Agent 18: The Daughter of Fury

By DylenTheOreo

108K 2.6K 954

Did you know that Nick Fury has a daughter? I know Nick Fury a stone cold badass is a father! This story foll... More

The Baby from the Ocean
My Little Annabelle
A Little Bit Thunder
A New Team
The Discussion
Codename White Daliha
White Dalahia: Combat Mode
Uncle Coulson Time: Let's Get Some Ice Cream
Nick Fury: Detective Mode
First Date: Successfuly Cute
Second Date: Dinner at the Fury home
Off to New York
White Dahlia New Wardrobe
It's Okay
Third Date: Accidental Badass Mode
Flashback: The Eye Patch
The Holy Trinity: A Dangerous Mission
Flashback: Hawkeye the Babysitter
The Depression of Annabelle Fury
Nick Fury: Tell me the Truth
Randal's Confession
Four Years Later
The Man in Black Hair
Wedding Bells: Clint's Special Day
Randal: A Shocking Question
EXPOSED: Happy Birthday Dad
Annabelle Fury: A Big Step
Hawkeye and White Daliaha: HYDRA Encounter
You Gotta Be Shittin Me
Mr & Mrs Fury

Happy Birthday Annabelle

2.3K 59 38
By DylenTheOreo

A month goes by and it's the week of Annabelle's birthday. Even though Fury and Coulson are unsure when exactly Annabelle is born, they took a guess and they celebrate her birthday during the summer and for a whole week.

Coulson and Fury decided to throw a little get together at the end of the week. Right now Fury and Coulson are at S.H.I.E.L.D waiting for a certain someone at a meeting. They are about 15 minutes late and Fury is getting antsy.

"The things I do for my daughter." Fury sighed.

"I know sir, he'll be here soon then we'll get to have a nice family get together." Coulson reinsured. Fury rubs his head.

"I will try and think happy thoughts." Moments later a man with suave hair a tailored fitted suit, expensive looking shoes walls in with a briefcase.

"Sorry I'm late, not really had some business and other duties to attended to." He yawned.

"Mr. Stark nice of you to join us." Coulson smirked.

"Nice to see you too, hello Fury, how are you today?" Mr. Stark questioned.

"Delighted now that you're here." Fury said sarcastically. Mr. Stark places he brief case on the table.

"I was working on some finishing touches last night. They should be well functioning to perfection. Who are these for anyway?" He asked.

"None of your damn business, open the case." Fury responded. Mr.Stark opens the brief case and shows Fury and Coulson whats inside.

"Very nice Mr. Stark." Coulson smiled.

"Thank you boys. I do my best." Mr. Stark asked scooting closer to Fury. He rolls his eyes and stands up.

"No she's not a model with one eye, but she is a little badass."

"Hey um are we ready yet-oh in sorry." Annabelle walks into the room. Mr. Stark turns around and makes eye contact with her.

"Oh hello." He stands up and walks towards her. "Mr. Stark, pleased to meet you." He holds out his hand. Annabelle shakes his hand.

"Hello Mr. Stark." She said.

"You seem a bit young working here, what brings you here chocolate drop?" Annabelle is unsure how to answer the question after the word chocolate drop.

"Step away from her now!" Fury protested. "I don't need your wandering eyes all over my agents." Fury added. Stark steps away from Annabelle.

"Just trying to make conversation." Stark walks back towards Fury and Coulson. "So is everything in tip top shape Fury?" He asked.

"Yes it is. Is there anything I owe you Mister Stark?"

"No, I already have enough to money as it is. Consider this a gift from Stark industries." Tony smiled.

"Thank you Mister Stark, we'll be in touch." Coulson smiled. Mister Stark holds out and hand and shakes Fury and Coulson's hand. As he turn around to leave he stops and looks at Annabelle.

"Do you know who I am?" Tony asked.

" I supposed to?" Fury and Coulson start to cackle in the back.

