The Wrath of Loki

By camp_hero

2.7K 164 39

Magnus Chase has seriously pissed off Loki. He made a new friend named Gaea. Not the Greek-primordial-goddess... More

My Back Story
I Meet A Potential Sibling
BK Coming Right Up
We Give Asgard A Visit
Eerie Realizations
Prophecies And Weapons
Frost Giants Stink
Captured Hope
Near Death
Answered Prayers
Plane Rides
Rescued With Minor Difficulties
Bonds Are Formed
The Avatar's Secret
GranG...Feeling The Love!
Sitting In A Tree
Long Lost Roman
Slimy Imagery
Cryptic Curses
Partial Paralysis
The Queen Of The Night
Stary Night
Revealed Curse
Seven Sisters
Branded Messages
Hábrók Causes Turbulence
More Visitors
Steps Forward
Perfection? No Way.
Scrawny Man's Courage
Firey Contemplations
And So It Begins

I'm Not Here To Kill You

143 8 2
By camp_hero

I traveled to Long Island to visit Camp Half-Blood. Magnus had told me that Annabeth spent her summers at the camp, and since it was June 22nd, I figured that she would be here. I reached the bottom of the hill and looked up to the top.

There was a magical border blocking intruders from entering the camp. I pulled up my dark-grey hoodie and started upwards. I didn't want to cause a commotion. I wanted to slip in unnoticed, grab Annabeth, and set out on the quest. I figured that Annabeth would choose her boyfriend (who Magnus told me of) to accompany us on the mission, so I would have two companions.

I'm just hoping that Annabeth told one of her friends about the Norse world, otherwise this would be tricky. I saw the main entrance to the camp. I didn't see anyone guarding it, so I walked towards it. Just as my left foot was about to cross the border, a camper about sixteen or so years old stopped me. "Freeze!" He yelled. "Who are you?" Asked a female from the right side of me who appeared from behind the trees.

"I'm a friend." I said. "I'm here to see Annabeth Chase." I finished quickly. "Uh-huh. And I'm here to perform with Beyoncé at the campfire singalong." The boy said. The girl snickered and said "You're an outsider trying to break in."

"I'm not trying to break in." I said sternly. "Anyways, you wouldn't be able to go in. Only Greek demigods can enter these borders. If you're not a Greek demigod, the only way you're getting in is if you're invited." The boy said. "So, invite me in." I said. "No way. We aren't falling for that one again. I don't need to do anymore dishes." The girl said. "Then can you tell Annabeth to meet me here?" I asked. "No, we're not putting her in danger." The boy said. "I'm getting irritated. I'll give you two choices, let me in to go talk to her, or I do end up breaking in." I said.

They snickered and said "Are you a Greek demigod?" The girl asked. I shook my head and the boy said "So there's no way for you to get in."

I felt a connection to the earth and all things that have sprung from it. I felt that there was a lava-related activity somewhere in the camp. I also felt that there was a lake somewhere in the camp. I could feel that there was source of lightning near by, but not from the sky, from a human being. There was another lightning user somewhere near. "Does anyone at this camp know how to control lightning, by any chance?" I asked. "Jason Grace, son of Zeus. Why do you ask?" The boy said.

"Just wondering." I said. I made my sword appear in my hand. The demigods jumped backwards. "How did you-?" The girl started. I cut her off and said "I'm going in, and you can't stop me." I willed my sword to disappear.

They tried to jump forward to grab me, but I had already passed the border. Maybe they were bluffing about the whole 'No entrance unless you're Greek!' thing. I turned around to face the stunned demigods with a sly smirk. I continued forward when a girl with kaleidoscope eyes stopped me. "Hi, you must be new. I'm Piper. Want me to show you around?" She asked. She seemed nice, so I asked her "Is Annabeth Chase here?" She seemed confused at first, but reluctantly answered "Yeah, why?"

"Her family's trouble. I need to talk to her." I said. She nodded with a look of determination and said "Follow me." We walked towards the lake and I saw her sitting with her boyfriend. "Annabeth," Piper started. "I hate to break up your date, but someone's here to see you. She says your family's in trouble." She finished.

Annabeth and her boyfriend stood. The first thing I noticed about both of them was that they both radiated power, alongside the Cherokee girl who brought me here. "What's wrong?" Annabeth asked me with concern. Her calculating eyes seemed to be looking for a sign of weakness. I held my poker face, and she seemed to catch on to the fact that I could read her just as well as she could read me. "It's Magnus. He's missing." I said.

Her eyes widened and said "Oh my gods..." After a short pause she asked "W-Wait, who are you?"

"I'm Gaea." I said. She unsheathed her dagger, her boyfriend uncapped his pen and his sword appeared, and Piper unsheathed her own dagger. I held up my hands and asked "What's goin' on?"

"Gaea's an uncommon name." The boyfriend said. "I know, it's so hard to find my name on a keychain." I said. Realization dawned upon me as I threw back my hood and said "Oh. I see. Yeah, I'm not a primordial goddess of the earth here to kill you, I promise." I dropped my hands to my side.

They cautiously lowered their swords. "I just want to talk." I said. They still seemed reluctant, so I said "I swear it on the River Styx." What does that even mean? Where had I heard that before? It ended up working, so they sheathed/capped their weapons.

"Can we talk in private?" I asked Annabeth. The boy looked to Annabeth and they seemed to have a conversation with their eyes. She said "It's okay, Percy." He looked to me cautiously. Percy pecked Annabeth's cheek and said "Let's give them some privacy."

And so, Piper and Percy left Annabeth and I to speak of her cousins disappearance. After I explained what I had known about the situation, Annabeth proceeded to ask "So, you came to me for help?"

"Did you not want me to?" I asked her. "No, I-I did. I'm actually glad he referred to me as a sort of emergency contact." She explained. "How would we even find him?" She continued with. "Well, first off I have to present you to the gods. They have to deem you worthy of traveling the Nine Worlds in order for you to really be able to help me." I finished.

"You said you needed two companions, did you already find the other?" She asked. "No, actually. I thought you would want to bring someone along. Perhaps a certain son of Poseidon." I finished. "How did you know that he was a son of Poseidon?" She asked suspiciously. "Magnus told me." I said quickly. She nodded in understanding. In all honesty, I didn't know. How am I figuring all of this out? Am I just really smart or is there something else at work here?

"When do we leave?" Annabeth asked. "Midnight. We can't wait any longer than necessary." I replied sternly. She nodded and said "Until then, you're welcome to stay here. Walk around a little bit or train in the arena or whatever your heart desires."

I nodded and said "Thank you for your generosity. Is there anything specific that I should know about the camp in advance?" She paused and said "Don't go into the forest, there're nymphs and driads everywhere that like to cause trouble." I nodded and said "I'll let you prepare for the quest."

I stood and walked past a cabin with the number three on it. I saw Percy exit the cabin shortly after and go to the beach to speak with Annabeth. From what Magnus told me, they were more than worthy of assisting me in this quest.

I just hoped that the gods thought so.

I have so many ideas for this story ugh I'm so excited
Keep voting, commenting, and sharing please!
Thanks so much!

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