A Miracle That Started With P...

By LordDerpyTurtle

51.2K 896 270

A 19 (Almost 20) year old girl Allison or AJ goes to Pax East 2013 with her friends Hope and Joe. While they... More

Chapter 1 Miracle at Pax
Chapter 2 10 to 29 in a matter of seconds
Chapter 3 Our last day here at Pax :(
Chapter 4 PEPSI MAX
Chapter 5 Of Texting and Dishes
Chapter 6 Complete Randomness and trips home
Chapter 7 Home Sweet Home Or So I Thought
Chapter 8 Can I Stay?
Chapter 9 Interrogated by Koots
Chapter 10 Don't Mess With Me I'm Having a Bad Week
Chapter 11 Bothering James, and Phone Fiasco
Chapter 12 Of Supposite Lazy days and Early Birthdays
Chapter 13 Oh Sweet Jesus
Chapter 15 Of Boredness and Missing Someone
Chapter 16 WTH TIFFANY?!
Chapter 17 Do. You. ____. ___.
Chapter 18 The Great RTX Pass Hunt
Chapter 19 RTX is Almost Here!
Chapter 20 Trips to Texas
Chapter 21 The Day before it all
Chapter 22 The Day Is Finally Here Part I
Chapter 23 The Day is Finally Here Part II The "Pre Show"
Chapter 24 The Day Is Finally Here Part III Of Questions and Answers
Chapter 25 Of Awkward Situations
Chapter 26 Going To Go Home Just To Leave Again
Chapter 27 Airport
Chapter 28 The Worst Hotel Room Ever
Chapter 29 Costume Problems
Chapter 30 Chip and Marshal Bowdrie Part I

Chapter 14 Of Trips back Home

1.7K 24 18
By LordDerpyTurtle

I woke up that morning with a splitting headache. I didn't remember much of last night... well not much after the beer and all was brought out. I turned in the bed to see Aleks sitting up rubbing his temples. I couldn't blame him my head hurt like hell too.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily.

He jumped and looked at me, "Ohhh ummm." He checked his phone, "10:02"

My eyes widened and I bolted up from my previous spot on the bed. I stood up too fast and almost fell down again. Though I managed to keep my balance. I rushed over to my bag and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a T-Shirt. I didn't care that Aleks was still in the room I just stripped down into my tank top and underwear. I pulled on my sweatpants and shirt and looked up.

Aleks' eyes were wide and his face was red. Once he saw me looking at him he immediately looked away. I just rolled my eyes and started shoving things in my bag.

"What's the big rush?" He asked.

"I have to get to the airport for my flight at 10:30!" I yelled.

His eyes widened and he shot up from the bed. He grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. I followed close behind him. We slipped on our sneakers and Aleks ran to the kitchen and grabbed his keys before sprinting out the front door. He took by bag from me and unlocked the car, throwing my bag in the trunk. We raced to the driver's and passengers' door and hopped in. The car roared to life and Aleks pulled out of the driveway.

The car ride to the airport was pretty quiet. It didn't take long at all. Within a couple of minutes we were pulling into the airport. Aleks parked in front of the building.

"Well I'll talk to you soon." I said pursing my lips.

"Talk to you later," He spoke in a sort of sad voice.

I nodded and got out of the car, walking towards the trunk.

The trunk popped open and I grabbed my bag. I waved goodbye to Aleks as I rushed into the airport. I rushed through the building.

*******(Aleks' POV)

AJ waved to me as she ran into the airport. I don't know why but it's kind of making me sad that AJ is leaving.

I stared at the building for a couple minutes before I looked at the seat where AJ previously sat. I picked it up and looked at the building. I looked back at the phone before unbuckling my seat and jumping out of the car. I ran into the building as fast as I could. I frantically searched for AJ. I ran through the crowd of people jumping up and down occasionally. I spotted a girl in a white shirt and grey sweatpants standing in the security line. She was only a 2 people away from being out of reach.

I willed myself to move faster. 1 more person. So close! I grabbed her arm. She looked at me with a confused look. I handed her, her cellphone. She smile and gave me a hug.

"Thanks so much." she cooed, "I don't know what I'd do with out it."

I nodded. She looked up at me. Her blue eyes looking right through me. To be honest I had the strangest urge to kiss her right then and there... but I ignored the urge as best as I could.

"Next." The security guard said kind of harshly.

AJ pulled away and her face grew red. She placed her bag on the conveyor belt and walked through the metal detector. She passed right through without a problem. When she got her bag she waved me goodbye..... again.

******(Allison's POV)

I'm so glad Aleks came and gave me my phone.... I don't now what would of happened if he didn't bring it. I continued to walk (semi-fast) through the building. I found my terminal (AN:/ I'm sorry if I get any of this wrong I have never been on a plane... or been in an airport before :D) and gave the lady my ticket. She let me in and I found my seat and sat down.

