Will He Ever Know?

By readdreamsleep21

8.8K 471 72

Will He Ever Know? I'm in love with my best friend. Now, I know most of you are probably thinking, just tell... More

Author's Note/Synopsis
Last Day of Summer Before Senior Year
First Day of Senior Year Part I
First Day of Senior Year Part II
The Cliché A. P. Lit Play
The Halloween Party
The Ball Scene
Clueless Reference
Never have I ever....
Kissing Scene: Officially
Author's Note
New Year's Eve Party
New Year's Eve Part 2
Mysterious Visitor
The Balcony Scene
Valentine's Day
The Date (Part 1)
The Date (Part 2)
Misunderstandings Explained
Spring Break (Part 1)
Author's Note/Ending of Story
Spring Break (Part 2)
Back to School
Library Scene
The Confrontation
The End

Tutoring Session Part 2

216 18 0
By readdreamsleep21

Cassie's POV

"It's almost Valentine's day guys!", Lily screamed when she saw all of us.

The rest of us sighed at this. You know those girls who don't have dates on Valentine's day and they group up with their girlfriends and eat chocolate and rant about how annoying Valentine's day is? Well, you're looking at one of them. Valentine's day is just a day that makes people without a significant other feel miserable. It just serves to remind you that yes, another year has gone and you're still alone. I know that seems pretty cynical, but it is true in a way!

I guess it didn't help knowing that this would probably be the first year that I would be spending Valentine's day without the girls because I'm willing to bet the guys are finally going to make a move on them this year. I was happy for them of course, but I couldn't help feel left out. It's all good, though, I'll just ask one of the guys if they could buy me a bunch of chocolate so I wouldn't have to get a look of pity at Target when I buy chocolate for myself.

"Come on, Cassie, get into the Valentine's Day spirit!", Sophia shouted as she shook me.

"Easy for you girls to say, you all will have dates", I sharply retorted.

"Cassie", Meg began with pity in her voice.

"It's fine. I'm happy for you girls, of course. Valentine's day just isn't my thing", I told them as I walked away.

As I walked to class, I reflected on the previous Valentine's Days I've had over the years. Valentine's Day was fine when we were younger, because if you gave a valentine to someone, then you had to give one to the rest of the class as well. However as we grew up, Valentine's Day took a turn for the worst. The last time I got a valentine was when Alex moved here in the 6th grade. It was extremely sweet of him and it made my day, but after that day, he stopped doing it. Next thing you know, the girls and I began our ritual of watching cliche movies all day and eating chocolate at my house every Valentine's Day, asking each other why guys from movies and books couldn't act like that in real life. Guess I'm going to be doing all of that alone this year...


"Hey Cassie, are you free to tutor me today after school? I have an exam coming up next week and I don't understand this unit?", Jason asked me at our lunch table.

"Yeah, I am. Do you want to study in the library?", I asked him.

"Sure, It's a date", Jason finished with a wink as he left the cafeteria.

The girls had smiles on their faces while the guys glanced at Alex.

Alex's hands were clenching tightly on the table and he glared at his hamburger as if it betrayed him someway.

"Wow, that's a hard glare man", Jax joked as he placed his hand on Alex's shoulder.

Alex jerked his head toward Jax and shoved Jax's hand off of his shoulder and left the cafeteria still fuming.

I was about to get up to go and check on him, but the guys said they would handle it and they left to look for Alex.

I turned towards the girls, looking for some kind of advice.

"I don't know what to do girls. I keep trying to talk to Alex and he won't tell me what's bothering him", I told the girls.

"Cassie, I'm pretty sure Alex is jealous of Jason or believes he has to compete with him for you", Sophia explained to me.

"What does he have to be jealous of? Jason and I are just friends, it's not like were dating. For once, I can't tell what Alex is thinking or feeling and it scares me", I asked them.

"I don't think he knows that Cassie", Lily added.

"Yeah, just tell him you guys are just friends and I'm sure he will cool down from his man-period soon enough", Meg joked.

"Haha you're right, I'll talk to him after I tutor Jason today. He has football practice here until late anyway, so I'll just wait until after school to talk to him", I answered them just as the bell rang, signaling that we had to go to class.

"Good luck!", the girls shouted as we left to go to class.

Tutoring Session

After my last class was over, I walked to the library to meet Jason so I could help him study for his Calculus exam coming up.

Once we got an hour in studying, we took a break and walked to the Starbucks that's across the street from our high school. After we got through the long line, we sat at a booth in the back with our drinks and a cupcake each.

"Thanks for helping me study, Cassie. It means a lot and I really appreciate it. The best part is that I get to hangout with you and ensure that I don't fail this class. Mom would kill me if I had to go to summer school, something about how she wants to spend as much time as possible with me before I go to college", Jason said.

"That's so sweet! I'm pretty sure my parents are dying for me to go off to college", I jokingly replied to his comment.

"I doubt that. Parents don't like to always say it necessarily but they'll miss us, I'm sure. You're parents definitely because they practically raised the perfect child. They'll probably find it hard to let you go", Jason responded.

"Trust me, I'm not the perfect child, Jason", I answered.

"Come on, you're gorgeous, smart, funny and loyal. I don't understand how a guy hasn't swooped in and asked you out already?", he retorted.

"Stop, you're making me blush", I told him as I kept my gaze on the table.

"Hey, I'm just saying the truth here", Jason added with a huge grin on his face.

"Come on, we better get back to studying. We still have 3 more sections to cover for your exam and I want us to cover it today so that I could focus on just giving you practice problems for the next session", I explained to him.

"Okay, teacher", Jason answered with a smirk on his face.

"Come on", I said as I dragged him out of Starbucks.

Our tutoring session ran so late that all of the cars were gone from the parking lot except for Jason's.

"Hey, do you think you could give me a lift? The buses are long gone and I was hoping to find Alex, but I guess he's gone already", I asked him.

"Coach canceled practice today, that's why I asked if you could tutor me today. No, I was just going to leave you out here in the cold, Cassie", Jason sarcastically replied as we got into his car.

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated here", I teased.

"Guess you're just going to have to live with it, unfortunately", he replied with a smile.

"I guess so", I responded as I turned the radio on his car up.

After Jason dropped me off, I walked over to Alex's house to see if I could talk to him, but his mom said that he went to Liam's house to hangout with the boys and he probably wouldn't be back until late. Well, I guess I'll just wait until tomorrow to talk to him......

A/N: I hope everyone likes this chapter! I know there wasn't really any action in this chapter, but there's more interesting stuff to happen next chapter!!!! Until next time, I hope everyone has a wonderful week and don't forget to comment and vote to let me know what you think :)

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