Chapter 2: The Grave

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Hi guys

So this is chapter two and again im sorry if its not that good.

Thanking you

-S xxxx





I turn around and look at one year old Charlotte or Charlie as mum and dad call her.

I didn't like my little sister but Charlie is a boys name and the last time i checked she was a girl.

"Hawy" she says again.

My mum and dad look at her in shock.

"What did you say sweetie?" my mum asks her.

"Hawy. Hawy, Hawy" she giggles while pointing at me obviously proud of herself.

Oh no. I'm her first word.

Normally people would be happy if there little siblings said their name as their first word.

But not me.

"Her first word Des" my mum squeals at my Dad.

"Can we go out mum?" i ask trying to act as if i didn't hear Charlotte.

"No. Family are coming round to the house" she says while smiling proudly at the thing that ruined my life.


"Because Charlie has just said her first word. We need to celebrate"

"Why? Its just her saying a word" i shrug at her.

"Just a word? Just a word?! Its her first word Harold so stop acting so spoilt and be happy for your baby sister" she shouts at me.

"I'm not being spoilt. We just need to go out. Its important" i shout back

"What is it then?! What is so damn important today except for Charlie saying her first word! Go on tell me!" she shouts at me getting really angry.

Charlie starts crying as she shouts at me. Mum quickly looks at Charlie and then back at me with anger in her eyes.

"There! You upset your sister!"

That was when i lost it.

"Today is Gemmas 3 year anniversary! TODAY GEMMA HAS BEEN DEAD FOR 3 YEARS! And you forgot!" i scream at her.

She looks at me with confusion in her eyes. "Gemma?"

"Yes Gemma. Your first born child who was killed 3 years ago today"

I shudder as the memories from that day came back into my mind.

The memories that still gave me nightmares at night. No matter how hard i tried to forget about that day i saw the scene over and over again in my mind every time i closed my eyes.

I didn't give her a chance to respond before i ran out of the house and down the familiar road.

I didn't stop running until i got to the gates of the cemetery.

Her tombstone was close to the entrance so i didn't need to walk very far.

As i reach the familiar grave i kneel down in front of it and my fingers trace the writing on it,

Here lies Gemma Styles

Daughter of Des and Anne

Sister of Harry and Charlotte

Rest in peace princess

I don't like that mum and dad had put Charlotte's name on the tombstone. Gemma has never met our little sister!

"Hi Gemma"

I know that i wont get a response but when ever i am upset, scared or angry i always come here and talk to her.

A gentle breeze blows in my face as if she is talking back to me.

"How are you?"

Yet again the breeze flows in my direction.

"Im not very good. Charlotte is driving me insane. I know that if you were still here you would love her and maybe i would to but in my mind she took your place in the family. Mum and dad are so proud of  her when she has barely done anything in life, i mean she only said her first word today. It was Harry. I know that i am meant to be happy about this but i just cant seem to be happy around her.

Another thing is that mum and dad have both forgotten about what day it is today.  They both forgot that today is supposed to be your day. Not the baby's, and one thing that drives me crazy is that mum forgot about you! Her first daughter and child!"i shout earning a few unhappy looks from a few other people in the cemetery, but i couldn't care less. This was time for me and Gemma.

The gentle breeze from earlier turns into a strong gust of wind that almost makes me lose my balence.

" I just miss you and wish that you were here"i whisper.

"I only want one sister and that sister is you"

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