular Julian.

"Bubs, you always look fly." Sam said and Julian stuck his tongue out at her. 

God they were so lovey it was gross sometimes.

"Don't give me that look." Sam said, looking back at me and I threw my hands up. 

"Whatever dude." I finished my makeup and stood up, grabbing the heels and strapped them on. 

Then there was a knock on the door. 

"Can you get that?" I heard Sam yell and I sighed. 

"Cause I'm your butler." I whispered, grabbing the door.

"Oh, hey." 

Danny said and for a second, I froze, before letting him in. 

"Hey." I said back. It was a silence as he walked in. 

For a few minutes we just stood awkwardly in the living room before I was going to finally do something about it. 

"Okay we need to get over this, because obviously we are going to be in the same room a lot being friends with those two." He stared at me for a second, before nodding.

"Yeah you're right." He said and I started to laugh. 

"I mean, come on, we don't even remember." I was laughing, but he was not. 

"Well..." He stopped and I was not laughing anymore. 

"Wait, do you remember? Did you lie to me?" I asked, taking a step closer. I was going to be pissed if he lied to me that morning about not remembering. 

"Not at first I didn't, I wasn't lying. But after a few days I would remember snippets of it. So that's been happening." I sighed, hating that he remembered. 

"Well that's great." I threw up my arms, turning away. 

"I don't remember everything, but just like parts of it, if that helps." He said, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Nice, that's real nice."

Silence, again.

"If it helps, you were pretty good from what I remember." I snapped back around and he was just smiling.

"You're not helping." I said and he started to laugh. 

"Okay, sorry, sorry." He said, turning his head away and I sighed again, leaning against the couch. 

"You better not tell anyone about it though." I said, pointing at him and he nodded. 


As he said this, Sam walked out, along with Julian. Sam pulled down her dress slightly and fixed her slightly messed up hair. 

"They just did it, didn't they?" I whispered to Danny and he just nodded. 

"Yeah, they do that." He said and Julian shot him look, making Danny shut up and Sam just looked over at me, smirking. 

Julian pointed to my ensemble smiling.

"Hey babe, remember that night you wore that ensemble." He said turning to Sam, pulling her in. 

"I do and I especially remember how fast you tore it off of me and -"  

"Okay can we just go before I throw up!" I yelled, not wanting to hear the end of whatever the hell Sam was saying and walked for the door. I could hear them both laughing as we made our way to the Uber waiting on the street.


"You ready to get your dance on?" Sam asked, grabbing my hand and already starting to move her body. She was such an amazing dancer and always commanded the dance floor when she was on it, had every guys attention as always, but she pulled me on it. 

"Like the old days." She said and I nodded, starting to dance with her and sync our moves. This lasted for a little while, the dance floor moving out of our way to let us dance, before they moved in again, Julian moving in on Sam and pulling her away, getting close with her and letting me move to my own beat.

I loved just feeling the beat, going crazy and just not caring about anything when dancing. I could feel some hands starting to feel on me as I danced and I turned to see who it was. Just some guy, but I was cool with it. We danced together, moving to the beat as Dark Horse played loudly in the club, booming. 

As the song neared it's end, I could feel him moving closer. "Lets get out of here." He whispered in my ear and I moved away. 

"I'm sorry, I'm just here with some friends, not really here to hook up." I said, starting to dance again before I could feel his hands on my wrist, pulling me from the floor. 

"What are you doing?!" I yelled, trying to pull away. 

"I said, we're getting out of here." He said harshly in my face as he pulled me through the crowd, me fighting. 

"I did not consent to this!" I screamed, starting to punch at him, before he pinned me against a wall. 

"Just shut the fuck up." He whispered in my ear and I was breathing hard at the thought that he was just going to take me somewhere and do whatever the hell his sick mind had in store for me.

"Fuck you." I growled, head butting him, making him let go of me as I started to run through the crowd to lose him. 

I was feeling better as I thought I had lost him, that is before he showed up right before me. 

"Good try baby." He said, grabbing me again. 

"Stop!" I screamed, back to square one again. 

"Hey!" I heard someone scream, before I was let free and watched as the guy, who had tried to abduct me, fell to the ground, grabbing his face. I looked over at who punched him and found Danny standing over him. 

"You motherfucker!" The guy yelled, jumping up, grabbing Danny and pinned him against a wall, punching him hard square in the face. 

"Get your hands off him!" I screamed, punching the guy in the face, causing him to let go of him and as he freed up, I kneed him hard where it hurt, making him fall down, giving the bouncers enough time to  grab him and pull him out to the cops waiting.

Good fucking riddance. 

I then realized Danny had kneeled down to the ground, clutching his face as I could see blood coming through his hand. 

"Danny!" I helped him up and looked over to see Sam and Julian still dancing, oblivious to what happened. 

"We need to get you out of here and fix you." I said, walking him out. 

"Okay." Is all he said, his head back as I watched out for him, walking out. We got into a cab I flagged down and gave him my address.

We pulled up to my apartment soon and got out, getting in.

"Go sit down." I said, pointing to the couch as I ran to get a towel and some water and ice. 

"Here, let me wipe it off and then have some ice." I wiped the blood off of his face and hands, before giving him the ice. 

"I'm so sorry you had to get punched." I said, feeling so bad as he applied the ice to his face. 

"It's fine, really. I'd much rather get punched than you get abducted, really." I laughed softly, as did he.

"Well, if we are being honest, I'd rather that too, no offense." He nodded, still laughing.

"None taken."

"I'm impressed he went down at first with one hit though when you punched him." He looked over at me proudly, his hand red from his punch to the mans face.

"It hurt like a son of a bitch, let me tell you. But hey, that kick to the nuts? Ouch." I remembered I did that and started to laugh. 

"I don't know why I just didn't do that in the first place to be honest. Probably could of saved us some faces from being punched in." He shrugged.

"Eh, gotta get punched sometimes. Plus, I've gotten worse on the football field, believe me." Sometimes I forgot that Danny was a professional football player and was beaten up all the time. 

"I believe it. I'm sure you get bruises and aches in places you never knew you even had." His eyes went wide, nodding again. 

"Oh yeah, it sucks. But you know, I love it, too." You'd have to be insane to love that sometimes, but I guess you have to to do it.

"I'm sure Sam and Julian are worried sick we just disappeared." I said, looking down at my phone and not seeing any call or text from any of them though.

"Maybe, but they are either still dancing, having sex, or think we are having sex." Those were all strong possibilities. 

"True, very true. I'm going to go with the they are having sex one though." He nodded with me, taking the ice and setting it down.

"As am I." 

I looked over at his nose and smiled seeing the swelling go down. 

"Hey, well at least it looks like your nose is going to be okay." I said, touching it softly as he cringed.

"Sorry!" I said, pulling back and he laughed softly. 

"It's alright, I was just doing that to make you feel bad." My mouth dropped as he laughed and I hit him lightly. 

"So mean." I said, sitting all the way back on the couch and looking out into Boston through the window. 

It was starting to snow at the moment and it was incredibly beautiful to watch it snow in the city at night. 

"I'm glad you don't dislike me anymore." 

I looked over at Danny again, a genuine smile on his face and I returned it.

"I'm glad I don't anymore, too." 

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