His Uncertain Territory (Boyx...

By xxRandomxThoughtsxx

1.2M 20.8K 2.3K

Ethan Staten is so deep in the closet he has no intention of ever coming out - to anyone. He has far too much... More

Chapter ~ 1
Chapter ~ 2
Chapter ~ 3
Chapter ~ 4
Chapter ~ 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter ~ 8
Chapter ~ 9
Chapter ~ 10
Chapter ~ 11
Chapter ~ 12
Chapter ~ 13
Chapter ~ 14
Chapter ~ 15
Chapter ~ 16
Chapter ~ 17
Chapter ~ 18
Chapter ~ 19
Chapter ~ 20
Chapter ~ 21
Chapter ~ 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29

Chapter ~ 5

55.2K 1K 98
By xxRandomxThoughtsxx

Chapter ~ 5

I don't know how long we spent at the fair. I didn't particularly even enjoy the rides since I spent most of the day keeping my distance from Quinn - of course, that didn't mean I wouldn't look. I didn't know how many times I'd sneaked a side-glance at him when he wasn't looking. I'd never thought I'd be attracted to someone like him, not that I had many previous experiences with guys. He was confident, he somehow knew roughly what I felt about him, and for some crazy reason, I was happy that he was paying attention to me- that he was at least interested in me, but what made me keep my distance was fear. If he could tell that I 'liked' him after just one day. I don't want to think about what else he could find out if he got closer. What if he told someone? - That one thought was enough to stress me out for the whole day.

"I'm hungry" One of the girls whined, and for once I was actually feeling gratitude towards the girl. I couldn't stand any more of this place. As the day went on more and more teenagers were arriving and along with that came a different kind of emotion. Jealousy.


We were standing in yet another queue, and this time I was standing away from Quinn, so we didn't have a repeat of earlier. Only then A group of girls joined the queue behind us and started to chat him up.

"Hey, there cutie" One chirped. Yes, chirped like an annoying bird. I found myself unconsciously glaring at her. Who does she think she is?! Calling him 'cutie.'

"Quinn." He smiled introducing himself. Smiled? My jaw tightened uncomfortably as the conversation went on.

"I'm Jade, are you single?" This girl doesn't waste any time, does she? I felt myself shaking slightly as Quinn gave a nod and a 'yeah' I unconsciously stepped closer to him, and he must have realized because he looked at me with a questioning expression, but underneath I could see amusement.

"Well I'm single too, and I like you." She whispered in his ear, but due to being a werewolf, I could hear her. I suppressed a growl while I waited for his reply.

"Well I guess that's too bad," He told her sincerely causing the girl and I to look at him in confusion.

"I'm gay" he shrugged "and I'm into someone." The girl was taken aback – if her dropping jaw was anything to go by. In the meantime, Quinn stepped away from her. I let out a sigh of relief as his eyes locked on mine. I gulped and looked away as his words ran through my head. He said he was gay?

~End of Recap~

We decided to walk to the nearest food place. Yes, walk. 'There's a place a few minutes away, there's no point in taking the cars.' A 'few minutes' my ass, we've been walking for three-quarters of a fucking hour. And guess what? Still no signs of anywhere to eat. Great one Chase. Not only did I hate the fact we where wasting time and energy walking to a place miles away when we have two perfect vehicles to do the job for us. I was also walking in an awkward silence listening to Chase and Marcia bicker, but I would rather listen to them, than start up a conversation with Quinn.

"This is stupid, there isn't any place around here!" I frowned and stopped walking.

"Yeah, there is I remember it now, it's just around the corner,"

"Oh, that's great, not to mention the fact that there is NO fucking corner in sight!" I glared back... as you can tell, I hate walking.

"ETHAN! Watch your language!" Marcia scolded, her eyes darting to the girls and then back again. I huffed and looked back the way we'd come.

"I'm going back," I stated.

"Well, you're not going back alone." For the first time since we started walking Quinn spoke to me. I turned to look at him, and I immediately knew that if I wanted to go back, he would be coming with. The only thing worse than walking for ages to a place which I doubted even existed, was walking back to the car with Quinn.

"Fine come on let's find somewhere to eat then!" I growled.

We finally found somewhere to eat. It was some random bar full of old memorabilia from god-knows-when. A random old dude was sitting in the corner with a pipe between his lips and a newspaper in his hands. When we arrived, he stared at us as though we might disappear at any moment. This bar obviously wasn't used to new customers.

"Hello my name is Laura, and I will be your server tonight." A middle age woman came up to us, she had red hair and a rather good body for her age I suppose. I would put her in her early forties, late thirties at a push. "Right this way" She ushered with her hands, but her eyes were locked on mine as she gave me a suggestive wink. Eww, I'm young enough to be her son! I suppressed a shiver of disgust and followed the rest to a booth in the corner of the room. I complained in my head when Chase and Marcia decided to sit on one side of the table, leaving me sitting next to Quinn on the other. I had scooted as far away from him as possible without making it look too obvious, but It certainly wasn't far enough. He could have been sitting on the other side of the room, and I would still have been hyper-aware of his presence.

"So what can I get you guys?" I had forgotten the waitress was still standing by our table with a notepad in hand.

"ORANGE JUICE!" The older girl answered enthusiastically.

"Me too!" The other one said.

"Okay honey, what about you?" She turned to me, and I decided on Fanta.

