Mrs. Rockstar

By RunAwayCircus

18.7K 478 30

Stage and Jake are madly in love until they have a fall out involving their band, Run Away Circus. It leaves... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 1

3.5K 38 4
By RunAwayCircus

"I love you." He said, kissing my cheek. I stared in to his eyes and smiled.

"I love you too." I replied kissing him back but on the lips this time. "You're my everything and more." I said remembering the first time I heard him say that to me. We tell each other that every time. He smiled and continued to kiss me.

"We really should be going. The band isn't going to keep waiting up every time we do this." I said smiling at the thought of Evan's annoyed face every time we come late. He always knows why we are late.

"Awww. Five more minutes?" He curled his lip forming a sad pouting face. He thinks this face will get me to do anything he wants. He is absolutely right about that.

"Okay. Five." And then I pushed my lips on to his, knocking him over on to my bed. His hands placed on my hips and mine on his back.

"I love you." He managed to release from his lips as we continued to make out.

"I know." I replied and just smiled.


"Late again I see?" Mark said as we came walking in to his garage. "I can only guess why." He said rolling his eyes at me as we smiled and looked at each other.

"Sorry Evan but you can't blame me. I didn't want to take five more minutes." Jake said smiling and laughing.

Cody from the back began to laugh at us. He always found us cute together and always laughed at our cuteness as he would say.

"Hey mister! You were the one who wanted to take five more minutes! I'm the one who cared about Evan's feelings." Evan rolled his eyes once again at what I said and I smiled at him. He was a good friend but hated when I was late and talked about Jake and I.

"Well can we please get this thing on the road?" Said Dria from her drum set in the back. She looked annoying but I know she wasn't really mad. She was my best friend in the whole fucking world but she knows Jake and I tend to make our makeout sessions last.

I walked over to the mic and Jake walked over to his. I was the vocals and he was the screamer. It's how it's always been.

Dria began slamming her sticks on to the drum set. Evan glided his gutair pick on his bass and Cody joined in on his gutair.

There harmony played through my head and heart as I awaited my turn to join in. I quickly glaced over at Jake and realized he was staring at me. I smiled and laughed quietly and so did he. I looked back foward and patted my jeans with my left hand like I always did. It was a habit every time I was about to sing. Music was my life. Run Away Circus was going to be big one day. I just know it.


"Great job you guys! I swear we keep getting better each time." Dria said smiling but her voice sounded as if she was lying. I don't think anyone noticed that but me.

Then, I glanced over at Jake when I heard his phone beep. He picked up his phone and read the message to himself. I could tell because his lips were moving. He was so cute.

"Aw shit. I have to head out. My brother needs help moving all his crap to his apartment and he said he'll pay me if I help out." He kissed my lips and headed for the door. "Later guys! I'll text you Stage." With that, he left and shut the door behind him.

"I thought he would never go." Evan said in a annoyed tone. What the fuck? Was he serious.

"What?" I asked confused. Why did he want him to go?

"Ummm well we have been needing to talk to you." Evan confessed. He looked down at the floor which I knew was bad news.

"We want to go a different direction with the band." I turned over to Dria who said it. A different direction?

"What do you mean?" I was scared for the answer.

"We don't want to do screamo anymore. We want to be just a rock band." Evan, still looking down at the floor, said this. I knew what was coming next. Jake.

"So wait. No screamo means n-" Dria cut me off.

"No Jake." Dria's words made me freeze. They were going to cut Jake from the band? After almost 2 years together, they were going to do this now? After everything he has done for them. They are his friends for god sakes!

"You can't just kick Jake out?" I protested in his honor. Not just because he was my boy friend and I loved him but because he was an amazing screamo artist and didn't deserve this.

"Well this is my house and these instruments are my equipment. Plus we were hoping that you would tell Jake for us. I mean he can't get mad at you." Evan now was facing me when he said this. They think I would tell my boy friend he was fired from this band?! This was one of his favorite things to do! Music was passion and his soul! I couldn't do it.

"No! I won't tell him he's cut from the band! You know how much that will hurt him! He loves this!" I was angry now. I couldn't imagine a time when I was this upset with anyone.

