By RhondaLaVyrleJane20

1.6M 55.5K 5.2K

Alexander Hunter,30 First class criminal. Had been jailed for 3 years on account of murder, a name which ever... More



29.5K 1K 122
By RhondaLaVyrleJane20

Alexander slammed his laptop shut with his right hand, and sank back into his chair with force. He clenched his jaws and stared at the door of his office. He let out a fruatrated sigh and rested his head backwards on the head rest of his chair. He was beginning to get restless, angry, frustrated and distracted because of that one woman who never returned after that fight that happened between them.

Three days. It had been three days since that heart wrenching fight, and Rose had not come back to work from the very next day. He felt weak without her, he felt like he had returned back to those years when they were separated and he yearned to feel her love. He was missing something big, and that was her. He rubbed his right hand over his eyes and clenched his left hand that was bandaged, making the deep cuts hurt and leak more blood. He freed his left palm and looked at the blood blotting the white cloth. He stared back at the ceiling.

Jealous. Alexander hunter was jealous of Brian Stephen. He could not handle listening to her speak about another man in front of him. She had woken up the monster in him when she said that she would fall in love with Brian. He had waited too long for her to let her slip away from his sight. He would never let that happen. If anything had the power to separate him from her, it would be death. She had torn him into pieces when she told that she hated him. He did not want to see hate in her eyes anymore.

Her love was exquisite. Her love was his light, and only she could bring him out of the dark cave he lived in. He was ready to take any pain for her, but all he wanted in return was Rose. He would ask only for her, and nothing else.

"Tomorrow, even if we aren't together, and are two different people from different worlds, I would identify him just by looking at his eyes. I love him so much Alex, that it hurts. I want to be in his life, I don't know what he feels about me. Does he feel the same for me Alex?" .

Her words from the letter echoed inside him. He gulped down feeling the pain seep into his heart.

He took a deep breath and slowly spoke," I feel the same Rose, I feel the same, but much more stronger and painful than before...... I love you." He whispered to the air around him and closed his eyes feeling weak and terrible without her. One woman, had control and power over his life. She controlled his heart even without her presence. She dominated his system and made it hard for him to even take a peaceful breath.

He opened his eyes and straightened himself on his chair. His eyes scanned the table and fell on his car keys. He grabbed them,got up quickly ,and made his way to the parking lot. He got into his car and brought the beast roaring to life. He drove away to his destination with only one thing running in his head. Rose!.


" Why is he still walking alive? " Brian gritted his teeth with frustration as he spoke to the criminal in front of him.

Brain was desperate to get Alexander out of his perfect picture with Rose. He was now like a pest clinging onto the criminal to eliminate Alexander. That morning, instead of heading to work he had decided to meet this paid criminal, to ask him to quicken the execution. The faster Alexander was out, the better chances he had with his love, or rather obsession ,called Rose.

They now stood face to face in an old warehouse, far away from the city limits.

The criminal gave a wicked smirk and looked at Brian. He narrowed his eyes at him and said,

"Who do you think he is? A tiny five year old who could be shot just by your fucking command?" he roared, which made Brian flinch a bit. He had stepped into a dangerous territory and it was too late to back out. He did not have any idea about the havoc this could create in his life and Roses' life too.

He stepped closer to Brian with an angry face and an intimidating scowl.
"He is Alexander Hunter. Not a common man who can be wiped away easily. He is fucking dangerous and it takes fucking time to eliminate him. He has killed every man who has even looked at him in the wrong way... But this," he said ,pointing his index finger at his chest
"I have an eye on his life ever since he killed my brother,." He said and diverted his eyes behind Brian's head and remained silent.

"What happened to him?" asked Brian.

"Mind your own fucking business." he said, making Brain choose to keep his mouth shut.
The criminal took in a deep breath and brought his eyes back on Brain.

"I have tabs on him. I will finish. . . . ." before he could complete his sentence his phone rang and he picked it up from the table.

"Jason." He said, greeting the other man.

He silently listened to the person who was speaking and brought his eyes to meet Brian's curious ones.

"Well, thats good. I will follow from there....yeah...keep following him." He said, and ended the call.

He looked at Brian and smiled,
" Hunter is baiting himself."

He picked up the the professional gun that laid on his table and walked towards the door.

"You've got to finish him today..." ,Brian called out.

He stopped near the door and turned his head sideways eyeing him from the corner of his eyes.

"He will fall."


Rose was in the kitchen cleaning the slabs with all the energy she had in her. Her kitchen was always clean, but she did this to divert her attention away from a certain green eyed man that dominated her life. She had not been to work since three days and she could not accept his absence in her life. She missed him like never before. Now that he was right in front of her, Rose did not want to loose him again. She could not bear the thought of him leaving her. A tear escaped her eyes and she bit her lips with force as she thought about the fight they had in his office. She had hurted him and had spoken to him in a very rough manner. She had never spoken to him this way even when he had hurted her the most, and her actions started killing her every second, the minute she had left his office. She remembered how he had broken the glass with pressure and how the pieces had sliced through his skin. She stopped scrubbing and gulped down the pain that started to built in her throat.

