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It was the day you had to go back to school. You moaned while you got out of bed and turned off the alarm that you had put on on your phone.

You got up and went towards the closet, you got your favorite band tee shirt and pants, you also got your favorite color converse.

You look to the corner of your room and see that all your school supplies are there, you wondered at first on how they got there but you just shrugged it off since one of the proxys might of brought it here while they went to go kill your Uncle or something.

You grabbed your backpack and went back to the nightstand and grabbed your black eyepatch. You wrapped it around your red color eye and left your room to go eat breakfast.

When you got there, you noticed only Jeff and Eyeless Jack were sitting at the table wearing there jackets that they always wear when there going out in the human world.

Where are you two heading? You asked. You went towards the fridge and grabbed a piece of cheesecake.

Slender said we have to escort you to your school, I mean we are in a forest so knowing you, you would get lost..... Jeff said. Eyeless "looked" at Jeff and gave him a small shove.

We will just walk with you towards your school just to make sure you will be ok. Jack said.

I guess I could agree on that. You said.

Once you Finished your breakfast, all three of you headed out, Jeff and Jack butting in there hoods to cover there faces. I've been meaning to ask, where are the proxy boys? You asked Jack. It's a surprise. He said.

Once you were in front of your school, Jack and Jeff walked with you just a little bit further up to the entrance of the school. You looked around and saw that a lot of girls were staring at you and at the two boys. Jack and Jeff got closer to you and stopped on the bottom steps.

Well this is where we leave you eyepatch. Jack said with a grin. Later y/n. Jack said.

See ya you said and with that, the two boys ran into the forest.

You walked around the front of the school for a bit. When you turned a corner, you saw a group of girls and a few guys near the wall, they were circling around someone or something.

You got closer to the crowd and went towards the center to see who or what was all the commotion.

When you managed your way through, you saw three boys, they look very familiar to you... Toby? You said to one of them, the boy looked up to you and he said y/n! Finally your here!!! He said. You looke at the other two and no doubt they were Hoodie and Masky.

You went closer to them and got all there jacket collars and dragged them all away from the crowd. Why the hell are you guys here!!! You asked.

We are here to just keep an eye out on you! Masky said happily. You face palmed and then extended your hand out. Let me see your schedules.

They all gave you their scheduled and you looked at them, you noticed that they all had the very same schedule as you. Well, it looks like we have the same classes, yay me.... You said.

All your four went to your first class, which was reading. While walking towards the class, a bunch of girls would whisper and stare at me and the three boys. Each step we took, all three of them got closer to you, they got so close that you could feel there hands that were sweaty, you made a small chuckle and kept on walking.

The classroom was noisy but once you entered and the three proxys behind you, everyone just shut up and stared at you all.
Some girls made hearts with there hands and pointed at the boys, some pretended to faint and would make googley eyes at them. You just stood there trying to keep in your laughter.

You walked towards the back of the classroom and motioned for the three boys to come and sit near you. They did as you asked and squeezed there seats rights next to yours.

I h-hate school. Toby said, because of s-school, I'm the g-guy I am t-today. He said. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Toby blushed and looked to the front of the room.

Ugh y/n, why are those girls staring at us? Masky asked. Because you all are cute your said. With that, all three proxys turned a bright red.

You have to admit, all of them looked cute in there own way. Masky whos name is Tim had those beautiful eyes and sideburns (lol) hoodie who's name was Brian had that cute innocent face and that messy hair. Toby had that cute smile and laugh, he would talk much because of his problem but you still though he was cute.

Y/n, why do those girls keep staring at you with a death glare? Hoodie asked.

Well because.... Those girls don't like me cause of whom I am, and seeing me with all you three boys who are cute makes them jealous. You said looking down.

But your the best person there is in this world! Your the first girl to actually appreciate us and love us deeply. Hoodie said.

You blushed a little until the teacher came in and started the lesson.

~Time skip to your last period ~

It was almost the end of class and you had an awesome day having the boys with you.

I'm gonna go get something from my locker, be back in a bit. You said.

You went towards your locker and opened it, you grabbed your books and a folder and closed the locker, when you turned around, you saw that there were the girls that you always hated.

Hello pig, what's up? Oh I been meaning to ask you, who are those three very cute boys who are always with you, I mean you don't deserve to be with them. It was Abby, she had her little gang with her.

I......I.... Was all you said.

Speak up! We can hear you squeal pig! Abby said laughing.

Abby pushed you to the floor and you dropped all your belongings. No one cares about you y/n, why don't you just go die in a whole. Abby said.

You then saw somone grab Abby's neck and push her to the locker. Well we do love y/n. Got a problem with that?! You looked up and saw Masky.

Hoodie was next to you and helped you up. He then brought you close to him and hugged you.

Toby was dealing with the other girls in Abby's gang. L-leave y/b alone, do you u-understand! Toby said in a ticked off tone.

The other girls looked like they were about to pee themselves while Abby was still pushed onto the lockers.

Leave her alone Tim, that will do. You said.

Masky let go of Abby and she fell to the floor. You all are freaks!!!!! Especially you you pig!!!! Abby screamed.

With those words, you tighten your grip on Hoodies jacket and dug your face into his jacket. Hoodie must of felt this and tighten his hug on you as well.

Once all the girls left, Masky, and Toby, went towards you and hugged you as well. You do know that your the best person we have ever met, you know that right? Hoodie said. Thank you said in a quiet voice.

They all hugged you at the same time. I love you all you said. With that, you felt someone pick you up brittle style. It was Masky, hoodie and Toby were behind holding your backpack and your books.

You guys are the best people I've ever known. You said. With that, you fell asleep in Maskys arms.

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