"But he loves you and won't it be better coming from someone who he loves and can support him after?" Cody finally spoke. He was right. Jake would be angry and I could calm him down. I knew I couldn't make him completely happy but enough to the point were he would be sane.

"I... I... don't know." I stuttered because of the thought of saying yes to breaking Jake's heart was painful. "He doesn't deserve it." I tried defending him, even though I knew it probably wouldn't work.

"Stage," Cody began. "I know you love him and we love that guy to. He's our best friend but we just don't want to go with screamo anymore. It's for the good of the band." Cody tried propping a smile on his face to make everything seem better than it did. It didn't really help. I finally gave in.


"Hey beautiful." Jake said smiling at me when he came over to the park bench with me. He kissed my lips and I kissed back. He was in a good mood so that would make this a bit better. Not by much though.

 "Hey Jake." I said smiling in return. I was faking the biggest smile ever so he knew something wasn't wrong.

"So what did you need to talk about? Your text said it was urgent." He placed his arm around my shoulder and he stared at me, smiling. Why did he have to be so nice when I was about to crush him. Ugh.

"Well it's about the band." I started off but didn't finish.

"What about the band?" He questioned back to my unfinished sentence. Crap. This was like breaking up with him, which I could never do.

"Um well they want to go different direction." Again, I didn't finish my sentence. He probably thought I was doing this on purpose but really, I was just too scared to hurt him.

"And?" He questioned again. Just tell him. You have to. Just get it over with.

"They don't want to do screamo anymore" I took a deep breath. Finish your sentence Stage. "so they are cutting you from the band..." My voice got quiet and died. His face went from happy to serious. He didn't even say anything and I knew he was upset.

"You guys are kicking me out?" He asked with his voice full of anger. He looked at me, waiting for me to say this isn't true. I felt like I stabbed him in the heart.

"I never said I wanted to. They wanted to and that I should tell you because you would take the news better from me." I basically just sold them out but I didn't care. The last thing I wanted was Jake thinking I was apart of the team that crushed his dreams.

"They can't do this! I have been there for all of them this whole time! Two fucking years!" He shouted and many people walked by and stared.

"I know Jake. I hate the idea to. I mean It was me and you and now I won't have you there with me." As soon as the words escaped my mouth, he looked at me. His expression looked confused and upset. Two things I hated to see in him.

"You're still going to do the band?" He questioned me.

"Well yeah Jake. I mean they didn't kick me out." and then I realized what I just said. He looked pissed off at me. Did he think I was going to give up my dreams because his didn't work out.

"Well since they kicked me out for a dumb reason, I don't think you should still be in it. I mean they aren't friends of mine anymore." He seemed as if he expected me to hate them now and quit the band. I have known them forever and they are my best friends. No way!

"They are still my friends Jake. They just don't want to do screamo anymore. I know the band meant  a lot to you but I don't want to give up on it." I felt a little anger towards Jake. I mean was he really going to be mad at me for this?

"Well I don't want you to!" He yelled. I stared at his angry face. Who the hell did he think he was?

"Too bad! I'm doing it!" I yelled back. People stared as they walked past. We were making a scene and I hated to start something but he wasn't going to tell me what to do.

"Well then if you love this band more than your own boy friend, then the band can be there for you instead of me. I'm done." With that he started walking away and I felt tears form in my eyes. He was breaking up with me?

"Maybe it was better off we ended it now! I just realized how much a selfish jerk you are! Good thing I found out now!" I screamed at him and he turned around and began to speak.

"I'm being selfish!? What about you, who doesn't care her boy friend just got removed from something he really loved and you have the power to get back at them for him, and you won't!? You love the band more than me so let's see what happens when I'm not there to comfort you when the band fails with out me! Have a nice life Mrs. Rockstar!" He yelled and walked away. Tears were coming out uncontrollably now. Was the band worth all of this pain? What if music wasn't the only thing in my life? All I know is that I loved both the band and Jake but I think Jake was what I loved the most.


Note: New story ^_^ I am really happy and hoping this is a good one! Tell me what you think? Vote or comment? :)

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