My Baby Sister

By Sarant46

1.4M 24.3K 7.2K

"Say hello to your new baby sister". That was the worst thing that 6 year old Harry Styles had ever heard in... More

Chapter 1: The Baby
Chapter 2: The Grave
Chapter 3: Birthday News
Chapter 4: The truth about a baby
Chapter 5: Maggie
Chapter 6: The Dancing show
Chapter 7: The Audition
Chapter 8: Three Years
Chapter 9: The Letter
Chapter 10: The Funeral
Chapter 11: The Plan
Chapter 12: Mystery Man
Chapter 13: Leaving the Hospital
Chapter 14: New Home
Chapter 15: Shopping Trip
Chapter 16: Lies
Chapter 17: Long time no see
Chapter 18: Time For School
Chapter 19: Queen Bee
Chapter 20: You Were Never There
Chapter 21: Apologies
Chapter 22: Management
Chapter 23: management (2)
Chapter 24: Hike disaster
Chapter 25: Dead
Chapter 26: Wake Up Call
Chapter 27: The Day After
Chapter 28: Cheerleading
Chapter 29: Tryouts and fake smiles
Chapter 30: A Girls Day Out
Chapter 31: I Promise
Chapter 32: Goodbye Flat
Chapter 34: Calling All Angels
Chapter 35: Late Birthday Presents
Chapter 36: Hello Simon
Chapter 37: The Truth is Out (The Last Chapter)

Chapter 33: The Operation

24.7K 753 303
By Sarant46

Hello readers!

So here it is!

The chapter that you have all been waiting for!

So are we all still enjoying the story? I hope so...

Who's heard about Louis?!

He's signed up to Doncaster Rovers (a football team) and apparently will play games for them when he isn't touring! Wow so he is a singer and a football player!

Also i saw the strangest thing today........... i was out walking my dog and a lady walked past me with a cat on a lead! Not only that when i got a field where i always let my dog run after his ball she was there throwing a stick for the cat and shouting "Fetch the stick"! Even my dog was looking at the woman weirdly!

What a strange town i live in..........

Anyway i hope that you enjoy this chapter.

I would live to try for 900 reads, 50 comments and 100 votes, i know that you guys can do it.

And this chapter is deticated to snoopyloves

thanking you!




I was shattered!

I had only slept a few hours the whole night because i was scared shitless.

It was about 9am when Louis and the others arrived at the hospital and i was starving!

And surprize surprize harry wasnt here.

That son of a bitch!

I should have known that he wouldnt have kept his promise.

I mean his life is far to fabulous to care about anyone else right! Especially his own little sister who is getting a heart transplant in an hour!

Louis must of seen my nervous state and puts a hand on my knee to stop it shaking.

"Calm down" he whispers

"How can I? He promised he will be here. And is he? No. No he isn't. Broke his promise again as usual" I shout really starting to panic.

I go in for my operation at 10.30 and it actually starts at 11.

It is now 10 o'clock and the time goes by faster and faster.

How come the time wants to go past fast now?! Why couldn't it do that in school?!

"He might still be here. You have half an hour left" he sighs looking at the clock.

"Let's change the subject. So Charlie do you know about who's heart you are getting?" Danielle questions giving Louis a 'shut up' look.

Even though we have moved on to different subject it still doesn't make me feel any better.

I mean I don't really wanna talk about who's dead heart I am getting?!

"I don't know much but it's from a 14 year old girl who died by a car crash" I shudder

"Okay let's not talk about anything to do with the operation" Liam quickly says after seeing my disgusted face.

"Ok. Hey what about school? I mean it starts back on Monday (it is Friday the now) and the doctors say that I won't be allowed out if the hospital for a while" I question

"Yeah I spoke to your head teacher about that. When you start to feel better all of your teachers will send some work over for you am you can do it here" Louis explains

I groan. That is just like getting homework!

And for a moment, for the first time in weeks, I have completely forgotten about what is going to happen within the next hour.

Until my nurse Kaitlynd walks in.

"All ready Charlotte?" She asks in here Canadian accent.

Instantly I start to panic again.

I look up at the clock and it says that it is already 10.30.

See what I mean! The clocks are really against me today.

"No I can't! Harry isn't here yet!" I shout panicked

"Shhh calm down Charlotte. Everything will be fine. And I'm sure he will be here when you get out" Louis hushes me

"But he promised he will be here" I whisper

They all look at me sadly.

I sigh look back at Kaitlynd, "I'm ready"

"Ok. Ill be outside so that you can have a final talk with your friends before you go in. Just shout on my when you are done" she smiles sweetly and walks out if the room closing the door behind her.

"Guys I'm scared" I say as soon as the door closes

"I know, we are to" Zayn says giving me a hug, "good luck Charlie"

I move onto Perrie, then Niall, then Liam, Danielle, and then Eleanor.

