Will He Ever Know?

By readdreamsleep21

8.8K 471 72

Will He Ever Know? I'm in love with my best friend. Now, I know most of you are probably thinking, just tell... More

Author's Note/Synopsis
Last Day of Summer Before Senior Year
First Day of Senior Year Part I
First Day of Senior Year Part II
The Cliché A. P. Lit Play
The Halloween Party
The Ball Scene
Clueless Reference
Never have I ever....
Author's Note
New Year's Eve Party
New Year's Eve Part 2
Mysterious Visitor
Tutoring Session Part 2
The Balcony Scene
Valentine's Day
The Date (Part 1)
The Date (Part 2)
Misunderstandings Explained
Spring Break (Part 1)
Author's Note/Ending of Story
Spring Break (Part 2)
Back to School
Library Scene
The Confrontation
The End

Kissing Scene: Officially

339 24 3
By readdreamsleep21

A/N: For anyone who missed the note that I made last chapter, the beginning part of this chapter is the night before the last day of school before they go on winter break. Where I wrote in this chapter, next day of school, indicates that it is the last day before break.

Alex's POV

"Tiffany, we need to talk", I sternly told her.

"Why did you have to put Cassie on the spot like that? She didn't even do anything to do that I'm aware of?" I asked her.

"It was just a game, Alex. Take a chill pill, okay. Biancha and I didn't mean anything by it, we didn't expect Cassandra to run off like a little girl. The rest of your group answered the questions just fine, so why are you treating Cassandra differently? If I didn't know any better, I would say you have feelings for her or something stupid like that..." she explained.


"Alex, why aren't you correcting me? I was joking around about the feelings thing you know", Tiffany questioned me as she took in my silence.

"Seriously, of course you have feelings for her! I guess I just tried ignoring the signs to make myself feel more secure about this relationship, but I was wrong. You know what, we're done. I don't want to be your backup choice. We're through, good luck with everything Alex," She spoke in a no-nonsense tone.

"Tiffany, I'm sorry and you're right. I don't know how I feel about Cassie yet, but you don't deserve to be treated like that. I do hope though that you will find someone who will put you first and will treat you properly. I hope we could still be friends though", I confessed.

"One day, Alex. Just give me time. Come on, Biancha, let's go check on everyone else at the party and make sure that no one throws my mom's vases out the window or pukes in the pool again. I did it once, and I don't want to do it again. Bye, Alex", Tiffany replied with a small smile.

"Bye, Tiffany", I answered with a smile.

Later on that day

I called the girls to see if they could update me on Cassie, but all of them went straight to voice mail. Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow hopefully....

Cassie's POV

"Awn, sweetie, do you want to talk about it?" Sophia gently asked me.

"There's nothing to talk about Soph. It's not like what Tiffany said wasn't true. I mean, Alex and I have known each other for a couple of years now, and he never made a move. Clearly, he doesn't feel the same way about me, so I should just forget these feelings I'm having. What's the point in focusing on something that will never happen anyway, right?" I asked my friends.

"Don't give up just yet, Cassie! You never know what will happen tomorrow, things can completely change in an instant. Keep an open mind and your head up, because you'll never see the good things if you keep your head down the entire time", Lily reminded me.

"You sound like a fortune teller, Lil", I lightly teased her.

"Ha-ha, glad you're humor's back Cassie", Lily smiled.

"Dare I say it? Is that a smile on Cassandra's face? I never thought I would see it again," Meg dramatically questioned.

"Thanks girls for cheering me up, I really appreciate it. I don't know what I would do without you", I replied with a huge smile on my face.

"We know! Now, let's go have that Nicholas Sparks movie marathon and eat a bunch of sweets!" Lily shouted.

"Ugh, not another Nicholas Sparks film again. Why, don't we watch an action film like Fast and Furious?" Meg suggested.

"Because it's practically tradition, Meg. Whenever any of us needs cheering up, we always have a Nicholas Sparks marathon and stuff our faces! Soph, you call and order the pizza, Meg get the soda from downstairs, and I'll pop the popcorn! Let's get this movie night started!!!!!" Lily shouted.

"I love you girls", I said.

"Awn, group hug girls!" Lily said huddling us together.

Next Day at School

Alex's POV

Despite my many attempts to talk to Cassie, I was never able to. Whenever I spotted her, she would instantly run in the other direction or she would pretend to be talking to someone. Hopefully, I'll have better luck at Lit class....

"Welcome, my lovely students! Today, we're going to be doing one of my favorite scenes in Romeo and Juliet! Can anyone guess which scene?" Mrs. Hooper asked us.

Everyone shouted out different answers, but not the correct answer she was looking for.

"Seriously, none of you guys know? This is pitiful!!! We're going to finish up doing the ball scene! So, can everyone get into their places on stage and we can get started, please?" Mrs. Hooper shouted.

I wish I had the chance to talk to Cassie earlier so we could sort things out, but there's nothing to do now except do this scene.

