Rejected And Pregnant, Great!

By EtherealReadsss

314K 7.4K 416

Meeting your mate is meant to be the best moment of your life and in some circumstances you would be right bu... More

The Party
The Party: Part 2
Unwanted News
Unwanted News (Part 2)
Moving on
2 Months Later
2 Months Later (Xavier P.O.V)
Their Here!!!!
Motherhood/First Birthdays
His Arrival
His Arrival: Part 2 (Xavier's P.O.V)
Back To The Place It All Started
Old families, New families
Old Friends/ New Enemies?
I Warned You.
Truths Are Revealed
Truths Are Revealed: Part 2
We Are Coming.
Tomorrow We Strike
Today is the Day.
The Aftermath
The Aftermath (Part 2)


19.7K 547 34
By EtherealReadsss

Pregnant, I couldn't believe it what he just said. The one night I try to forget, and now I'm left with a constant reminder of that night. The night I got rejected. I started to wonder what if this was a good thing. A blessing in disguise. What if I could get a fresh start with just me and my baby?

After a few more tests, the doctor gave me the all clear to go home. When I was finally discharged from the hospital, we headed home. I couldn't wait to get home and just relax and process the news properly. The car journey was quiet, everyone was trying to process everything. It must not only be a shock for me but a shock for them also. We pulled up to the house, and I rushed inside. As I reached the stairs my mom called for me. 

"Where you going Ari?"

"I'm going to go to my room. Is that okay?" I said

"Not so fast Ariana. We need to talk about this. You need to tell us what you are planning to do now. What are your next steps?" My mum said.

"I know I should think about this but I am in shock. Like I am pregant. Me. I don't know the first thing about having a baby, let alone looking after one. I am still so young myself. I am only 17, what am I meant to do mom." I sighed. 

"I know how scary this must be for you my darling, but your dad, brother and I are here for you and will help you with any decision you decide to make." My mom comforted. 

"I did have a thought that maybe this pregnancy is a blessing in disguise. This is possibly a new start for me, maybe it will be a good reason for me to just leave here and start somewhere fresh away from this place."

"What do you mean you're going to leave? You can't just leave.I won't let you Ariana. You can't just give up and let him win, let him drive you away from your family. Everything you know." my brother said angrily.

"Aiden I know you care but I feel like this is what's best for me. Being here is too painful. Everywhere I go will be a constant reminder of what happened and worse of all I would still need to see his face. I'd still need to see him with other females. I can't bare that. If I stay, he will also know about the pregnancy and I can't have that. What if he tries to take the baby away from me? If that happens I don't know what I would do. I know you care Aiden, and I know you want me to stay but I think you realise how much worse I will feel if I stay."

"I understand Ariana. It is just can't accept the fact that you won't be around anymore. I won't see you everyday and worst of all I won't see my niece and nephew grow up, but I understand and I'll help you in anyway that I can." He smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled back. 

"When was you planning on leaving?" my brother asked.

"I know this might sound soon but maybe in a couple of days. I want it to be soon while I am not showing. I don't want anyone else to know about my pregnancy apart from the people in the room. I just need to try and get some money together." I

"Don't worry me and your mother will help with that. Just promise us you will stay in contact as much as you can" My dad said.

"Thank you, I will try" I replied as I hugged him.

After our chat,  I went into my room and went straight to sleep. I was tired. You would think after being passed out for 4 days I'd have all the energy in the world but nope I am shattered. I drifted of thinking about my new life with my unborn baby.


Over the next few days, my family and I were sorting out everything for when I move. I'm moving around 8hrs away from my family, my home and the pack. I wanted to be as far away as possible. During the las t few days we managed to sort out an apartment and I even got myself a job. With everything pretty much sorted.  I was ready to leave, anything else I had forgotten I could sort out at a later date. My parents and brother brought me a car for me as a going away present, it made me sad that I was leaving them and I didn't know when I was going to be seeing them again. They helped me pack up the car with everything that I needed and that I was able to carry with me. Everything else they had brought for me, was being delivered for when I arrived. 

Before I left I had to go back to school and say goodbye to Charlotte. She hadn't seen me for weeks. She probably hates me or thinks I hate her. I couldn't leave without letting her know. I also had to fill out some paperwork at the office as I wouldn't be attending there anymore. I drove to school and parked up. It was lunchtime when I arrived, not the best time to come but I had to get this done. While I was here I was going to try my best to avoid Xavier and his little friends. I did not need that right now. I headed inside and went straight to the office, I filled out what I needed to and left. Now it was time to find Charlotte. As I was leaving the office, I bumped into someone. 

