No Fucks Given [A.A]

By pxneapplez

298K 12.2K 2K

After turning down August Alsina at her work place 21 year old, Mia is soon approached with a oppurtunity she... More



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By pxneapplez


I wrap my arms around Gen trying to hold back my tears. "Keep bringing in that paper."

"You know me. Have fun, be safe and watch daddy for me." she says referring to Trey

I laugh and nod

"Alright M dont miss your flight. I love you."

"I love you more."

She pulls away from the airport waving goodbye.


I turn around to pick up my pink carry on bag And follow behind the rest of the group members.

Its hard to say goodbye to her. She's like my sister, IS my sister. She's been there for me when I lost my mom to cancer and my boyfriend..passed. She was there for me through it all and that brought us closer.

We pass through the metal detector's then the rest of the boarding process is finished shortly after. We start making our way into the plane. I put my carryon up while August eyeballs me. Lucky me I got a first class seat next to him.

I know August is probably a good person it's just that, that night with August made me feel like things I haven't felt since Desmond and that's exactly what I'm scared of.

We take our seats. Mine being next to the window.I reminisce about Desmond the way he use to give me all his attention and drop everything to come to my rescue. Do anything for me and then I think about why I couldn't save him.

People tell me over and over that it wasn't my fault and I shouldn't blame myself for it. But it was my fault. I let it happen and I will alway's hate myself for it.

I felt a tear start to roll down my cheek so I wipe it away before August or anyone else notices.

I look over at August. He has his seat layed all the way back with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed. I guess it's his favorite position. This nigga still has them damn shades on. I roll my eyes and look out the window.

Im honestly not too fond of flights or airplanes. I can bare it most times but sometimes it really gets to me. Something about being this high in the air gives me nightmares.

"What are you rolling ya' eyes at me for'." I hear August say

My head snaps in his direction. "Your are not my dad, I am grown. Don't ask me why I do what I do." I wink

He chuckles but not like "ha ha ha you're funny" but like "shittt she just dont know..."

I raise and an eyebrow at him "That wasn't a question I was really just telling you to check yourself'. I could be ya' daddy but you playing."

I smack my teeth "Boy bye. I know not to mix business with pleasure. If I want to keep my job." I turn back towards the window

"Why would I fire you? Right now im just trying to figure you out." I turn and look at him again his figure rubbing his chin

"Keep trying," I say turning back around a final time "It might take you a while." I mumble

I put one of my headphones in.

"You turned me down. Im not use to that. It hurt." he fake sniffles

"Im nothing like what you're use to. I don't go for any and everybody. Especially when they using those tired as lines.." I say still looking out the window

The fasten seatbelt sign comes on and I do as told.

"Oh thats what it is. My lines are tired. The other night I couldn't tell. You were blushing so hard."

"Ever heard of faking." I lie

"Ever heard of frontin' ." he remarks

"No you should introduce me to them sometime, Is it somebody on the crew."

"Hey!" Chris's head pops up from the seat in front of us

"Can yall shut up back there bickering. A nigga is trying to catch some Zzz's."

"It was her keeping it 'strictly professional'." he add's air quotations

"You have a very smart mouth." I slowly shake my head

"I could say the same thing about you. But then If I address it. I'll have to fix the situation the best I know how." he shrugs

"Which is?"

"I would be able to show you better than I could ever tell you." He winks

I roll my eyes again

"What did I tell you abo-" Chris cut's him off turning around again

"That's enough. Okay? okay. ssh."

I turn to my side putting in my other headphone. Im about to try and sleep this whole damn flight...


"Baby I'm home." I scream placing his valentine's gift at the door when I see the endless rose pedals leading to the back and the hot dinner sitting on the table. I smile so hard. I slowly follow the petals trail to our bedroom.

I rest my hand on the knob and twist it.

I see him tied to a chair in front our bed "Desmond!?" I scream and run over towards him

Rough strong hands grab me by the mouth and wrap around my body. I bite his hand and knee him in the crouch.

He goes down.  I run back over to Desmond removing the tape from his mouth. "Mia I love you so much."

My eyebrows scrunch up I look into his eyes and see the man, i hear the gun cock. I turn and tackle him to the ground a single shot went off then the gun flew out of his hand.

Police then rush in pulling me off of him and putting him in handcuff's. I look over to Desmond. Blood coming through his favorite white polo shirt.

"LET ME GO!" I snatch away and pull off my shirt and push it against his wound positioned right next to his heart "Des, please please stay with me please. Im begging you. I need you. Do-dont leave me."

"I love you more than anything. Keep dancing babygirl." He kisses my forehead.

"Desmond? Des-"

His eyes slowly start closing.


"No no no no no!" arm's grab me "DESMOND! DES- LET ME GO!"

I gasp "HEY!" I hear August screaming at me.

I look up and see a flight attendant, Chris, Trey, and August staring at me.

"What is everybody looking at?" I feel tears involuntarily pouring out of my eyes

"Mia-" August starts but I cut him off

"I-I need a bathroom...just excuse me." I get up and walk past them to the back of the plane and into the bathroom locking the door behind me.

Of course. I would have the dream while I'm on a plane and everyone fucking saw it. They probably think I'm insane..

I hear a knock on the door. "Im in here." I say loud enough for who's ever on the other side to hear

"Its August, Mia let me in."

"No I'm good, I swear." I lie

I kiss the ring on my finger. The engagement ring they found in his pocket.

"You have 5 seconds to open the door or Im bussing it down alright? 1...2...3..4-"

I stop him "Are you alone?"


I slowly walk towards the door and unlock it. August comes in. I wipe my eyes he closes the door behind hisself.

His arms wrap around me before I can even make up a lie telling him okay.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong with you but at least let me be there for you."

I wrap my arms around him and let the tears fall.

So I mean how's it so far? If you think it's good vote or comment. I would love to hear feedback. :]

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