Chapter 3: Birthday News

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Hi guys.

So in this story while Charlotte is growing it will skip years so that it doesnt take to long before Harry is 16.


-S xxxx




"Harry!" Charlotte shouts as she runs into my room wearing a pink dress with her long red curly hair pulled into two bunches at the side of her head.

I hate to admit it but my little sister is cute.

Today is her 5th birthday and everybody is going out for the day, to the zoo i think?

"What Charlotte?" i asked grumpily

"Mummy wants to know if you are ready?" she asked innocently.

"Tel her that i will be down in 5 minutes" i say starting to get annoyed.

Ever since the day when Charlotte said her first word she totally forgot who Gemma was and ever since then i haven't been as close to my mum as i used to be.

She skips out of the room without a care in the world. Sometimes i envy her. She has a easy life.

I mean she never gets into trouble and both of my parents adore her.

But me being the grumpy old 11 year old was always getting into trouble, not just in the house but at school to. I was never my teachers favorite student.

I grab my jacket from the back of the chair in my bedroom and stomp down the stairs and into the kitchen to see my mum, dad and Charlotte sitting at the dinner table.

"Are you ready Harry?" my dad asked me.

I didn't want to talk to him the now and just nod my head.

He lets out a deep sigh and grabs his car keys. As soon as Charlotte see's this she runs out of the door towards the car.

I am just about to follow her but then my mum and dad step infront of me.

"Be good today Harry" my mum warns.

"Today is Charlies birthday so don't be i a bad and grumpy mood towards her" my dad also warns.

I sigh and just walk past them and towards the car. I reach the car and see Charlotte standing there looking at me.

"What?" i snap at her. Hurt flashes across her face and she just looks at her shoes.

I start to feel guilty. She doesn't even know why i dislike her and by the look of it she is always trying to get me to like her.

I dont like her but i am a very protective brother.

One time i looked out of my bedroom window and saw her getting pushed about by the older 8 year old boys in our street. I then saw her burst into tears and run back into the house.

The next day i saw them on my way to school and i had a little talk with them. Lets just say they never bother her again.

On our way to the zoo i looked out of the window and blocked out the conversation that my parents and Charlotte had, i stiffened as i saw the familiar gates of the cemetery.

I still go a lot to talk to Gemma but my mum and dad have barely been in years. I think of Gemma all alone under the ground and i suddenly get hit by a wave of sadness.

We continued to drive on as i still daydreamed.

"We are here" my mum says snapping me out of the daydream.

We all walked towards the entrance of the zoo and dad paided the entry fee.

"Yay! Can we go and see the penguins mummy?" Charlotte smiles showing of a row of perfect white little teeth.

That is quite cute.........

Damn Harry snap out of it! You are supposed of hate her!

"Of course sweetie but we have the whole day here" my mum answers back softly.

We spend the whole day at the zoo and even though i hate to admit it but i enjoyed myself.

I liked sneaking up behind Charlotte and pretending that i was a tiger so that she would run away screaming and even though i got into trouble i couldn't hold back the laughter.

As we were about to leave we went into the gift shop.

Charlotte was allowed to buy a new stuffed toy animal, a new set of colouring in pens and my mum and dad bought  her a new necklace, and what did i get?

A pen. A stinking pen!

This is why i hate her. She gets everything she wants and i don't.

As soon as we arrive back at the house mum and dad makes us sit down on the couch.

They said that they have to talk to us.

"There is some good news that we have to tell you" mum says rather excitedly

"We hope that you will be as happy as we are" dad says with a smile on his face as well.

I dont like where this is going........

The last time that they said something like this was when they told me that i was going to be a big brother to Charlotte, and look where that turned out.

"What is it mummy, daddy?" Charlotte asked.

My parents looked at each other smiling and then back to us.

"I'm pregnant" my mum giggles.

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