(Sequel To MITNN) Life Of The...

By Dalton159

13.2K 710 59

Sequel to Mutant Is The New Normal More

1) New Member
2) The building
3)The Great Escape
4) Viral
5)The Party
6) Superheros
7) Normal Life
8) New
10) Meniff
11) What's Going On?
12) Dreams
13) Fortune
14) Revealed
15) End

9) Aidan

726 44 15
By Dalton159


Taylor p.o.v.

"How you doing princey," I ask Shawn, wrapping my arms around him from behind.

"Going to lunch. Now let me go," he tells me. He tries to squirm away from me, but I just hold him tighter. "Taylor," he whines. I pout at him, which makes Andrew giggle.

"I want to spend time with you. I didn't have you in my first two classes. I'm going through Shawn withdrawal," I whine. I take the opportunity to peck his lips.

"Eww," Andrew says covering his eyes. "I don't like watching my par--pair of friends kissing each other." This causes me to chuckle. If I didn't know that he had a boyfriend I would have thought that was a homophobic slur.

"If Devin was here you guys would totally be making out with him right now," I say back.

I see Andrew's cheeks turn crimson. He shakes his head at us. "I-I'm dating Alex. Not that jerk," he tells us. Shawn and I chuckle a little. Devin is a friend of Aidan who has the hots for Andrew. According to Andrew, Devin always flirts with him and tries to get handsy with him. From what I heard, it seems like Devin might actually like him and it's not all physical.

"C'mon Andy, I'll introduce you to our friends," Shawn says, purposely using Devin's nickname for him.

"I said don't call me that," he yells and then follows us to the lunch room.

We bought some sandwiches in the vending machine and then went to find the others. I still had my left hand wrapped around Shawn as we looked for them. He didn't seem to notice at all, which made me grin. "Where are they," Shawn asks, pouting a little.

"Maybe they went to visit Luke," I said. Some of them were thinking of visiting him during lunch today. Being home alone would probably make the blonde boy feel a little lonely.

Shawn's eyes go wide when he looks over to the doors. "She didn't," he gasps. I follow his eyes and I chuckle a little when I see what it is.

"Get your free Shaylor shirt, over here. Membership is free. We meet in the clothing room every Wednesday," Lia says through a megaphone. She was wearing a purple shirt with a huge picture of Shawn and I cuddling on a couch, sleeping. There were posters of Shawn and I all over the walls around them and there was a table full of Shaylor merchandise to her side. There was a line of people, waiting to buy something on the merch table.

"LIA," Shawn yells, stomping over to her. Lia sees his angry expression and runs away, leaving one of the other girls in charge. Shawn chases her down one of the hall yelling at her, while she screams 'The Gays are angry'. Andrew and I burst out laughing as we watch the whole scene unfold and so does a lot of the other students in the lunchroom.

When we finish laughing, the two of us start walking to the Shaylor table. We talk to the girl who Lia left in charge. "How did Lia do all this in only two class periods," I ask her.

"She can be very persuasive," the girl says. She then pulls out a Polaroid camera and takes a picture of me. She then gives it to a boy and tells him to put it on the website. When she turns back to me, she sticks her hand out to me. "Hello I'm Darcy, Nancy's cousin," she introduces. Nancy was one of the Shaylor Fangirls who at our old high school.

I grab Darcy's hand and shake it. "Nice to meet you Darcy. I'm Taylor."

"Wow, you have soft hands," the brown haired girl comments, when we let go.           

I smirk at her words. "Of course. I wouldn't want to give Shawn a bad handjob."

The girl squeals and jumps up and down. She turns back to the club members. "Tell me somebody got that."

"I got you bro," a small freshman says with a litter video camera. I chuckle at their antics and I excuse myself and Andrew away.

The two of us sit down at a random table and start eating our sandwich. Andrew starts telling me about himself. He didn't go into very much detail, but I do learn a lot about him. His favorite color is blue, he likes Disney movies, his least favorite superhero is Spider-Man, he's scared of spiders. As he's talking I notice he doesn't talk much about his parents. I know he loves them by the few things he says about them, like his dad is from Canada and his papa is from Indiana, but he talks about them like they are gone or something.

"Drew," I hear a voice say, behind us. We turn and I see a guy in a black tank top, ripped jeans, and a couple tattoos standing there with a happy meal. He smiles as he looks at Andrew.

"Da--Damn bro. What you doing here," Andrew asks, jumping out of his chair and hugging the guy. Andrew then grabs his hand and leads him to our table. When the guy sees me, his smile disappears and his face turn emotionless. "Aidan this is Taylor Caniff. Taylor this is my brother Aidan Mesi."

I extend my hand to him. "Nice to meet you, man." Instead of taking my hand, he just stares at it and says nothing. I pull my hand back and frown. "So...how are you?" He just shrugs and doesn't say anything. What's this dude's problem, I thought.

Andrew smacks his brother's arm and glares at him. His brother rolls his eyes and shows him the happy meal. "Here I'm going for a walk." He stands up and walks away from us quickly.

