Look At Me Deer Eyes || 루한

By oohfluffy

14.5K 974 287

"Don't look away." ⌨ Started Posting On: April 16, 2015 ⌨ Story Ended on: June 6, 2017 More

❣ Prologue ❣
✯ Chapter 1 ~ Poof ✯
✯ Chapter 2 ~ His Words ✯
✯ Chapter 3 ~ His Trust ✯
✯ Chapter 5 ~ Knowing Him ✯
✯ Chapter 6 ~ Rich Spoiled Brats ✯
✯ Chapter 7: Thunder ✯
✯ Chapter 8: I'm Happy ✯
✯ Chapter 9: Your Home ✯
✯ Chapter 10: Tour ✯
✯ Chapter 11: Is He? ✯
✯ Chapter 12: Fire ✯
✯ Chapter 13: Revelations ✯
✯ Chapter 14: Kiss Me Goodbye ✯
✯ Chapter 15: Missing Pieces ✯
✯ Chapter 16: The Truth from the Past ✯
✯ Chapter 17: Incomplete ✯
✯ Chapter 18: Finally ✯
✯ Chapter 19: Afraid ✯
✯ Chapter 20: The Guy With Glasses ✯
✯ Chapter 21: Gone with the Unknown ✯
✯ Chapter 22: My King ✯
✯ Chapter 23: The Reason ✯
✯ Chapter 24: Stranger Danger ✯
✯ Chapter 25: For You ✯
☆ Epilogue: Stay ☆
🙏🏻 Please READ 🙏🏻

✯ Chapter 4 ~ Deja Vu ✯

458 41 7
By oohfluffy

Luhan's P.O.V.

I don't know if it was just my imagination but I felt my heart sting as she took out her feelings about me. I didn't know she felt that way. I didn't know I made her feel like that.

I silently walked to the door and knocked as if I was just about to come in. I opened the door and closed it audibly.

"Aunt Yeon? Minji-ah? I'm home!" I said in a cheerful voice. I don't want her to be part of my dark world. I don't want her to be in danger because of me. I don't want her to get hurt.

"O-oh! Lu! You're here already?" Aunt Yeon said. She stood up with a surprised look on her face. Her eyes roamed to my face to my arms, they came back to stare at my eyes with wide eyes. She was about to say something when I beat her to it.

"Yeah, I just came to take my cat home. It's getting late. Let's go, sweetie." I said, winking at Aunt Yeon while helping Minji stand up.

"We'll get going, Aunt Yeon. Take care! See you tomorrow." Minji said with a smile and waved. If you only know how cute and huggable you look everytime. It makes me want to protect you more and more that I can die doing it. Sighs.

"You too, Minji-ah. Take care of yourself and this flower boy here, huh? Be safe!" Aunt Yeon said as she pointed on my face. I just nodded in response and waved at her.


I blinked multiple times as I look into Minji's eyes.

"Yes, cutie?" I answered with a sweet voice, trying to annoy her.

"Aish. I was about to ask you about a serious matter but never mind."

I grabbed her arm with a grin.

"Yah. Where do you think you're going, huh? Ask right away, my princess." I tugged her back beside me and held her hand casually. My heart is beating crazy but I still held her hand, I wonder why.

"You sure you're ready to answer all of it?" She asked while her feet shuffling nervously. I chuckled at her silliness.

"Uhuh. Now shoot."

"Where exactly is your work?"

I looked at her in shock at first but relaxed after I felt her hand gripped on to mine tighter.

"Y-you don't have to answer, Lu. I'm just reall-"

"I work at Moon Center Empire building near Gangdo street. It's 2 hours from here, so I need to leave early before 8. Why'd you ask?" I answered her, thankfully, without stuttering.

"Oh. Moon Center Empire building? I've never heard of it. What do you do there? Do you sign papers or something? Run errands? Or maybe you're the boss?!" She exclaimed in excitement. I scratched the back of my neck, feeling an invisible sweat crawling down on my forehead.

"Uh... I don't sign papers, maybe I run errands for someone, and I'm not the boss."

But of course, that's a lie. Well, not all though. It's true that I don't sign papers, I fight. I don't run errands for someone, I make someone do errands for me. In short, I'm the boss.

But of course again, I can't let Minji know any of those. I can't get her to know who's really her Lu outside of her world.

"So you're like a messenger in an office? I wonder how hard it is for you to get stress at work and get home just to take care of me." Her voice's volume lessened and I can totally sense the sadness her voice has. I can't help but to feel guilty.

"Yah, honey. Stop thinking things like that, ne? Don't worry about your oppa, I can overcome everything just to come home to you. I'll never get tired of you, understand?"

She nodded with a pout. I smiled at her but then I got curious.

"But why did you suddenly ask things about me?"

She blinked like an innocent cat caught eating dinner in a trashcan. I can feel her hand getting sweaty. But I can't let slide the sorrow that passed in her eyes.

"I... I just want to get to know you more, Luhan. I want to know you more. You're so close... but why is it that I feel like you're still so distant to me?"

I bit my lip. I can't say anything. Why can't I say anything?

In seconds, I just found myself cupping Minji's crying face.

"Don't cry. I hate seeing you cry." But she just cried more. I let her snuggle up on my chest and wrap my arms around her. I closed my eyes as I kiss the top of her head.

"Ssshhh. Even if you feel like I'm not close to you, I'll always be here. Didn't I say that I'll never leave?" I combed her smooth hair with my fingers. Seriously, I can do this all day.

"This feels like a deja vu."

"Oh really? Maybe because I said that I'll never leave you."

"Is that it? I don't think so."

"Aigoo, my princess is getting old. What to do? You're gonna leave me young and fresh? Aww man."

And of course, I got a punch from her.

"Yahh! How dare you, Lu."

Her pout is really making me crazy. Yah, Minji-ah, how can you do this to me, huh?!

Even if I get millions of punch from this girl, I don't think I will surrender. I'll always be with her and I'm sure of it.

Third Person's P.O.V.

You were about to go to bed when a ringtone suddenly startled you.

"I thought I was gonna faint." You mumbled as you continued walking to the bed.

The ringing didn't stop and you were getting annoyed already. You arrive at your bed and hesitated on getting on or not. The ringtone of the phone rang again for the 10nth time. You shook your head displeasingly and started finding the phone.

You heard that it's near your bedside table farther than where you were earlier, so you walked to it. The ringing stopped but your hand touched a rectangular thing and you realized it was the phone when it started ringing again.

You brought it up to your eye level and accidentally pressed the answer button.

"Sajangnim, I called to report today's happenings after you left. The culprit, who broke in Minji's house, finally turned himself in. As you've ordered, we let him live and just beat him up. Do you have any more orders, sajangnim?"

You couldn't move a bit of your muscles. You don't understand what the caller was saying. You felt your eyes watering in surprise. You don't even know why you felt like crying. A lot of questions were clouding your mind. Who? What? Why? Where? When? How?

The next thing you heard was the door opening.

"Oh, sweetie. You're still not-- what are you doing with my phone?"

✧ ☽ ✧ ☽ ✧ ☽ ✧ ☽ ✧

It's finally summer and I can finally update again! Ahhh! But I still have a problem though. I have household chores to participate in. But again, I will do my best in updating even if no one's actually waiting! Ha! It rhymes perfectly!

~ PJKimKai ♡

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