Chapter 10: The Funeral

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Hi guys.

Thank you for all the reads on this fan fiction, i never imagined that i would get this many :P

Thank you

-S xxxx




"Maggie stop kicking the back of my seat" my dad said to my 7 year old little sister.

"Sorry dad" she sighs

Mum, Dad, Maggie and i were all going out for a family dinner but i cant call it a family dinner if not all of our family are here.

I wonder what he is doing right now?

Is he in his House in London or is he out with the rest of his band mates?

Or is he out partying and getting Drunk?

I know about my brothers habit, going out clubbing a lot, getting drunk and then leaving the club with a different girl every time.

I am snapped out of my thoughts when i hear my mum scream "Des watch out for that truck!"

I look over to see Maggie staring at me with terror in her eyes.

"Its okay" i whisper before everything goes black


"Charlotte, are you ready yet?" a gentle voice asks through the hospital door a few moments before the source of the voice walks in.

It is my nurse, Nurse Brown.

She is has long blond hair with hazel eyes, she is also one of the youngest nurses in the hospital.

"Yes nurse Brown" i whisper while looking down at the floor.

"Charlotte how many times do i have to tell you to just call me Olivia?" she asks while fixing the black headband in my hair.

"OK Olivia"

"OK, lets go" she says trying to cheer me up.

I stand up and walk over to the mirror in my hospital bedroom to look at my outfit for today.

I am dressed in a black silk dress with black pumps and a headband keeping my hair ou of my hair.

In cause you haven't noticed but today is my parents and Maggie's funeral.

I was dreading today but i wanted to go to the funeral.

The hospital told me that they sent harry a letter explaining what happened and they also told him the details of the funeral.

I wanted to go to see if my big brother would show up.

Olivia walked me out of the room and into the reception to sign me out for the day.

When she has done that she leads me to a car at the back of the parking lot which i guess is hers.

Throughout the whole drive she tries to talk to me but i couldnt care less.

I liked Olivia, she was one of my only friends right now but i just couldnt listen to her right now.

I had bigger problems.

What if Harry comes today?

Will he talk to me? Will i talk to him?

What will i say to him??

The car stops and i realise that we have arrived at the church.

I take a deep breath and step out of the car.

Time to say goodbye.


"Hi guys" i say to the 3 new graves in front of me.

My mums is on the left, dads on the right and Maggie's in the middle.

Its just not fair, she was only 7.

And i am only 13 and have been turned into an orphan.

What also isn't fair is that Harry didn't have the balls to show his face here today.

What a coward!!

"I'm so sorry but harry didn't make it today. Why not?? Where am i to go when i leave the hospital? Why did you's have to leave? Why did he have to leave?"  i sob while standing in front of my family's tombstones.

Olivia went back to her car to give me some private time to for which i am grateful about.

I would of been embarrassed if she was here right now.

I continue to cry for a couple of minutes until a pull myself together and walk back to the car after saying my goodbye.

But what i didn't know was that there was 4 figures standing in the distance watching my every move.

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