Chapter 21: Apologies

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Sorry i haven't updated, I have a dancing show coming up and i have been at rehearsals

Found out that someone said that this fanfiction was their favorite on twitter.

That serioulsy just made me so so so so happy!! :)

Please continue to vote and comment and please message me if you have any questions.

You can also follow me on Twitter: @Sarah_Lou99xx

Thank You!

-S xxxx



"What?" I whisper staring at Charlotte in shock, "did I hear that wrong?"

"no you heard me correctly Harry. On the 28th of august I am getting a heart transplant" she says with no emotion in her voice.

"how long have you known?"

"I found out 2 weeks after you left" she whispers not looking me in the eye

"what?! You have known for 3 years?! How come I wasn't told? I have a right to know what happens to my family!" I shout

Her emotionless face turns into sheer anger, it looks as if I had struck a nerve.

"Are you serious harry?! You left our lives! Gone, vanished! And when you find out that I have a heart condition you say that you should of been told?! Well then answer this! How could we have told you? Huh? We tried to phone and text you, turns out that you changed your number, we tried emailing you, you got a new email address, we tried to send you letters but you got a new house and we didn't know the address, we tried to get in contact with you through twitter but you blocked mum and dad! How the hell were we supposed to tell you?! Did you hate us so much that you had to do all of that?" She shouted back

Ok she did have a point.

I did get emails, phone calls, texts and letters from them but I just ignored them.

Well I didn't know that they were trying to tell me about Charlotte.

"I bet you won't even care if I don't wake up" she said while tears started forming in her eyes

"What do you mean if you don't wake up?"

She laughed a emotionless laugh "to give me a new heart they have to take the old one out, meaning that I will be dead for 5minutes while they get the new one in. And even then there is no promises that they can get the new heart beating"


"Jesus Christ how did you get through high school!? If they can't get that new heart beating it means that I will die! You need a beating heart to stay alive!" She shouts

"What are they chances of getting it beating again?"

"26 out of 80 heart transplants are successful harry"

No no no no no!

I didn't need to know that!

I don't want her to die!

I love my sister!

Wait hold on a minute......?

Did I just say that I love Charlotte?

Yes you did harry

And yes you do harry!

She is the only family that you have left and the thought of her dying made my eyes start to water.

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