"You really don't know who I am?" Tony pouted. "Come on I'll give you a hint...I'm awesome and build really cool shit." He smirked. Annabelle looks at Tony for a moment. She leans in a little and gets a whiff of his cologne.

" you're a millionaire playboy slut?" She answered. Tony's jaw drops, he walks past Annabelle with a mad look on his face.

"Hey Fury keep your agents in check." Tony walks out of the room and closes the door behind him. Fury and Coulson bust out laughing. Fury walks over to his daughter and hugs her.

"I'm so proud of you Baby girl. This is why you're my favorite."

"I'm your only child dad." Annabelle scoffed.

"Yeah but you're my favorite. Are you ready for an awesome day today?"

"Yes I am, I'm birthday ready and hungry." Annabelle smiled.

"How does the Cheesecake Factory sound?" Coulson asked.

"Sounds awesome!" Annabelle jumped up and down.

After the Fury family have an early they head over to the Retro Ice Cream Parlor where her and Randal met. As they walk in Annabelle and Randal make eye contact.

"Hey, happy birthday Annabelle." Randal smiled.

"Thank you." Annabelle smiled.

"Go ahead and take a seat I'll be with you guys in a second." Randal said. Annabelle, Fury, and Coulson sit down in a booth. Coulson and Fury sit next to each other while Annabelle sits by herself. Randal walks over.

"Hey, what can I get you guys?" Randal asked.

"Chocolate Mint please." Coulson told.

"Chocolate with Chocolate chip cookies in it." Fury told also.

"Cookies and Cream please." Annabelle said nicely.

"I'll be right back with those."

"Randal when's your break?" Fury asked.

"In a few minutes why?"

"Join us, I'll be nice." Fury said. Annabelle looks at her father with a funny look.

"Yeah sure. I'll be right back with your guys ice cream." Moments later Randal returns with ice cream and a small gift bag for Annabelle.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Open it, you'll really like it." Annabelle reaches in the bag and pulls out a bracelet that says "Princess" on it.

"Aww, Thank you." She smiled.

"Mine says Prince on it."

"Aww matching bracelets, how come we don't have any?" Coulson teased. Fury rolls his eyes.

"Shut up." He picks up a spoon and begins to eat his ice cream. Randal kisses Annabelle on her cheek.

"Happy Birthday beautiful." He smiled.

"Thank you handsome."

"We're still here." Fury blurted out. Annabelle sighs and Randal laughs.

"I know dad...I know."

The week goes on and it's the day of Annabelle's surprised birthday party. Fury took Annabelle out of the house so Coulson and Randal can set up. As they continue to set up Clint and Natasha walk in with gift bags in their hands.

"Oh looks like you guys got back just in time." Coulson smiled.

"I wouldn't miss my nieces birthday, are you crazy?" Clint scoffed.

"You guys went somewhere?" Randal asked.

"Vacation, we went to Budapest." Natasha said.

"Oh sounds lovely." Randal smiled.

"Set the gifts over there on the couch, and help us decorate this place we got an hour left." Coulson told.

Annabelle and her father are at the mall walking around. Fury decided to sneak her out of the house and go on a little spoil my daughter day.

"Thank for taking me shopping dad, I got all the cute stuff." Annabelle smiled.

"You're welcome baby girl." Fury smiled.

"Dad can I ask you something?"

"You're not getting a car yet."

"No it's about Randal. Do you like him?"

"He seems nice, it's only been a month but he seems to treat you right, he doesn't seem like an asshole. He's cool to me." Fury told.

"You mean it right you're not just saying it to be nice right?"

"No not all, you seem happy around him and that's what matters how you feel about him." Annabelle smile and hugs her dad.

"Thanks dad."

"Anytime baby girl. Is there anything else you want to ask me?"

"Not at the moment. Oh actually since I'm 19 how about a tattoo?" Annabelle smiled as she battered her eyes.

"Of what?"

"You and Uncles initials on my wrist." Fury looks down at Annabelle and smirks.

"We'll see."

"So that's a yes?" Annabelle jumped.

"It's in consideration. Come on let's go home Coulson made you something."

