Tutoring EXO ( EXO fanfic )

By ncttrash

239K 10.9K 2.4K

Past that door will he the boys who will be deciding my future. My future? I have it all planned out. It's l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapters 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Edit Update...
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Edit Chapters... Pls...
Tagged Thingy
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 (END)

Chapter 46

2K 75 21
By ncttrash

(Minah's POV)

"She still hasn't answered."

My phone warmly rested in the palms of my hands. It's been an hour since Minhye and Chanyeol lost consciousness, and I've been trying to do everything to get in contact with Minhye's mother, but my call kept on getting rejected.

I had too many things to worry about. Minhye, Chanyeol, Minhye's mom, and him.

Now that I was back in Korea there were many things I had to get situated, and I just didn't know how to get started.

I sat quietly on the little sofa next to their bed listening to be the monotonous beeps that came out of the machines. Those beeps represented the heartbeats the two people who changed and saved my life.

I was close to falling asleep when the dull beeping of the machines woke me up with a start. At first it took me a while to realise what was happening, but when it hit me I instantly rushed to their bedside.

Minhye's heart monitor was out of control building up the tension in the room.

I frantically tried to find the source of the problem, but with a loss of hope I rushed out screaming for a doctor. The split second before I could fully exit I heard nothing but one long continuous beep.


My surroundings silenced and in my ears I could hear nothing but that one excruciating sound.

All the boys that were waiting outside turned their head to me, and all in one breath I ordered every single one of them to get the doctor.

I was yelling in a state of panic, but the strange thing was I could not hear my voice or the panicked murmur of the boys at all.

It was as if the world wanted to mock me. The long flat beep wanted to rub it in my face that there was a possibility that I could lose Minhye.

I couldn't lose her.

Not now. Not ever.

When the boys dispersed to find the doctor I rushed back in the room begging Minhye to hold on to her life as if that would help the situation at all.

I locked my hands with Minhye's and I could do nothing but pray. It wasn't fair for her to just end her story. She had much to do.

Tears flooded down my cheeks with fear pulling down at my throat. It was hard to breathe, even harder when all my memories with her came rushing back to me in that split second.

Minhye's family was my former 'family'. They were supposed to be my family.

I was an orphaned teen no one wanted to adopt, but Minhye's family gave me even the slightest bit of hope. They were the only ones accepting of me and my troubled self.

I've always liked to live depressed. I was just one of those people, but Minhye was different. She was the opposite of me, and to me she could've been my greatest sister.

But I was never adopted into their family.

Things happened and Minhye's dad began to change. I was hurt.

More specifically shot by her father, and when I woke up I was in America with a new family.

John's family's.

I had no memory of Korea.

And there I grew up living with a missing a part of my life.

It was only recently that my memories came back. And I was back in Korea to patch things up.

And also to meet the person who brought everything back to my mind.

Time was really a tease.

It's been how long and the doctors still hasn't come.

I wouldn't have been surprised if Minhye was dead already.

I took in a shaky breath before I braced myself to look up.

It would be the first time for me to see a dead corpse before me.

It would be the first time for me to lose someone so important.

It would be the first time being the cause of not being able to save someone's life.

I looked up and it would be the first time I had ever feared on looking up.

A hand reached over to me gently, and for a moment I wanted to believe that it was really Minhye, but the back of my mind kept telling me that I was delusional.

I let out heavier sobs, unable to control my emotions.

"Please don't go..." I croaked.

Minhye just smiled, and in that quick instant the room just got a bit brighter.

She chuckled lightly and through the irony of the atmosphere she was able to lift my heart. It hurt and nothing else could've explained my pain.

"I'm not going anywhere." She whispered.

A wave of relief flooded my body as I collapsed into her arms. She was still laughing lightly as she overwhelmed me with her questions of to why I was being extremely emo.

I let out a small smile before answering that I thought she had died.

"I thought I was seeing your ghost or something." I murmured into the crook of her neck.

She just laughed.

"I'm glad you're back."

"Me too."

I chuckled.


"I know you." One of the boys leaned in forward almost breaking that point of personal space. He had high cheeks bones and slanted eyebrows.

I looked down at my hands holding my breath in.

It only took one turn of my head, one turn to catch his eye contact.

Uncomfortably I leaned back with my hands supporting me from behind, and without knowing I let out the breath I was holding for a good minute.