They all say the same thing, "Goodluck" and "stay strong"

I lastly go to Louis to see that his eyes are watering and that breaks my heart.

"Lou" I whisper and give him a big hug.

"Stay strong little red (a nickname that him and the other boys have started calling me) and good luck. Ill see you when you get out" he whispers into my hair.

I let go of him and look at the door hoping that Harry will burst in any second.

But he isn't coming and I have now excepted that.

I call Kaitlynd back in and we leads me out of the room.

I take one last look at the others, wave and then continue after Kaitlynd and the others towards the surgery rooms.

Well... here goes nothing



Seeing Charlie scared about the surgery was upsetting but seeing her cry over the fact that Harry wasnt here was heartbreaking

How could that bastard do that to her?

He broke a pinkie promise, and those things are powerful, and disappointed all of us.

The worst part was watching Charlie walk down that corridor by herself without her brother.

When she followed the other nurses behind a set of doors we all sighed

None of us really knew what to do now to pass the time.

But as Niall was about to say something someone burst through the ward doors and was running straight towards us.

And that person was Harry.

He looked as of he had just ran a 5 mile race in a desert without any break or water.

His curls were everywhere and his eyes bloodshot.

He ran up to me and gasped out "where is she?!"


"Charlotte for fuck sake now where is she?!"

"You just missed her mate. She's already left" Zayn says

Harry groans loudly and put his head in his hands.

I suddenly felt sorry for him. He kept his promise, he came.

Just not on time...

"Listen she has just left. If you hurry up you could see her before she goes in?" I whisper

His head snaps up and he looks as me pleadingly, "which way did she go? Please Louis tell me?"

I point at the doors "through those doors"

As soon as the words leave my mouth he is running down the corridor and through the doors after his sister.

Hopefully he gets to her on time......



They lead me down a long corridor before we walked into a room that had a bed in the middle of it, lots of machines and tools around the bed, and lots of surgeons wearing theatre scrubs.

They ask me to lie down on the bed so I do.

Oh and did I forget to mention that they put this disgusting theatre dress thingy on me.

On of the main surgeons started talking to me and telling me how the operation would go when a nurse carrying a bag, that looked like a lunch box, with the words DONOR written on the side of it.

I knew one thing.

That bag held my new heart in it.

The heart that came out of a dead girls body not to long ago.

The heart that will keep me for the rest of my life.

That terrified me and I started to panic.

Nurses and doctors tried to calm me down but it didn't work.

These people were starngers to me, they couldn't keep me calm.

I'm just another patient to them.

"No! No, I've changed me mind! I don't want it anymore!" I shout with tears falling down my face at a fast rate ( haha that rhymes ;) ).

"Calm down miss styles" the surgeon says pinning me down.

But this only made me panic more, I felt as if I was trapped and I couldn't escape.

Just as a I was about to scream again the doors burst open and I heard a familiar voice shout "I'm her brother! Let me see her!"

Harry was here!

He don't break his promise after all.

He managed to get past all te other nurses and doctors and I managed to get out from the surgeons grip.

He runs up beside me and I throw myself at him. Seriously! No joke!

"Shh it's ok I'm here" he coos into my hair letting me stain his tshirt with tears.

"You came" I whisper into his chest.

"Yes I promised you. Sorry I was a bit late" he chuckled.

I look up from his chest and stare into his green eyes that were all bloodshot.

"I'm scared Harry. I don't want to do it anymore" I cry still looking at him

"Hey it's gonna be ok. I kept my promise so you need to keep yours ok?"

I nod putting my head back into his chest.

"Listen I need to leave but ill be waiting here for you when you get out ok?"

I hug him tighter, scared to let go.

He unwraps my arms from around him and looks me in the eye.

"Be strong" he whispers and is then lead out of the theatre room by several nurses.

I lie back down into the bed again but this time calm.

"You know I have done many operations before but no brother has ever done that for his sister before" the surgeon says

"Yeah he's great, an idiot but great" I smile

"All brothers are idiots, it's just who they are" he smiles back. "Now I'm going to put this mask on you and I want you to count up to 10 but talking a deep breath between each number, ok?"

I nod and then he puts the mask on me.

"One" deep breath

"Two" deep breath

"Three" deep breath now starting to feel sleepy

"Four" deep breath now feeling sleepier.

The last thing I remember saying was five and then blackness takes over my vision.


So how was it?

Sorry it took a while, I wrote it out on my phone but just as I was going to publish it my phone ran out of charge and I forgot to save it. I was like "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" When I found out!

OMG guys this story has over 100,000 reads! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so so so so much!

Sorry if there is mistakes, I wanted to update as soon as possible so I typed it out quite fast.

Lots of love,


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