"That sounds interesting."


Annabelle and Fury return home after spending half a day of shopping return to their home. They walk inside and the lights are off.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Annabelle asked as she slowly walks into the living room. The lights turn on and everyone jumps out of their hiding place.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted. Annabelle jumps and puts her fist up. After realizing what was going on she puts her fists down.

"Awww you guys, I've always wanted a surprise party, wait is that why you took me around shopping?" She questioned her dad.

"I was actually being nice about taking you shopping, but yes it was apart of the plan." He smiled. Randal walks up to Annabelle and hugs her.

"Hey beautiful, Happy birthday." Randal smiled.

"Thank you Randal." He kisses her on the check. Clint comes in between them and hugs Annabelle.

"My little turd of a niece is getting old." Clint joked.

"Ha, so are you." Annabelle told.

"All right move over let my hug my littler sister." Natasha smiled. Clint lets go and Natasha hugs Annabelle super tight and picks her off the ground.

"I missed you so much."

"I did too I'm glad you guys made it back in time." Annabelle smiled.

"Like anyone in this house would miss your birthday." Clint scoffed.

"All right everyone enough with chit chat, I'm ready to party!" Fury shouted. Everyone cheers and claps while Annabelle holds her head.

"Really dad?"


As the party rolls on everyone is dancing and eating having a good ol time. As the evening rolls on everyone is in the kitchen laughing and getting tipsy while Randal and Annabelle are out side on the swing set.

"Cool party Annabelle." Randal said softly.

"Thanks Randal, I'm glad you could make it." He intertwines his fingers with Annabelle's. She smiles and turns away.

"Can I ask you something?"

"I'm already you're girlfriend." She teased. Randal chuckles.

"No, but am I really your first boyfriend?" Annabelle nods her head.

"Yup, you don't believe me."

"No it's just you're so awesome and beautiful and funny, I don't know why guys aren't lining up to date you."

"I mean a few guys have come up to me but I didn't feel that...thing you feel when you meet someone special." Randal scoots closer to Annabelle.

"How did you feel when we met?" He asked. Annabelle sighs and looks up at the stars.

"I felt surprised and happy, my stomach felt like a zoo was running though, my heart was pounding. I never got a guys number so I was super nervous also." She laughed nervously.

"Really?" Annabelle looks back at Randal.

" did you feel when we first met?" Annabelle asked. Randal chuckles.

"At first I was concerned because you threw some ice cream, but other that I thought you were pretty cute and then I got to know you and I thought or I think that you are the prettiest, funny and most interesting woman I ever met." Randal said softly. Annabelle smiles and kisses him on his cheek. He intertwines his fingers with Annabelle's. Randal gazes into Annabelle's eyes he caresses her cheek and slowly leans in and plants a soft kiss on her lips. They slowly pull away and gaze into each others eyes again. Annabelle turns away blushing.

"Oh...did I go to far?" He questioned. Annabelle shakes her head.

"No, whenever we kiss I get all jittery and nervous." She blushed. Randal smiles and turns Annabelle by her chin.

"Well then maybe i should help you get used to kissing me." He winked. Then out of no where Clint comes outside.

"Hey face suckers, get in here." He told.

"Why what is it?" Annabelle asked.

"Just get in here it's cute." Annabelle and Randal follow Clint back into the house. They enter the living room and there stands her father, Coulson and Natasha smiling.

"What's going on?" Annabelle questioned.

"It's been about 19 years since you came into this world and I am very blessed to have in this world that we live in Annabelle." Fury smiled. Annabelle awes and covers her cheeks.

"Thanks dad."

"Out of those 19 years we watch an adorable baby grow up to be a beautiful smart and pretty awesome  young woman." Coulson smiled.

"So today your old man and Coulson would love it if you would have your first dance." Annabelle tears up as slow music starts playing. Fury and Annabelle start walking towards each and start to slow dance. Everyone smiles and video tapes the cuteness of Fury and his baby girl.

"I love you Annabelle."

"Love you too dad."

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