He was too close.

Before I could panic even more though, Minhye walked up to us and dragged the member away.

"Ow ow ow," the member cried in pain trying to loosen the grip Minhye had on his neck.

As much as I wanted to laugh at the sight of Minhye being so energetic I still couldn't help but worry about him.

I awkwardly returned to watching my fidgeting fingers, just hearing the boys shuffle in the room along with Minhye.

"O-of course you know me." I mumbled way too loudly than I had meant it to be."I know all of you too."

The boy shook his head not settling on my answer,"Middle School... Mrs. Sun... " said the boy.

The boy had escaped Minhye and calmly observed the pupils of my eyes. He was waiting for any reaction, but I gave him none.

"Sleeping Beauty." He added.

My eyes stood firm, but even with those two words I couldn't help but feel a redness rising up to my cheeks.

That was all he was waiting for.

"IT IS YOU! YOU ARE THAT MINAH!!!" The boy yelled.

I exhaled and rolled my eyes. "I don't know who you are." I tried convincing him.

Kim Jongdae. It was him. In the past every single day I had voice lessons with him. He was another student Ms.Sun my voice teacher took in. He was probably the most annoying kid I have ever met.

Good voice, but horrible attitude.

Anyways we come a long way back.

He was the reason why I got all my memories back too.

I quickly excused myself leaving Minhye to converse with the boys and giving myself a chance to stall a bit more.

I thought I had already braced myself for this moment, but I was wrong.

I wasn't ready to face the past. To face him.

Soon I felt a presence behind me.

Of course he would follow.

I sat at the nearest empty seat looking down at my lap, pretending I hadn't noticed him, but just as I was expecting he didn't buy my act.

He grabbed my hands, and without a word dragged me where no one could see us. I didn't even resist because I knew this was going to happen.

"Jongdae you're hurting me." I deadpanned. His grip got tighter.

Eventually the chatter from the room disappeared, and there was nothing but silence.

I watched my wrist turn red not affected by any pain, and before I could even complain he finally let me go.

We were at the roof isolated from the whole world.

The wind blew past us, and till now he hasn't made eye contact. He simply looked at the sky breathing deeply.

Our minds were running a marathon. Waiting for the first to break.

I was known to bend my whole life, but in front of him I was rigid. Fragile.

"So you became a singer... Congrats..." my voice barely cooperated.

The wind continously blew past us.

It flew through my hair, whispered into my ears, and teased my eyes.

With every teasing gust, you could see his shoulders bounce up and down.

He was crying, you would assume, but I was so wrong.

I slid a step forward, but I was too afraid to get any nearer.

A knot rested in my chest, and without realising I was holding onto every breath of air that I could. And at that exact moment he turned around and erupted in laughter.

His cackle escaped into the sky, and for a moment I was ready to cry, but I kept silent. He didn't deserve my tears.

"So princess is back..." he said as he held back another fit of laughter, "Sleeping Beauty."

I closed my eyes trying to push away the embarrassing memory that those two words brought back.

My hands clenched into a fist. "I see you still haven't changed."

"And I don't see a reason of why I should have ever changed." He stared straight into my eyes. His brown orbs were filled were with fire, and the corners of his lips accented his smirk.

"Stop playing your games. Jongdae, I know well that you brought me up here for a reason. I know you recognise me. I came here... to listen... And maybe after all these years you still despise me. I came here for my last chance."

"You left me. Don't tell me that was all nothing to you." He pointed to himself. His breathing got heavier, and his eyes shook in anger.

"I never left you." I argued. "I didn't have a choice."

"August 21, 2007. You signed me up for a singing competition. You were suppose to play the piano for me... Remember? That day, you never showed up...

I sang my heart out... Alone with no music... I won... And later when I sought to find out where you were, I found out that you left for good."

"September 15, 2007 I was adopted..." I huffed out as my hand desperately grasped onto the hem of my shirt. " I was 15 Jongdae. I wanted a family. And the only way I could've done that was to leave.

I couldn't let the opportunity pass. Yes I was selfish! Greedy! And all the words you could describe me, but no one wants to a adopt a teenager..."