Andrew sighs sadly as his brother leaves. "Sorry about that. He...really isn't good with new people," he tries to lie, but I can see he's hiding something from me. I don't push though, since it isn't a big deal.

Shawn p.o.v.

I glare down the empty hallway, knowing full well that Lia is here. When she saw this place as empty, she immediately turned invisible, so she could escape. What she forgot about though was that she was wearing a strong perfume, so I could smell her still in the hall.

"Lia, come out here right now," I order her.

"If you want people to come out than you have to make a safe environment for them full of unconditional love and forgiveness," she yells back. I roll my eyes at her stupid double meaning.

I stay there for a couple more minutes, before going back to look for the others. I was still mad at her, but there's nothing I can do about it when she's so transparent.

Since I wasn't focusing, I hit something hard, straight on, almost falling back on my bottom. Though the person saves me from falling by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a bear hug. The person starts jumping up and down, with me in their arms. "Daddy," I hear the person say.


The person stops and their body tenses. He lets go of me and jumps back. I see a little red tint on his cheeks as he looks down. "I-I-I s-said Sh-Shawnie," the guy says nervously. He rubs the back of his neck, not making eye contact with me.

"Oh...um, do I know you," I ask. I look him up and down and there's something about him that looks familiar, but I can't tell from where.

The guy shakes his head. "I'm Da--dat brother of Andrew, Aidan," he introduces. I see he has that weird English thing like his brother. "We were looking for you and I guess I got a little too excited being the one to find you," he tell me and then laughs nervously.

I nod my head. "Right." I was kind of nervous being around him. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but I think he like likes me or something. Why else would he call me Daddy? "Let's go find them." I walk passed him and towards the cafeteria.

"Wait," Aidan yells at me. I stop and look back at him. He holds a Wal-Mart bag full of baking stuff towards me. "I was thinking of making some muffins. Would you like to join me," he asks shyly. I thought about for a sec. Hang out with my friends, or make muffins with a guy I don't know. "I got chocolate chips," he adds.

That settles it. I run and grab his arm. "Let's go to the home Ec room. The teacher is really nice," I say, dashing through the hallways. I hear the larger boy chuckle behind me as I drag him through to the room.

When we get to Ms. Sweets room, I'm panting from the run and bringing the boy full of muscle with me. "Shawn are you fine," Ms. Sweets asks.

I nod my head. "As fine as you Ms. Sweets," I say. She blushes and looks away from me, giggling a little. Ms. Sweets is a brown eyed, blonde haired, 21 year old woman. She is kind, gentle, sweet (of course),and a little innocent. Everybody in the school loves her and most of the guys and some girls even have a crush on her. Today she complimented a jock on his soup and he blushed like a little virgin.

"Shawn you know you can't flirt with teacher's," she scolds, playfully.

"I know, but I don't like you like that. I'm gay," I remind her. She still shakes her head at me and then notices Aidan behind me. She blushes just looking at him. I lean forward and whisper, "He likes boys." This makes her turn even more crimson.

"Shawn I wasn't thinking anything like that," she says softly. She then turns to Aidan and asks what we're doing.

Ms. Sweets allow us to use the kitchen, as long as we give her the extras, so she can give them one of the librarians. Apparently Mr. Cranium's cat died yesterday and he's been a little blue.

We soon start making the muffins and I am surprised that Aidan got all the ingredients for my muffin recipe. What surprised me more was that he also got the same brands I use. Though I ignore it for the love of the muffins.

As we work, a see a tattoo on his bicep. It's a heart with the words 'daddy's little helper'.

"You have two dads right?"

Aidan turns to me and nods his head. "Yeah. Why?" I point to the tattoo. He smiles when he sees it. "That's what he called me. Daddy's Little Helper." It was so adorable, that I couldn't help but coo over it. Aidan blushed a little and tried to hide it.

"What about Andrew? Did he get a little jealous?"

He scoffs at the question. "Of course not. He was always papa's little princess," he says bitterly. I could sense some drama, but I wasn't about to stir it.

"So how were you daddy's little helper," I ask him.

He smiles at the question. "Ever since I was little, I always helped my dad. When I was 6 months old, I would always follow him around the house while he did chores. I would always want to do what he was doing, so he let me help in little ways, like putting my toys in my mouth and then putting them away." His voice sounded happy, but there was a little sadness laced within.

"I remember when I was five, he taught me how to make cookies, since they were my favorite and I would always ask for them. Though my dad was more of a muffin guy. Anyway I remember how proud I was when I made those cookies. They were the best cookies I have ever tasted. Any other cookie I made or ate never were the same as that batch of cookies." A few tears fall from his face and land on the batter as he tells the story.

I rub his arm, trying to comfort him in any way I could. "Aidan are you--," but he cuts me off, before I can finish.

"Something's in my eye. I'll try to take it out while you put them in the pan," he says. Before I can say anything, he runs right out of the room.

I sigh and text Andrew about what happened and to look for his brother. He probably knows what's going on and how to make his brother happy again.

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