Mrs. Rockstar

By RunAwayCircus

18.7K 478 30

Stage and Jake are madly in love until they have a fall out involving their band, Run Away Circus. It leaves... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

1K 30 0
By RunAwayCircus

4 years later...

"Thank you Milwaukee!" I shouted over the screaming of the crowd. I smiled as there fists pumped in the air, jumping up and down. I wanted to meet them all. I wanted to know all their stories about how they love us. It just gives me another reason to go on and do what I do.

I turned around and walked to the dressing room. I realized I was smiling to myself still. This seemed to happen uncontrollably after every time I performed. I was just happy to be doing what I loved and to have people love what I do.

I entered the dressing room with the rest of the gang.

"Sick concert dude." Evan said smiling as he flopped back in to a chair. "I loved when they chanted the songs along with us."  

"It's a good feeling." Cody agreed.

I took a seat on some chest and tried to contain my smiling. It was almost impossible.

"They really love us!" Shouted Dria. Believe it or not, she was the most excited out of all of us every time we played. She always shouted and smiled for upon hours. More than I even did. I guess her music passion is the strongest. One of the many things I love about her.

Then, the door opened and appeared Tyler. He was holding bouquet of flowers and there was a smile his face.

"Hey Darling." He said to me. I got up to hug him tight. He returned the favor.

"Ummm come on you guys." Cody said motioning to the door. " I think Tyler and Stage want to be alone for awhile." Dria, Evan, and Cody walked past us and headed out the dressing room door, leaving me and Tyler alone.

"You guys were amazing." Tyler said shouting. I smiled at him and appreciated the complement. We did kick ass but hearing it from my boyfriend just made it sound a hundred times better.

I grabbed him by his colour and pulled his face to my lips. He kissed me and I kissed back. He pushed forward, letting us fall on to the couch but we continued to kiss each other. His lips were so soft on mine and I just held the back of his neck, pushing his head close on mine. He reached his hand toward my shoulder and pulled down the shirt. That's when I realized what we were doing. I quickly pushed his body off and jumped up.

"What's wrong?" He said with a disappointed look on his face. I knew he wanted to have sex but I just wasn't ready. You think it's every girls dream to find that perfect guy that says he loves you and finally experience what others say is to be magical but I just wasn't ready to tell the truth. I am 21 but I just didn't feel right. Age is just a number after all.

"I'm not ready." I said to him. I mean as much as I wanted to, I couldn't. It just didn't seem right yet.

"We've been dating five months Stage." He said looking kind of upset. "Every time we get close, you stop me from getting farther."

"I know. I can't help it. It just doesn't seem right." I confessed. He seemed confused by the look on his face. I knew what he was going to say.

He sighed. "I love you. You love me. What else is there before it is right?" Truth is, I didn't know. It just didn't was all I could say.

"I'm sorry Tyler. I just can't and if you love me, you will respect that." I almost felt as if I was going to cry. Why? I didn't even know the answer to that. I was so lost in this.

He pulled me in to a hug and held me as he spoke. "I do respect it and if I I really have to wait, than it should be worth it. A girl like you doesn't just come along every day." I looked up and we both were smiling at each other. He pulled me in to a kiss.


After a talk with Tyler about the gig and how much fun it was, he ended up having to leave to go pick up some stuff for the tour bus. We were leaving in the morning to go to New York and chill for awhile till our tour would start back up again. We wanted some time off. I wanted some more time with Tyler so I could feel right about everything.

I starting walking towards the bus and millions of girls and boys surrounded my little walk way. Medal fences held them back along with security guards. I waved hi to them and soon reached my bus.

"Hey." Said Cody. "How did it go with the boyfriend?" He said grinning.

"Fine and don't think I'm going to get in to details." I laughed and then my cell phone rang. I reached in my pocket and pulled it out and it read "Mom". Hmmm wonder what she wanted.

"Hey Mom." I said answering the phone.

"Hey sweetie." She answered. "What's up?"

