Save Me Big Time Rush

By NayBtr1d

79.3K 1.6K 422

{MADE THIS WHEN I WAS AROUND 12/13 SO THE WRITING IS HORRIFIC} The story is about a young teenager strugglin... More

Welcome :D
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 3

3.5K 67 13
By NayBtr1d

Katie's POV

I heard a noise of beeping. What? Where the hell am i? Think Katie think. All i could remember is self harming then blacking out.

I slowly opened my eyes with all my strength to see a bright light in my eyes. I quickly closed my eyes again and reopened them, adjusting the light to my eyes, i slowly sat up on the bed and looked around the room.

Now i know where i am. I'm in hospital. Wait what?! Mum and the guys are going to find out and i'm going to be dead!

Who even brought me here? The door opened and a young woman came in.

"Nice to see you awake, Miss Kinght." She smiled

"Yeah.. Not really." I mumbled

"My name is dr. Stevens and i just want to run some tests before we let you go."

"Okay." I replied, "Is any of my family here for me?" I asked

"Actually there is. Four young boys and a lady. I'm guessing they are your brothers and mother. Shall i bring them in?" She asked

"Urm... Sure?" I replied as a question. She nodded her head and walked out of the room. I started to play with my fingers, starting to get bored.

"K-katie?" A concerned voice called my name.

I look up to see my brothers and my mother. Kendall looks like he hasn't slept once and has been crying, as well as the other boys. My mum looks like she had a meltdown. Her makeup was smudge, her eyes were red and puffy and her hair is all messy. Kendall came up to me and took my hand in his. His eyes were red and puffy too.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, looking down, feeling tears fall down my face

"Carlos told us." Kendall said with no emotion in his voice, "Why didn't you tell us any sooner?" He continued

I kept quiet and let him continue.

"Finding out in all in one day. Finding out you are getting bullied, physically and verbally. And that you self harm to stop the pain. I was heartbroken to hear that. Why didn't you come to one of us? We could've sorted this out and we wouldn't be here right now. Do you know how scared i was, to see you in your room, covered in your own blood and getting told that you might not make it? Katie i've been crying for days. I was scared i was going to lose my baby sister. Katie, we can tell you need us right now. I just don't understand why you would do this to yourself?" Thats when Kendall broke down crying. He slipped his hand from mine and hugged his body on the floor. Logan rushed to his side and went to comfort him.

"Don't cry baby girl." James whispered, wiping the tears of my face with his thumb.

"Its going to be okay baby, we going to get you help. You're going to feel yourself again Katie, i promise." Carlos spoke

I nodded my head slowly, not making no eye contact with no one.

"I'm sorry but i'm going to have to ask all visitor to leave and wait outside while i run a few tests on Miss Knight" Dr Stevens said.

"Will she be able go leave after this?" Mom asked

"It really depends on the results we will receive, Mrs Knight." Dr Stevens explained.

Mom nodded her head and her and the boys all left the room.

Kendall's POV

"Mom?"i asked

"What are we going to do about her, Ken? I don't wanna lose my little girl." She whispered

"Mom, me and the guys are going to try and do our very best of helping Katie. Logan found a club for teenagers going through depression, they help her through it and she can talk about whatever she needs to let out. She will be going there every Friday." I told Mom

"And we are going to check all her social networks." Carlos continued

"And i think we should move her schools. She could come to our school, so we can watch her and protect her." James said

"And someone will have to be with her all the time. If she wants to go shopping or somewhere, one of us have to be with her." Logan finished

"You guys are the best" Mom wiped her tears and gave us a group hug

"Mom you wont need to worry about anything. Me and the boys have got everything under control." I told her

"Mrs Knight?" Someone called my mom and she went up to the desk.

She started talking to them about the information about Katie. After talking to the lady, she grabbed Katie's bag with her clothes in and walked into her room. Mom and Katie came out a few minutes later. Mom quickly signed Katie out and we all walked to the car. Mom was driving, Logan was in the front with her. Me, James, Carlos and Katie was all in the middle. All of us got our own seats but there wasn't enough for Katie so she sat on my lap.

"Well..." I said

"Katie was been diagnosed with depression and anorexia." Mum spoke.

The whole car filled with silence. My baby sister is not just depressed, she is also anorexic. I should've noticed! She rarely never ate with us and whenever we asked her she would say she had a big lunch at school.

"She has to take two pills of Anti-depression everyday. And needs to be monitored on what see eats."

Katie looked down at her feet and hid her face with her hair.

"Don't hide your face beautiful. I can promise you, all of us will help you get through this. You're stronger than this Katie." I whispered into her ear.

I know my sister can do this. I know she can

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