Chapter 20: You Were Never There

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Hi guys!

So I just wanna say thank you so much about reading, voting and commenting on this fan fiction.

Yet again thank you so much! :)

So please continue to vote and comment and feel free to message me.

Thank you

-S xxxx



"So did you make any new friends?" Louis asked as he drive out of the school gates.

"Yeah. There is this girl in my class who is really nice and she introduced me to her other friends"

"So did you get their numbers?"


"And why not?"

"I don't have a phone. It broke in the car crash"

"Well we'll need to get you one"


I noticed that he was driving a different way home, in fact he was heading in the completely different direction!

"Uhh Louis? Where are we going?"

"I have been sent to get dinner by the curly haired arse-hole" he hissed

I looked over at him and he looked back at me for a moment.

"Excuse my language"

The look on his face was so funny.

He looked like a little boy who had just been told to tidy his room by his mum!

"It's ok" I laugh

He pulls up into the car park of an old rundown chip and fish shop.

"You can just stay in the car if you want, or do you wanna come in?" He asks unbuckling his seatbelt

"I'll just stay in the car"

"Ok. What do you want?"

"Just a small bag of chips please?"

"Ok. Be back in a flash"

He opens the door, gets out and walks into the shop.

The silence in the car was uncomfortable so I turn the radio and a familiar song comes on,

"Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun, i know we only met but let's pretend it love, and never, never, never stop for anyone, tonight lets get some, and live while we're young" i sing alone with the words until i hear a small cough from beside me.

I look over and see Louis standing there ,with our dinner in his hands, staring at me with one of his eyebrows raised.

"I seriously hope you do not get some until you are at least 18 Missy" he says seriously and i burst out laughing.

"Hey its your song" i laugh

"So our song are teaching teenagers bad habits? Thanks a lot, i feel terrible now" he pouts as he put the food in the back seat and starts the car up.

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