I forbid myself from even taking a peek out the window. I don't need to have a spaz attack... sadly I've done that before. I put my phone on airplane mode. about a couple minutes later a flight attendant came on the loud speaker, "Please buckle your seat belts for take off and turn you r phones off or on airplane mode. Thank you."

I buckled my seat belt and reclined in my chair. No one was behind me so I figured it was ok. I plugged in my earphones and clicked on my playlist. It started with Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. I let my mind wonder. I thought about the week; getting to hang out with The Creatures, seeing my mom... not pissed at me, having the best birthday ever, and lastly getting to spend it all with one of my best YouTube friends... Aleks.

I smiled uncontrollably. Just thinking about the whole week made me smile.

"You may now move about the cabin." The flight attendant announced.

I unbuckled my seat and relaxed... well at least tried to... my headache got the best of me. But gladly soon enough I drifted off to sleep.

******(Aleks' POV)

I made it back to The Creature House. It was very quiet here.

I walked upstairs and face planted into the mattress.


I looked up and saw Sly standing in the doorway.

"Hey Sly." I said.

"Hey Aleks." He said, "Where's AJ?"

I sighed and spoke, "She had to go back home.... Sooo I took her to the airport this morning."

Sly nodded and sat down next to the bed.

"Why do you seem sad about it?" He asked.

"I don't know." I responded.

"Do you like her?" He questioned further.

"I don't know!" I yelled, "No! Yes! Maybe! I DON'T KNOW!"

I threw my hands up in the air and layed back down on the bed.

"Ok. Ok just asking." Sly said defending himself. Even though I couldn't see Sly I knew he was smiling.

I lifted my head and looked at him. He was indeed smiling. I took a pillow and threw it at him. It hit him square in the face knocking him over. I sat up and laughed until he threw the pillow back. He bursted out laughing. I just rolled my eyes and got up.

"Where are you going?" Sly asked.

"Downstairs... problem?" I said looking back at him.

"No, just wondering." he replied.

I just rolled my eyes and went down to the kitchen. I grabbed my half drunken Pepsi max and chugged what was left of it.

I threw the can away and took a seat by one of the computers in the creature center. I pulled up my Ultimate Chimera Hunt recordings.

'I guess I should edit these before I get too lazy.'

******(Allison's POV)

My slowly opened. I sat up and looked out the window of the plane.


I quickly moved away from the window. We were still high up in the air but we were slowly descending. I looked up and the ceiling of the plane.


I walked out of the terminal. I pulled out my phone and turned it off airplane mode.

I pulled up my contacts and clicked on AleksHD. 'I don't know why it was changed to that.... don't ask....'

To AleksHD: I'm finally off that death trap people call planes.

It took him a minute to reply but he did.

From AleksHD: thats good how was the ride :D

To AleksHD: x_x

From AleksHD: come on u know u love me (AN:/ its just that thing people say when they do something weird or mean or something hes not asking her if she loves him.... just to make it clear.)

To AleksHD: r u sure bout that???

From AleksHD: yes yes im sure :D

To AleksHD: :)

I looked up from my phone and unlocked my car. And yes I was walking while I was texting.... problem?

I threw my bag in the back seat of my car before I opened my door and hopped in. I started the car and drove out of the airport. At a red light I plugged in my phone to the speakers in the car.

Fallen Kingdom by CaptainSparklez and TryHardNinja played through the car. I hummed to the memorized tune.

I used to rule the world

Chunks would load when I gave the word

Now every night I go stow away

Hide from the mobs I used to slay

They once were terrified

Every time I looked into their eyes

Villagers would cheer my way

For a hero I was, that's what they'd say

One minute we had it all

Next our world began to fall

Away from all that it had once become

They all cried for my help, but I stood there numb

I gaze off into the boundless skyline

Noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine

Turn 'round pick up my sword and wield

The blade that once forced evil mobs to yield

And hope one day that this chaos and

Destruction turns for the better

Never a bow in hand

And that was when I ruled the land

It was the creepers and Skeletons

Blew down the doors and boxed us in

Arrows whizzing by like streaks of light

I tried all that I could to stay and fight

As the undead roamed the street

Families broken at my feet

Life itself suspended by a thread

Oh, why is it that I wasn't dead

I gaze off into the boundless skyline

Noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine

Turn 'round pick up my sword and wield

The blade that once forced evil mobs to yield

If this battle should leave me slain

I know that Herobrine calls my name

Better to take a stand

And that was when I ruled the land

I gaze off into the boundless skyline

Noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine

Turn 'round pick up my sword and wield

The blade that once forced evil mobs to yield

If this battle should leave me slain

I know that Herobrine calls my name

Better to take a stand

And that was when I ruled the land.

It only took a couple minutes to make it to the Apartment building; I hit almost all of the green lights and the roads weren't busy.

I pulled into my designated parking space and stopped the car. I got out and grabbed my bag. I walked into the building. I waved to the lady that stood at the front desk. She gave me a forced smile.... needless to say she doesn't like me... or Hope..... or even Joe. Hope, Joe, and I tend to make a lot of noise due to our videogame rages.