Rose was brought back to her senses when her door bell rang
. She got up, washed her hands and face,tied her hair into a neat ponytail and walked towards the door. She opened the door and faced the person whom she did not want to see at present, but yet died to see.

Alexander stood there, in front of her door, with his hands in his pant pockets as he looked at her with an unreadable expression.
His body and mind relaxed at the sight of his beloved standing in front of him. But yet, he could not go pour all the affection he had for her right now. They had too much to talk.

Rose analysed the man standing there and her heart beat quickened with happiness. He was surely a sight for sore eyes. He was dressed in his blue business attire. He was handsome as ever, but his eyes had lost its shine. It's happiness. He had his left hand bandaged ,and his blood had marked a huge spot on his palm. She had mixed emotions now. She felt happiness, guilt and pain pierce into her body like sharp arrows. She did not want him to see what she felt for him deep inside her heart and hence, she put on her expressionless mask on.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, once she knew that he would not talk anytime soon.

"Why dint you come to work?" He questioned her, without answering her question.

"Wrong answer Alexander, let's tr----"

Before she could complete her sentence Alexander pulled her arms and brought her out of her door step onto the porch where he was standing.

"Stop with that attitude Rose."he said through gritted teeth, looking at her eyes, or rather piercing into her soul with his sharp green furious eyes.

"I am sorry, alright? Is that what you want to hear from me? I am sorry." He said pulling her closer to him.

"I can't stand you talking about another man. I am an extremely jealous creature, and I can't help it when it comes to you. I fucking loose it." He said with anger and pain.

Rose stood there without answering and tried to free herself from his strong grip, which made him tighten his grip even more. He did not like this cold treatment that was being inflicted upon him.

"Don't ignore me Rose." He said as he brought his face closer to hers.

She smiled and stopped moving as she remembered something from their past and looked at him.
"You still can't handle it when someone ignores you, yes? It seems like your character has not changed since childhood."

Alexander looked at her smile and closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening it again. He was blank.

"Remember, I used to always come and ask for forgiveness? Even though when it was not my mistake at times? I was like a lost puppy, following you everywhere, begging for your love and affection." She gulped and blinked twice trying to hold on to her sanity. "I loved you way too much. And see where it led me." She whisperer the last part looking at his eyes.

"Rose." He said, never letting go of her arms.
"I am sorry Rose, I am sorry." He said, his voice now in the verge of breaking. He never wanted to think about his past and the way he had pushed her away. It killed him.

"Let me be the lost puppy now. Let me follow you everywhere. Let me beg for your love and affection. But please don't push me away." He said and gulped down hard.
"I love you . I will happily follow you wherever you go. Never even think I will let you go now Rose. I never will. I love you, God. I love you." He said as he rested his forehead on hers and closed his eyes taking deep breaths to control his rapid heart beats.

Rose stilled and looked at him once their foreheads connected. He had his eyes closed and his grip tightened on her, as if she would vanish into air. He looked tiered, and worn out. And at that moment Rose , started to have thoughts of giving him a chance. She wanted him. She wanted Alexander Hunter and she couldn't be without him anymore. They were separated for a long time and Rose did not want to waste even a second that she could spend with him. She wanted to push back the past and leave it all behind. She had always wanted him since the day she learnt her love for him, and now he was in front of her.All that mattered now ,was the man in front of her, who looked lost and helpless. She wanted to hold his hand and say him that everything would be alright. That she wants him back. That her love for him had never gone.

She smiled at him as her eyes started welling with tears. She loved this man. He would have done terrible things in the past, but that's what made him what he is. He was a mixture of good and bad. She loved the bright side of him, and she would love even the dark side of him the same way. She loved him completely and she would not change anything in him.

And at that moment,

Roseanne Hart, had fallen in love with Alexander Hunter, all over again. Deeper and stronger than before.


"So she's his weakness." He whispered, to himself with an evil smile on his face, as he waited behind the bushes, aiming the gun at Alexander's chest.

He was waiting for the perfect moment to pull the trigger and finish him off within one shot. Because, he knew, if he missed it now, then the person who would die would be he himself. Alexander would hunt him down and kill him. He adjusted the gun once again and set his aim right on Alexander's chest, where his heart rested, which had now quickened it's pace as he held her close to him, resting his forehead on hers.

You killed my brother.

Perfect, he thought and put slight pressure on the trigger with his index finger pulling it backwards. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and his eye twitched as he concentrated on his target.

"Good bye, Alexander." He said and pulled the trigger. And the next second, he heard an ear piercing scream of a woman in fright and pain.


Hello loves.:)
How are you all? I hope your doing fine. I am sorry for the late update.
I had a little problem with the nerves in my index finger, and I couldn't type down anything because of that.
I am sorry for the wait.

Please tell me how you all felt about this chapter.? Please?:)

Thank you for all the love and support. I love you all.

Vote, comment and enjoy.

Until the next update,

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