"Then why didn't you ever come back?" Jongdae whispered out. His smile was wiped off from his face. His eyes were glossy and in them you could see their bitterness. "Why couldn't you have even considered what I would have thought? I thought you hated me. I thought you ran away from me. I was sorry. Sorry that I hated you for always leaving me. I thought you really hated me. "

"Jongdae, I never meant to leave you. And I never hated you. I know that you said hurtful things, but can you blame such a dumb kid like you.

That summer when I visited my adoptive parents something happened. I ended up getting hurt, and when I woke up I was in the states." I shakily took an intake of breath.

"For many years I couldn't remember anything. A part of me was lost, but everything changed when my brother had introduced me to your group.

I saw you... In that group of trainees I only looked at you... In that instant everything came rushing back to me. It wasn't anyone else who brought my memories back. It was you Jongdae."

I felt my tears slide down my cheeks. Harshly wiping it with the back of my hands I continued. "And in that instant I wanted to go back to you. Believe me. I was ready to fly back to Korea." I laughed, "But funny thing is the people around you was also very close to my heart. I was afraid to go back to the past, but I decided to face it."

I laughed again. This was one of those hysterical moments when I just feel like crying and laughing all together.

"Chanyeol was actually one of the very little friends I made other than you. I met him when I met my soon to be family.

And along with that Minhye's parents was suppose to initially adopt me too, but problems arose within her family. Her parents seperated. I was transferred to the states because I was hurt in the process, and there I found family. Things happened Jongdae. And I wasn't able to return till now."

Jongdae let out a shaky breath as he took a step backwards.

He clawed through his hair while looking down to the ground. It was far too much to take in, but I've waited for years for this moment.

When I was a kid I was always lonely. I envied kids who had parents, and often I came out bitter. No one liked me.

Mrs. Sun, our voice teacher, was my only guardian, but even then she made it clear that she was only a temporary phase. Through her I was able to meet Jongdae.

He was the brattiest kid I have ever met. Even brattier than me. And maybe that's why we made such a connection.

We were both bratty, and we both liked to sing. He was the only one that gave me something permanent to depend on. If I needed him, he was there. It made him different from the others who simply used words to make a foolish make believe of forever.

He made me believe in forever.

Because while everyone just comes and goes he was there through heaven or hell.

One day though, someone wanted to adopt me. Minhye's parents.

I was too blinded with the offer that I lost sight of what he's done for me.

So I left him.

They were loving and kind, but the adoption process was long, and through that process Minhye's parents changed.

I met people, and they were able to help me break out of my shell. Every summer I would visit my parents, but every summer they grew distant. The only person who stuck with me was Minhye and Chanyeol.

And when I returned to the adoption center Jongdae would be there for me.

He began to see the changes in me, and that inspired him to change too.

He was a person I took for granted, and at that moment I didn't know what I was losing.

I was finally 15 and it was the day that my adoption would be finalised.

But that day, I was shot, and everything that happened after that was all a blur.

I woke up with a family and they told me that they adopted me. I lost all my memories of ever being in Korea, but they kept no secrets from me.

They told me everything, from Chanyeol to Minhye, and even Minhye's parents. They told me about the accident. They told me of everything they knew of, but Jongdae wasn't someone they've ever met.

I never really quickly regained my memories, but when I did I knew I had to see Jongdae again.

"I-I don't know what to say..." Jongdae stumbled back, still a bit lost.

I smiled and ruffled his hair, "I'm not going to pretend that I exactly know what to do now that I met you. You're not the only one lost."

He smiled. I missed that smile.

"I know..." he said while taking my hand, "Will you listen to me sing?"

I let go of his hand and embraced him.

"I'll be be more than glad too..."

But of course it couldn't end there. He pulled back from the embrace and smirked at me.

"Thank you Sleeping Beauty... ;)"

I stumbled back for a second, "Kim Jongdae you're never going to change!"



I'm so sorry if this chapter took forever or it seems poorly written.

I have no excuses. I just couldn't write.

Anyways this is a semi filler to give you guys a bit more history for Minah, and to finally see Minhye awake.

Now all we need is Chanyeol.

Any predictions on what's going to happen?

If you guys want to clarify anything feel free to ask.

I haven't revised this chapter at all so I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense.

And for those who's wondering about sleeping beauty, I'm planning on making separate books to explore this book's side characters.

So there will probably be a short book about Jinhee, JiWon, and Minah.

So yeah...

Kk bye

If you want to support the story visit my ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/trulyasolomon

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