"Are you sure I can't get you anything stronger" She smirked at me placing her hand on my shoulder. I cringed at her touch slightly and shook my head. She took the hint and turned her attention to Marcia and Chase. They both chose coke. "What about you handsome?" That was it, a slight growl escaped my lips as I glared at her. She looked at me amused and then smirked again. I think she took my growl as jealousy of Quinn. More like annoyance at an old pervert like her!

"I'll have Pepsi max with two Ice cubes, no lemon and a green straw" Quinn grinned, and I looked at him in surprise, his eyes connected on mine and he gave me a playful wink which I hoped the others didn't notice.

"Okay, so give me two ticks, and I'll be back with your drinks and plates" she smiled at me, and as she left she brushed her hand across my chest.

"So Ethan have you been thinking any more about signing back onto the football team?" Marcia asked me, breaking the silence which was beginning to fall on the table... well, the whole bar really apart from the weirdo in the corner - we were the only ones here.

"No, I don't think I'll be joining any time soon either" I looked out the window at the blackening sky with a frown.

"You're so good at it though babe." She persisted, and I looked at her, wondering why she had called me babe when Quinn was sitting right next to me, not to mention Chase was seated next to her and It was almost obvious they had something going on together.

"Yeah man the team needs you, you're one of our best players" Chase agreed, though he looked a bit put off that Marcia had called me babe... So something is going on between them.

"I don't actually like it" I admitted looking down to notice Quinn's hand was only a few centimeters away from mine - close enough to hold... I snapped out of it quickly to look back up.

"Why not?" Quinn asked, damn him and his voice! Voices can't be sexy? It's just a friggin voice for heaven's sake!

"Ethan?" Okay I take it back a voice can be sexy, Quinn's was hot as hell.

"Uh, I just don't like it. It's boring." I shrugged not meeting his gaze. "So Chase, do you have a girlfriend at the moment?" I asked the first thing which came to mind, wait! Not that I was interested or anything, I just wanted to know more about what was happening between him and Marcia.

"Me a girlfriend?" He shook his head amused. "I don't date, not until that right girl comes into the picture."

"How would you know if the right 'one' comes along?" Marcia asked, looking to the girls as if she was much more interested in what they where drawing than his answer. Yeah right.

"You'll just know" Chase shrugged and smirked up at us innocently. He knew that we got exactly what he meant, but of course, Marcia being a human had no idea about mates. Marcia didn't speak again before the waiter came back with our drinks and plates.

"So the buffet is right over there." She smiled like no tomorrow as she pointed to the buffet, which was pretty hard to miss anyway.

"Thanks" Chase muttered, and all six of us got up and went to get food. It was all-you-can-eat, so of course, I took advantage and loaded my plate up with a mountain of food.

"Can you get more on your plate?" Quinn raised his eyebrow at me.

"Not sure, you tell me" I replied with a grin he just shook his head, muttering something under his breath which I didn't quite catch, but it was something about my body. He was probably wondering how I kept my toned abs as-well as eating like a pig. Whatever, when he gets closer to me, he'll know I spend a lot of time in the gym... I mean if he gets closer to me which he's not.

Surprisingly I was the first one back to our table, I didn't think much of it until the waiter arrived with a flirty smile.

"I didn't get your name before."

"Ethan" I gulped, looking down at my plate.

"Ethan Staten?"

I frowned up at her not knowing how she knew my name.

"A little birdie told me you're quite high up... The wolf chain." She smirked waggling her eyebrows. I narrowed my eyes at her only now realizing her smell yes she was definitely a werewolf, now I thought about it she must be from a neighboring pack. I didn't respond. So now I know why she was acting all suggestive and shit, she just wants a status fuck.

"Yeah we came for a day at the fair" I shrugged looking away.

"Oh, how was It?" OH JUST GO AWAY! I felt like screaming to her, but luckily I didn't have too as I saw Quinn sit in beside me. I looked up to him for help, but he didn't even look at me. I watched as his eyes turned into slits and glared at the woman.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked amused.

"Yeah you can get lost, isn't that right baby?" My eyes went wide as his hand went around my neck pulling my head towards him. My eyes went wide as his lips pressed against my cheek and kissed me. However, he didn't see my reaction because his eyes were still directly on the woman. ."Mine" He snarled at her with a growl, his wolf coming out in his eyes as they turned from light green to deep black. I sat there shocked as Quinn kept his head close to mine and had his hand placed on my thigh. I couldn't move even if I wanted too there were too many sparks running through my body even to think straight.

"Oh," The Waitress's eyes went wide for a second before she pulled herself together. "I didn't think that was possible..."

"Well obviously it is, now fuck off" Quinn snarled at her, and immediately the woman backed away in fright. I'm not surprised, who knew Quinn could be so scary? I was even slightly scared of him. I pulled away from him once she walked away.

"What the hell was that?!"

"Nothing, she was annoying me that's all" He shrugged moving away from me and began to eat as if nothing had happened.

"That wasn't nothing, why did you just..." I trailed off in a hushed whisper as I heard the others approaching our table.

"Why did I what? Kiss you?" He leaned closer to me and looked over the back of the chair casually, so not to arise suspicion. "I don't know." He murmured in my ear and then went back to eating, completing dismissing me. Confusing hot asshole. Why am I attracted to him again? Oh yeah, I have no clue what-so-ever.

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