"Okay, Cassie and Alex, I'm going to need to see a lot of emotion out of you guys for this scene. It's very romantic so lose yourselves in the acting and pretend this was really happening to you guys. Alex, pretend as though this is the first time you're meeting Cassie and you never saw anyone so beautiful before and put yourself in Romeo's shoes. Maybe this time we can get through the scene without any interruptions", Mrs. Hooper teasingly said with a wink.

"Well, it's not that hard to act like we're in love with each other with the dim lights, candles and flowers everywhere", Cassie sarcastically muttered under her breath.

I bursted out laughing at Cassie's comment until Mrs. Hooper's glare immediately shut me up.

"And, action!" Aaron shouted.


Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?


Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.


O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do.

They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.


Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.


Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.

As I was leaning in to kiss Cassie, I looked at her deeply. Her chocolate brown hair had tiny highlights of light blonde hair in it, her lips looked incredibly soft and her cheeks had a tint of a blush on them. But for some reason, something stopped me. I glanced at her emerald eyes and she appeared to be shaking slightly in nerves. Man, she's so beautiful. I couldn't help but realize my feelings for her at the moment. Talk about perfect timing, huh...

Cassie's POV

As Alex began inching closer to me, I noticed how his ocean blue eyes had a twinkle in them. His dark brown hair was messy as though someone was running their hands through it. Not to mention his hair was covering up a part of his face with its length, and he had a gentle smile on his face. What if I completely mess this up, everyone's watching and would start laughing at me! I tried avoiding Alex all day, because I didn't want to talk about what happened last night. But now, I had no choice....Thinking about all of these thoughts, I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart was pounding rapidly. Whenever I heard girls in the locker saying how they felt butterflies in their stomachs when they had their first kiss, I always thought they were exaggerating. I guess, they were right about it after all.....

Alex's POV

I could tell how nervous Cassie was feeling, so I tried to comfort her as best as I could.

"Hey, it's okay. Pretend everyone else isn't here and it's just you and me. Nothing else matters", I whispered to her with a small smile.

I heard her take a tiny breath and mutter, "okay" softly back to me.

Cassie's POV

His smell reminded me of rain and all I could focus on was Alex. I couldn't help but lean in even closer to get a better smell of it.....

Alex's POV

I glanced at her face again, hoping to see some kind of assurance that she was okay with what's about to go down.

She smiled at me and shook her head to say yes.

"Cass", I said as I finally lightly brushed my lips against her.

I didn't want to scare her off, so I hesitantly continued to kiss her until I could feel her responding back to me. God, she smells amazing...

Cassie's POV

His lips were slightly chapped yet soft at the same time. I could tell he was going for slow for me, but I was losing myself in the kiss and couldn't help begin to kiss him a little more urgently...

Alex's POV

As I felt her responding, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her as close as possible to me.

Cassie's POV

I pushed my hand through his hair and pulled him even closer to me.

I couldn't help but get lost in the kiss. I wasn't sure if the kiss was going to be awkward, but it turned out to be amazing.

Alex's POV

We were continuing to kiss, until we got interrupted.

We heard loud cat whistles and the audience hooting at us.

Our friends were screaming, "encore, encore!"

God, why did they have to interrupt us, I wasn't ready for the kiss to be over yet. Once the kiss ended, I knew that Cassie and I were going to have come back to reality and discuss what happening's between us. It's easier to forget about all of that after this kiss though....

Cassie seemed to come back to reality and detached her lips from mine.

I glanced at her and noticed the fear resurfaced in her eyes. Before I could say anything, the bell rang again.

"Okay all you crazy people, class dismissed! I hope you all enjoy your winter break!!" Mrs. Hooper exclaimed as everyone departed.

"Cassie, we need to talk about this", I confidently told her.

"There's nothing to talk about Alex. You have a girlfriend, Tiffany remember? We both just got lost in the moment, so we should just go on like it didn't happen", Cassie suggested.

"Cass, Tiffany and I..." I began to explain her.

"I get it, Alex. You don't have to explain it to me," Cassie put on a smile.

"Cassie, Tiffany and I...", I softly said.

"Don't. Just don't Alex, okay. Forget this happened and we could just move on", she firmly answered.

"Hey, you guys coming? We're going to be late for-", Liam began asking the two of us.

Sophia smacked him in the stomach which caused him to ask her, "what did you do that for?".

All she did was glare at him, and he immediately put his hands up to surrender.

"Sorry, but did you need to smack me so hard?", Liam asked as he glared at her.

"Yes, yes I did", Sophia replied back to him. Causing us to instantly start laughing and forget about the current situation we were in.

"Guys, in all seriousness though, we're going to be late for class. I'm pretty sure none of you guys want a detention today, which would cause us to stay in school longer than necessary," Sophia rationally explained.

"Yeah, you're right, Soph. Let's go guys ", Cassie responded as the girls turned to walk out the theatre.

The second the girls left, the guys turned to look at me.

"Great, just great", I mumbled to myself.

So, what does everyone think about that kiss and the ending? Comment and tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!

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