"I just got done with a concert and I saw Tyler. Why?" I asked because she always calls if she wants something. I'm not even kidding.

"Well I was going to ask if you wanted to come down to Chicago for the month you have off. I read your tour dates to find this out." She stopped and began speaking again. "We all really miss you and you can stay here at the house. Your friends can come to. Even Tyler. Please come?" She begged and all I could think about is the last time I was there which was four years ago. Sure I still talked to my family and kept them updated but truth is, I forgot about home. I wanted to but now that I think about it, I felt bad. I mean every Christmas I would make up a lie. Any holiday actually. I know it sounds mean and I think it time I visited my family.

"Let me ask the guys."  I covered the phone speaker and faced my friends. I hope they would be okay with it.

"You guys should come to Chicago with me." I suggested and smiled at them. All their faces looked at me like what the fuck.

"Ummm no offence or anything but what about New York?" Cody asked puzzled.

"Well my mom wants me to visit her and she said you guys could come. Just for a week or two? Please?" I pleaded. I didn't want to face my family alone. I was scared for some odd reason.

"Well, I can't because my family hates me and I refuse to return back to that hell whole. My family doesn't respect my life. Sorry Stage but no." Cody said looking mad at the thought of his family. He hated them. When he told them he was gay, they kicked him out and told him not to return. He ended up spending 8 months in a group home. When our band got discovered and offered a contract, we took it. He didn't even tell his family anything. He just left.

My face turned to Dria and Evan who looked like they were both going to give me the same news.

"Sorry Stage," Dria began. "I want to go to New York. I'm meeting up with some friends there to talk about a new clothing line idea for Run Away Circus and you know how big that would be for us." Ugh. She was right.

"And I have to say no because I just really don't want to." Evan said with a pouting face. He was always so straight forward about his answers.

"What about Tyler?" Cody questioned. A light bulb shot up from my head. TYLER! He could come! My parents could see him and maybe that would make us closer? I already met his so it could work.

"Great idea!" I shouted in excitement. I let go of my hand on the speaker and held it to my ear.

"Mom?" I wonder if she left me.

"Yes honey?" My mother answered.

"I will come and I might bring Tyler. The gang can't make it though." I flashed Evan a look because of his pathetic attempt of answering my question sympathetically.

"Great!" she shouted. "When will you be coming?"

"Well we have to make a couple stops but we should be there by tomorrow. See you then." I made my voice seem happy so my mother would think I was excited. This meant a lot to her and I wanted her to think I was happy about it when I really wanted to go to New York. I owed my family though.


Tyler arrived hours later and the bus began it's path to Chicago. Now I just had to get Tyler to come.

"Hey Ty?" I asked in a sweet, affectionate tone.

"Hey baby. What's up?" He asked as he placed his hands on my waist and looked at me. He was gorgeous. His eyes just sparkled at me. Inviting me in to his thoughts.

"Will you come to Chicago to meet my family tomorrow?" I continued on my act so he would feel compelled to say yes.

"Aren't we going to New York?" He asked confused.

"Yeah but my family invited me to Chicago for awhile so I'm stopping there. The bus is going to New York. I want you meet my family." I smiled at him but I didn't get a smile back.

"I have to go to New York baby. My sister is visiting there and I want to see my nephew. I'm the only one of my brothers and sisters who hasn't yet." He frowned. I totally forgot about that.

"Ohhh..." My voice trailed off and I thought about my family. Why was I scared?

"But," He began. " I can come after I spend a week there. I will rent a car and come and visit. I promise." He kissed my forehead and I smiled at him. I knew he wouldn't completely let me down.

"Thank you." I whispered to him. We kissed and placed ourselves on the couch next to my friends. We were watching TV but all I could think about is my family and how nervous I was.


Note: So what do you think so far? Any suggestions? Grammar problems? Comment and let me know. I am not the best at writing. Haha. Vote, comment, or just do anything! :D Oh and the picture is Stage as it clearly says. Enjoy!

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