Chapter 9: The Letter

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So this is the chapter where things start to get a better (i hope) and when the boys start getting introduced into this fan fiction.

Hope you's are enjoying the story,

-S xxx



I hate hangovers.

The pounding in my head and my dry throat was what woke me up.

Of course i went clubbing last night and for a change i didn't wake up with an unfamiliar girl next to me.

I try and fall asleep again to try and escape this headache but life doesn't go as you wish.

"Harry!" i hear a familiar voice shout

"What Lou?!" i shout back

"You have a letter" he says while walking into my room and opening the windows.

As soon as the curtains are yanked back and light is let into my room the headache increases in pain.

"Get up" he shouts, i just ignore him and try to go back to sleep.

"I said get up you lazy arse!" he shouts into my ear.

"Piss of Tomlinson" i groan into my pillow.

"Its your own fault, we all told you not to go out last night but you did so now you can deal with it yourself" he says before he stomps out of my room.

I sigh and then decide that i wont be able to go back to sleep so might as well just get up.

As soon as i sit up i realise that my torso has a stinging sensation to it and when i look at it i realise that it is all wrapped up.

That only means one thing........

"Oh shit!" i shout while running out of my bedroom and into the kitchen to see Louis making a cup of tea.

"What?" he asks looking a bit shocked.

"Last night i decided that it would be a great idea to get a tattoo while i was drunk!" i shout at him while looking for scissors to cut the bandages of to look at the ink that would be on my skin forever.

"Jesus Christ Harry" he groans while i grab the scissors and cut away at the bandage.

I look at my chest trying to find my new tattoo until i see the new body ink that wasnt there yesterday on the left side of my chest.


Why a bird cage? Of all the things in the world my drunken self picks a bird cage.

Louis takes a look at the tattoo, sighs and then walks away into his room.

He appeares a few seconds later with a pair a TOMS and a jacket on.

"Im going to the Eleanors. You can have my tea and dont forget that you have a letter for you and open it because it looks important" he says while walking out of the front door and closing it behind him.

I sigh and look over at the kitchen counter to see a large white envelope on it.

I see that it is addressed to me and pick it up.

I open it to see a very formal looking letter and not something that some fan would write to me.

Dear Harold Styles,

Harold??? It must be important because i have never gotten a letter that uses my full name.

My name is Susan Doyal and it is my greatest regret to tell you that your parents Des and Anne Styles were in a serious car crash along with your two younger siblings, Charlotte Gemma Styles and Margret Dawn Styles. They were all rushed to hospital with sever injuries but sadly Margret was killed instantly in the crash. Your parents sadly died later in the hospital but Charlotte has managed to pull through with a sever concussion and Minor cuts and brusies all over her body. Before your parents passed they told us that it is their last wish for Charlotte to be put under your supervision as you are her big brother. She is still being treated so she is still in the hospital (name on front of the envelope) but will hopefully be released on the 7th of April. If you agree with being Charlotte's guardian we expect to you come to the hospital to collect her on this date and if you do not she will be put into a foster home.

Hopeing to see you soon,

Susan Doyal

Hopsital Manager


That was all i felt that moment.

My parents were dead.

My sister was dead.

All my family were dead.

All except one.

How could Charlotte survive when the rest of them didn't?

I know that when i left the family me and Charlotte were on good terms but i not seen her for three years and know i get a letter saying that my parents and my little sister had died in a car crash and she survived.

All that happiness that i used to have towards Charlotte was now gone.

Now all i felt towards her was hatred.

Pure hatred.

I never want to see her face again and i dont care that my parents want me to take care of her.

Im not doing it.

I am never going to get that red headed bitch that ruined my life.

She is on her own from now on.

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