Open Relationship

By kryzme

21.3K 502 121

James has always been the nice girl, the girl who does everything right. However, when she's torn between the... More

Open Relationship
Open Relationship - Chapter 2
Open Relationship - Chapter 3
Open Relationship - Chapter 5
Open Relationship - Chapter 6
Open Relationship - Chapter 7
Open Relationship - Chapter 8
Open Relationship - Chapter 9
Open Relationship - Chapter 10
Open Relationship - Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Open Relationship - Chapter 4

1.1K 30 3
By kryzme

I know this took forever, and it's not the longest, but remember that I'm in school, taking a full load, and school comes

Please check out my FB fanpage in the external link ----> and also vote and comment and the end!!! I haven't gotten back much feedback and I'm curious as to what you're all thinking about this one :)


Chapter 4




I was a little surprised by her answer. I wasn’t full of myself, but I guess I was just hoping she would want to be with me regardless. I suppose that was just me being a guy. I was still happy that she wanted to keep seeing each other, even if it wasn’t romantically. The next few weeks were pretty uneventful. I spent a lot of time with Mae, seeing as she was leaving for the next month to see her grandparents in Japan. The day came when I dropped her off at the airport and kissed her goodbye. She didn’t seem too excited to be leaving me here but I had assured her that I couldn’t afford the time off work right now.

It was another quiet Friday evening as I sat down in my living room with the television on as background noise. I felt my phone buzz as I received a text. I looked down to see James’s number pop up.

Tonight’s my sister’s birthday. Would you like to join me?

I thought for a moment, why would she ask me? I knew we had agreed to be friends, but after the awkwardness of the last time we’d seen each other I hadn’t been sure she would ever really call me again. I wasn’t exactly going to turn down this opportunity to see her though.

Sure, where and when?

The reply was instantaneous, as if she’d just been waiting to send it.

Jazz club at 8.

I gave a small smile. It may be too early to tell, but I think I might be able to convince her…

Let the games begin.



“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” I asked Hollis, putting my phone down on the table and giving her an apprehensive glance.

“Oh please, the last thing you want to do is ignore the guy when you felt something there. Now, Henry told me that Noah’s girlfriend is going to be gone for the next month. Now’s your chance to steal him away!” Hollis laughed and I looked at her, stunned.

“Hollis! That’s terrible! So that’s why you asked me to invite him?” I scowled and she nodded.

“Listen, according to Henry, Mae’s no good for Noah. All of his friends agree that he would be better off with someone like you!”

“That’s not for you guys to decide! That’s up to Noah!” I argued and she shrugged.

“If he really likes you, then he will.” She didn’t clarify when I gave her a questioning look and went off into the bathroom to continue getting ready. I tried to ignore what she had said and get ready as well. Suddenly, I knew I had to try and look amazing tonight. As much as I didn’t want to admit it to Hollis, I really wanted him to be impressed.

It was eight, and Noah wasn’t here yet. Wes had called in some other employees so that we could enjoy Hollis’s birthday. The band had started and we were all sitting at our table with drinks. I was a little distracted though, sending glances to the door to see if he had arrived. “If you keep doing that, you’re going to give yourself whiplash.” Hollis teased and Wes looked over at me questioningly.

“What? Who do you keep looking for?”

“Noah,” Hollis answered before I could. Wes’s expression seemed to transform.

“That jerk that tried to hit on you even though he has a girlfriend?” Wes growled and I shrunk back, not sure how to answer.

“He’s a good friend of hers now and I told her to invite him.” Hollis saved me, downing her first drink. “WOO!” She yelled, slamming the glass on the table. Wes shook his head and I couldn’t hold in my laughter.

“Your sister definitely knows how to party, hm?” I heard a whisper in my ear and I whipped my head around to see Noah smirking.  

“You made it.” I smiled and he leaned over to hug me. I was surprised by the action and was distracted for a moment by the intoxicating scent of his cologne.

“Of course. I said I was coming, right?” He took a seat next to me and took an envelope out of his jacket, handing it over to Hollis. “Happy birthday Hollis.”

“Aww, how sweet. Thank you Noah.” Hollis said, ripping open the envelope. Inside the card was a Victoria’s Secret gift card and both my sister and I cocked an eyebrow at him.

“Hey!” He put his hands up in surrender. “I don’t know where you like to shop and I figured just about all girls like to shop there.” Hollis considered this for a moment and nodded, a smile spreading on her lips.

“Good work, I love it.” She laughed and I heard Noah let out a relieved sigh.

“For a second I thought I was a goner,” he joked in my ear and I giggled.

“It was a close one.” I replied, nudging him with my shoulder.

It was strange how easily Noah fit in with my group of friends. We were all joking and drinking together as if we’d all been together for years. Hollis and Wes seemed wary at first, but soon thawed out. Though, in honor of the celebration, I had soon surpassed my normal drink limit and was lost in the fog of alcohol.


I’ll have to admit that James was even more entertaining when drunk. She was already on her fifth vodka tonic and laughed at everything that was said. Though, the conversation had taken an interesting turn when Hollis started to argue with Wes about his ex-girlfriends.

“Ally was definitely your worst by far!” Hollis laughed.

“But she was hot!” Wes cried, defensively.

“She was a mooching bitch!” James exclaimed, slapping his shoulder. “You deserve better.”

“Oh really now? What about this guy you’ve brought here?” Wes gestured to me and James shrugged in response.

“He’s hot too.” She retorted and I couldn’t help but burst into laughter along with the group. So, her family was aware of the situation then? I wonder how they all felt about it; though from the way Wes was regarding me, I assumed it wasn’t good.

It was nearing midnight and James was still pretty drunk. “Okay guys, I’m going to head home.” She slurred and clumsily tried to get up. I quickly caught her before she fell and had her lean against me.

“I don’t think it’s such a good idea to let you go on your own.” I commented, holding her up.

“Why don’t you take her?” Hollis suggested, giving me a look I wasn’t sure how to read.

“I don’t know…” Wes started.

“It’ll be fine! You have to lock up later Wes, so you can’t. And I’m not done celebrating yet…” Hollis pointed out. “Go on Noah, and thank you.” I hadn’t even given an answer yet, but I guess it didn’t matter. Of course, I wasn’t complaining.

The walk home was quiet at first. James seemed awkward and unsure of what to say. I was equally confused. “How’s the girlfriend?” She finally asked and I blinked, caught off guard by her question.

“Fine, she’s gone to see her family in Japan. She’ll be gone for the next month or so.”

“Oh…” The silence stretched on a little further before we made it to her apartment. We came to the door and she fumbled getting her keys out of her purse. I started to follow her in and she seemed surprised for a moment. “Oh no, you don’t have to walk me up there.”

“I think it’s better if I do. I’d feel really bad if you died because you drunkenly fell down the stairs.”

“I’m not that drunk.” She said, even though she laughed at my comment.

“Oh, then how drunk are you?” I brought my face closer to hers, cornering her by the stairs. She looked up at me, looking torn. I didn’t want to give her a chance to decide the safe route, so I closed the gap and pressed my lips to hers. 


MWAHAHAHAHA, perfect ending spot until next time. Like I said (broken record here) check out FB fanpage in external link, vote, and comment! Yay!!!!

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