"Omg! I'm so sorry." I said.

"Ari. Is that you?"

I looked up to see who it was.

"Charlotte. I was just coming to look for you." I said.

"Omg, I missed you! Where have you been? I haven't seen you since the party. It has been weeks. Where have you been?" She asked.

"It is a long story. Let's go talk." 

As we walked around the field, I told Charlotte everything, from meeting my mate, getting rejected, being pregnant and that I'm leaving town and by her reaction she wasn't happy.

"I can't believe he did that to you. I can't say I am too shocked I always knew he was a bastard." Charlotte said

"I know right"

"I hate what he has done to you, and that you have to leave because of that piece of shit. Even though I don't like that you are leaving. You have to do what is right for you and the baby. I know staying here won't make you happy."

"Yeah, I think it is for the best. Don't get me wrong I am scared shitless. I am going to be all by myself for the very first time in my life and on top of that I will have a newborn to take care of, but this is something that I have to do." 

"You are going to do great. I don't doubt you for a second." She smiled. 

"Thank you. I am really goung to miss you Charlotte." 

"I am going to miss you too. Please keep in contact." 

"I promise." I smiled as I hug her.

The lunch bell went off, signalling the end of lunch. Charlotte gave me one last hug before heading to class. That was it. I was done here. I could finally go and start my new life. As I began to head to my car, someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Xavier. He dragged me behind the school and pushed me up against the wall.

"What do you think your playing at Ariana?" He yelled.

"What are you on about Xavier?"

"You know full well what I'm talking about Ariana. First of all, I haven't seen you in weeks as you haven't been coming to school. Now I overheard you in the office filling out forms that you are leaving school. So I ask you again. What are you playing at? " He growled. 

"Why do you care? You rejected me. You have no say in my life or what I do with it." 

"That doesn't answer my question, Ariana." he growled.

"If you really must know. I am leaving today."

"Leaving? Where are you going?" He questioned. 

"I am moving away from here, moving away from you." I hissed. 

"Why? I didn't give you permission to leave." 

"Are you really asking me why I am leaving? Don't be stupid, you know exactly why I am going. It is because of you and  I don't need your permission. I am going regardless." I screamed. 

"Watch your mouth mutt" he shouted holding on to me tighter.

"You think I'm scared of you, well I'm not. You've already hurt me in the worst possible way. Do and say what you want I don't give a fuck.  I'm leaving because I can't stand to see you, I can't stand to be near you, I can't stand to see you with other shewolves acting like I don't exist. I don't even know why I even care to be honest. I don't even want to be with you anymore. I thought see you today would hurt me but now I am just mad. I hate you. I hate you for what you have done to me. Leaving is my only option. I am not putting up with your bullshit anymore. This bitterness and anger I feel is not a good feeling and I have never felt this way until I met you. So I need to go and get away from you and everything that comes along with you."  

He looked shocked at my words. I saw sadness in his eyes. I didn't care anymore. I felt nothing for this man anymore. 

"I won't let you leave. You are mine" He commanded. 

"I'm not yours. What are you not understanding. I stopped being yours when you used me and rejected me. What kind of a mate does that? On top of that, you called me worthless. Why do you want someone around you if they are so worthless to you.

"I want you to stay because you are my mate. You have to stay here with me that's how it works." 

"So you can use me, so you can have sex with me whenever you want. Fuck you. I am not your mate anymore. I stopped being your mate the night after the party. After that I was nothing to you and you were nothing to me. Don't play the mate card and try to use it to play with my emotions, as it won't work. I feel nothing for you anymore. Looking at you now, maybe it was a good idea that you rejected me. I wouldn't want a mate like you. I am going to go now. I am done with this conversation. I do hope you have a good life Xavier. I hope you find another mate that meets your standards and someone that you'll actually be proud of." I huffed as I walked away. 

"Wait Ariana. We aren't finished here." He yelled.

"No. You may not be finished but I am. I am done. There is one more thing I have to do before I go, you can call it a going away present." 

"What's that?" He questioned. 

"I Ariana Blake accept the rejection from thee Xavier Lawson as my mate"

Xavier looked taken aback my acceptance to the rejection. He stood there frozen as I walked off. I felt free. I don't know why I didn't feel sad. I felt powerful. 

I got in my car and drove off. Goodbye, school. I won't be seeing you again. 

And with that I left...

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