Murderous romance (Proxies X...

By XxWindigoAfxX

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(I do not own any characters from this story!!!) You were a a wonderful smart girl who loved to go to school... More

Author's Note
Authors note
Im not dead yet


4.7K 112 170
By XxWindigoAfxX

You woke up in the same room you had been in yesterday. You must of past out while playing video games with Ben last night, one of them must of brought you to the room.

What day is it......... ITS SUNDAY!!!! I have school tomorrow, shit...... You said.

You got up from your bed and went towards your closet to change. You grabbed a black tee with a skull on it. You then put on your pants and converse. You went to the night stand, grabbed your new eyepatch (since Jeff ripped the other one) and your beats. You then headed out the door.

You went down the staircase and went towards the kitchen, there, you saw the three proxys eating breakfast and Jeff.

You went towards them and sat next to Masky and Toby. Guys, you all know that I have to return home, I have to go to school tomorrow. You said with a frown.

Skip school, who cares about it, look at us! Masky said.

I made a promise to my mom, and I'm not going to brake it, so I am going to school. You said with a stern voice this time.

At that moment, you felt a cold hand on your shoulder. My fellow proxys..... A deep voice said this child shall go to school..... You turned around to see Slenderman.

You turned around and faced Slenderman. Slenderman, what about my uncle, I need to return. You said with a depressing face.

You then heard Masky mumble something and then look at the other two proxys.

Masky, what the hell did you do??!!! You asked loudly. Errrrr........ He would say anything.

You killed him didn't you.... You said in a straight tone.

Masky reached out for your hand but you just pushed his hand away. Y....y/n you d-didn't deserve to l-live with h-him. Toby said.

You just looked down, speechless. He was right, but still....

Y/n, we are sorry... Masky said.

You didn't know what to do, you just looked at them straight in the eye. Who cares anymore..... You said in a whisper, I'm staying here but I'm still going to school, he's dead now, I can't do anything anymore. You said with a stern tone.

Just leave me alone for now. You said looking down and pushing Slender a little so you can leave the room.

Maskys PoV

Why, why did I kill him, well either way if I didn't, y/n would want to go back to him. Ugh..... Screw my life right now.

Toby's PoV

I just sat there, why would y/n want to go back to that old douch bag, she deserved more than this. No wonder I fell in love with her, she sees the good in all evil. Ugh....screw my life.

Hoodies PoV

I didn't what to make y/n mad. I' just want to see her happy. Well since i wasn't in the conversation, I'll just bring something for her.

I went to the fridge and grabbed a slice of cheesecake. I grabbed it and went to the exit of the kitchen, I snuck out while Masky and Toby were arguing, I wanted this to be my special treat to her, just an I'm sorry gift.

I went up the stairs towards Y/n's room. I opened the door a little bit and saw what I wish I wouldn't see. I saw y/n changing...... She was in her underwear........ I quietly shut the door and went all red.

OMG OMG OMG........... Keep it together hoodie you got this, pretend nothing never happened. I thought.

I knocked this time and waited a little u till the door opened. When it did open, I saw Y/n had changed into shorts and she wasn't wearing her eyepatch, That's a first.

Hoodie, What's up? She asked. I held out the cheesecake and said this if for you! I made it so I hope you like it, it's an apology for killing your uncle. I said. Wow good job hoodie....

I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Their were y/n. Thank you hoodie she said.

I turned a deep blush of red but I still hugged her back.

We both went into her room and we talked and drew things. She was very fun to be with.

Y/n, why don't you have your eyepatch on? I asked.

Well, I trust you, and I like you so why should I hide my eye, unless you think I'm a freak. She said

No no no, I was just asking, and look at me, I'm 100% freak. I said

Y/n hugged me again and still, I blushed. I hugged her back. We both eat the cheesecake and then I left her room.

Wow she's awesome........ Can't wait for tomorrow!

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