I walked over to the elevator and pressed the up button. The door dinged and opened. I stepped in and pushed the button to the 8th floor. The door closed and that's when the annoying elevator music started playing. I looked at the speaker that was above the buttons and squinted at it. I was ready to rip that thing out of the wall. IT WAS PLAYING JEOPARDY MUSIC!

'do do doo do! do do doo do! doo doo dooo doo! '

I tried to ignore the stupid music.


the elevator stopped and the door opened. I walked down the very short hallway. I pulled out my keys and put it in the door knob. I twisted the door knob and walked in.

"Hellooooo?" I said.

"HEYYYYY!" Hope yelled walking out of the kitchen.

"Herro der." I waved.

I walked farther into the apartment. I placed my bag by the couch. I layed down on my stomach across the couch. Hope came over and sat on my legs. I groaned but she just stayed there.

I tried kicking my legs but she didn't move at all.

"Come on PLEEAASSEE!!" I whined.

"No." She chuckled.

"Come on!!!," I continued to whine, " COME ON GET YOUR BONEY BUTT OFF ME!"

Hope laughed and all of the sudden Joe emerged from his bedroom.

"Ohh hey Ali!" He waved, "OOO LET ME JOIN!"

He jumped up and down before making his way over to us.

He went to go sit on Hope but thankfully she stopped him, "NO! DON'T SIT ON ME!"

"Ugghh. Fine," He said.

I sighed in relief, "Now get Hope off me."

He looked at me and an evil smile crept up on his face. "Nope." was all he said before walking away.


I heard a laugh then a door close. I groaned and shot my gaze to Hope.

I glared at her which only made her laugh. I squinted and tried to wiggle from underneath her.

I eventually got from under her and rolled off the couch and onto the floor. Hope shook her head before getting up and walking away.

I stood up and grabbed my bag. I walked into my room and threw the bag on my bed. I sat down at the very edge of my bed and pulled out my phone.

4 Messages from AleksHD

I unlocked my phone and saw the messages.

From AleksHD: :P

From AleksHD: :D

From AleksHD: r u there????

From Aleks HD: hello???

I quickly responded.

To AleksHD: i'm sorry i had to drive home and when i got in i was sat on by a wild hope j.

He responded rather quickly

From AleksHD: haha and its ok

To AleksHd: :D

From AleksHD: so wat ya doing???

To AleksHD: im sitting on mah bed talkin to u :P

To AleksHD: hbu???

From AleksHD: ehh sitting at the creature center "editing videos"

To AleksHD: ohh lol

From Aleks: yea :/

"Hey! Devil Child!" Someone probably Hope yelled.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" I said.

Hope and Joe came in and Hope had something in her hands. They walked over and handed me the box.

I looked at them.

"Open it." Joe said.

I looked at the box and unwrapped it. I opened the box and inside it was a shirt. I lifted it and laughed. It was a Supernatural (My favorite show) shirt. It had Sam and Dead on it, They had normal heads but their faces were small. I laughed and shook my head.

I looked at the bottom of the box and there was a card. I lifted it and opened the envelope. I opened the card and there was a note.

Hey Devil Child,

Hope you had a good birthday. We weren't necessarily there but hope it was good. Ohh and by the way like the shirt? Huh??? Don't lie I know you do?? Come on there is no way you cant! THEY HAVE NORMAL SIZED HEAD BUT TINY FACES!! That is a grade A... no A+ gift you got there. :)

From the people who deal with you,

Hope the Unicorn Potato, and Joe the Whale/Pigeon doctor


I looked up at them and smiled.

"Thanks guys soo much!" I beamed.

They nodded before walking out.

I just layed down on my bed.


"HOPE!! HOPE!! HOPE!!" I screamed.

"WHAT!" She yelled back.



--DeluxeSparklez dies-


"This is it for now!"

"See you next time!"

Hope and I ended the recording.

"I'M GOING TO BED!" I yelled to Hope from my bedroom, "DON'T BOTHER ME!"

I face planted onto my bed before I wiggled my way under the covers.


Time has passed and I'm not sleeping too well... Only if Aleks was here.

********(Aleks' POV)

Sly and I went back to our apartment. Everything was cleaned up to the point where we could actually live there.

I've been tying to fall asleep for the past hour or so. My bed feels empty without AJ here.


Hey guys I'm sorry for the delay for the past couple days I've been busy and not in the mood for typing AT ALL! I still need to update my other story :/. But thanks for almost 850 reads!!! you guys rock! I still cant believe my story has blown up like it has. :)

But ooooooo! What's going ooonnnn!!!! Stay tuned for ze next chaptzer.

The song you may know as the Fallen Kingdom parody by CaptainSparklez and TryHardNinja. The video should be linked in the side.... possibly..... If I remember to put it there.

Remember to,

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