Destiel One Shots

By enochianphan

135K 5.2K 1.8K

Some Destiel one shots i have in mind, might not be anything smutty but eh. (If there are any trigger warning... More

It felt like home.
The moose is scarred
Party Games (sabriel+destiel)
Married. Wait what?
Now, kiss!
Dont leave me here!
Stupid machines
The angel who saved me.
Teaching Cas
Helping moose
Dear Diary,
Push ups.
You think I'm hot huh?
Motel room
Im bad at titles
Gay bar
Love spell
The first and the last
How Destiel should become canon
Painfully obvious
Food fight
Sammy's emotional
Its for the best
Like me and Jess
Chasing Ghosts
Sam, interrupting
New Years Kiss
No homo
Eye-fucking and mental dick-sucking
If you don't care, why should I?

Apple pie life

2.7K 100 15
By enochianphan

Cas looked around the bunker, remembering all that happened this past year. He smiled to himself as his eyes met Deans. He remembered his eyes when they first met, they were a lot wider. Fuller of life. Not necessarily too full of life as, you know, he's been to hell, but they were fuller than now. This life has destroyed Dean. But his eyes were still beautiful.

"Dean? I'm sorry..." Cas said as he grabbed his boyfriends hand, "I'm sorry I can't give you a nice life. Our life's are so messed up, I really want to change that but I can't. I'm sorry."

"Cas... What are you talking about? Look around, without our 'messed up life's' we wouldn't be here. Without our 'messed up life's' we wouldn't have met." Dean smiled at Cas.

"But I know you sometimes think about, how do you call it, 'apple pie lifes'?. I know you enjoyed your time with Lisa and Ben, you had a normal life then. I wish I could give you something like that." Cas looked down, he felt like he failed Dean.

"Come here," Dean said and pulled Cas onto his lap, "Yes, I enjoyed being with Lisa and Ben, but that's not my life. It never was. This is my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love saving people, I love having my brother by me, and I love you. So I don't care about some boring ass apple pie life when I can have this one, where I kick ass with you and Sam by my side. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. But don't you sometimes wish you could have a normal life?" Cas tilted his head to the side. He thought Sam and Dean always wanted a normal life, but couldn't get out of hunting.

"Sometimes, but then I remember all those people I saved and how many more I will save and I'm fine. I don't need a normal life, Cas, not when I have you. That's more than a normal life can offer. Either way, normal life's are boring, I'd rather get my ass kicked by a vampire than sit at a desk for 6 hours a day. This life is hard, but I wouldn't have it any other way,"

Dean pulled Cas into a gentle kiss as they heard the sound of a camera going off.

"You guys are so in love, I think I threw up a little," Sam said, approaching them, "I'm gonna go make some dinner."

Dean pulled away from Cas and rested their foreheads together. This was his life. Maybe some may not see it as perfect, but it was for Dean. He was saving people with the two people he loved by his side. This was his apple pie life. 

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