Chasing After The PA | Comple...

By DaymareXNightdream

1.6M 55.7K 3.9K

Hunter Blackthorne, CEO of the most powerful company in the world. Young, attractive and extremely arrogant. ... More

Official Playlist
Chapter 1 - Interview
Chapter 3 - Cheaters Never Win
Chapter 4 - A Date With A Familiar Face
Chapter 5 - The Kardashians ft. My Date, My Ex And My Boss
Chapter 6 - Reminder From A Dark Past
Chapter 7 - Sleepover!
Chapter 8 - Goodnight
Chapter 9 - We Date
Chapter 10 - You're Living With Me
Chapter 11 - Roses Are Red...
Chapter 12 - Still A Better Love Story Than Twilight
Chapter 13 - Gideon Harris And Erica Who?
Chapter 14 - The First Kiss Is Always The Most Fake, Right?
Chapter 15 - Necklace Of Lies
Chapter 16 - A Poke To The Butt And A Kiss On The Lips
Chapter 17 - New Goal: Make Her Mine
Chapter 18 - I've Got A Migraine
Chapter 19 - Red Velvet And Hot Pockets
Chapter 20 - Cuddles, Chris And Couple Costumes
Chapter 21 - I'm As Straight As A Broken Ruler
Chapter 22 - Halloween King And Queen
Chapter 23 - Alexander Hamilton
Chapter 24 - Midnight Conversations
Chapter 25 - Holiday Spirit
Chapter 26 - Unwanted Proposals and Holiday Cheer
Chapter 27 - New Year, New Love
Chapter 28 - Time Apart
Chapter 29 - Best Friends Give The Best Advice
Chapter 30 - Bonding With Exes
Chapter 31 - Unofficially Meeting The Parents
Chapter 32 - Breakups And British Devils
Chapter 33 - Près Du Coeur
Chapter 34 - I Love Him
Chapter 35 - Confessions
Chapter 36 - To The Moon And Back
Chapter 37 - (Un)Happy Birthday
Chapter 38 - Dead Flowers And Used Band-Aids
Chapter 39 - Daisies
Chapter 40 - Dishonest Lies
Chapter 41 - I Quit
Chapter 42 - Letting Go
Chapter 43 - Grey
Chapter 44 - Between Two Worlds
Chapter 45 - I Miss Her
Chapter 46 - Lay Your Head Down
Chapter 47 - Don't Believe Everything You See
Chapter 48 - Welcome Home, Brother
Chapter 49 - Cucumber
Chapter 50 - Losing Her
Chapter 51 - The Prince Charming To My Cinderella
You Asked, I Answered!
Bonus Chapter - A Very Merry Blackthorne Christmas

Chapter 2 - Caramel Macchiato

46.3K 1.5K 75
By DaymareXNightdream

Song - Andy Grammer, Keep Your Head up 


So, what can't you take? Decide which of the two options is harder, and do the other. That way, no matter how hard your choice turns out to be, at least you can find comfort in knowing you're avoiding something even worse.
-Josephine Angelini, Starcrossed


+Hunter's POV+

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

I groaned feeling hungover and tried to get up before realizing that I wasn't alone in my bed. Beside me, laid the same woman from the interview.

What the hell is she doing here?

I don't know, ask your damn self.

I am yourself, dumbass.

"Heyyyy...." She purred.

Suddenly, it all came rushing back to me.

Yesterday, after having Payton's roommate pickup, and telling her that Payton was hired, I couldn't get Payton out of my head.

There was just something about her that separated her from the others; she was like a shining star in the pitch black night.

I spent the rest of the afternoon drinking trying to forget about her; I was mentally beating myself up for being so distracted... over a woman nonetheless. A small voice at the back of my head was telling me to just call one of my hook ups.

Just invite some woman over and you'll forget about her and feel better, my mind was telling me.

I had remembered the woman in the purple dress from the interview, at first hesitating to call her. What if she turned out to be crazy? What if she wouldn't leave me alone afterwards? It would be a total burden.

But I guess I was intrigued enough to find out, because I was now right next to her naked.

I was completely used to these types of situations but this time, it felt different. I didn't feel better at all. In fact, I felt worse.

I got up from the bed and started putting on my suit.

"What are you doing?" The voice demanded.

"Going to work, now lock the door before you leave," I said already walking out.

"Get your ass back over here!" the female voice screamed.

I continued to walk. The last thing I heard was her yelling, "ASSHOLE" before hearing the door slam shut.

I didn't really mind considering that I was used to breaking a few hearts here and there; they should have known from the very beginning that they weren't in my interest for the long run.

My main chauffer and bodyguard, Bill was already out front waiting for me. As always, he drove me to work.

I gave him a nod before entering the limo.

All I could think about on the way to work was Payton. For the first time in my life I felt something new, something that I could only describe as feeling a bit guilty.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I didn't know.

Gosh Hunter, you really are pathetic.

+Payton's POV+

"No please Adam, you don't have to do this!" I pleaded trying to back away but I was already against the wall. He got closer.

"Please Adam!" I cried.

"You know I don't want to really do this honey," he said.

"Then don't," I begged.

"But I have to, It's your punishment for not making me dinner," he sneered.

Suddenly I felt something, a sharp pain right in the middle of my back. I screamed.

He burnt me with a cigarette. It felt like I was continuously being stabbed with a skewer.

"Have you learned your lesson yet?"

"Yes, I will remember to make you dinner next time, just please, stop," I cried.

"You know, I don't think you have..." He said looking for another spot on my body to burn.

I closed my eyes as I felt the pain once again...


I jolted up from my bed as if someone had shocked me. Tears were pouring out of my eyes.

What just happened? Why did I have that dream again? I haven't had that dream for months now...

I looked at my alarm clock seeing that it was 7:00am. I had about an hour to get ready and be at work, so I bee lined to the bathroom to take a shower.

I got out at 7:15 and threw on my clothes. I applied some lipstick, foundation and a coat of mascara. I wasn't going to waste any time putting on anymore makeup just to wipe it off when I got home.

7:20; without eating breakfast, I slipped on my black pumps before locking the door and running out of my apartment. Fortunately, I was able to catch a taxi right when I got outside.

Sitting in the backseat trying to catch my breath, my thoughts went back to this morning. Why did I dream about him? It had been about a year since I left him- well technically escaped from him. I was so lost in thought that I hadn't noticed that the taxi had come to a stop until the driver said something.

"We're here," the raspy voice of the taxi driver stated.

I paid him then got out of the car. As the taxi drove off, I took in my surroundings. There were tall buildings on each side of the street. Small shops were wedged in the middle of them. I checked my watch, it was 7:50. I have 10 minutes to spare, I should go get a coffee and something to eat I thought. Maybe I should also get one for the boss, I want to leave a good impression after all.

I saw a small cafe and decided to just go there. I was instantly hit by the sweet scent of coffee and donuts. As I stood there looking at all the different coffee options, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"I recommend the Caramel Macchiato," I jumped a bit then turned around.

"Oh Jordan!" I said with a smile trying to hide the fact that I was startled.

He smiled back. "I see that you got the job"

"Oh yeah, I did," I said taking his advice and ordering 2 caramel macchiato, a bagel with cream cheese, and a coffee. I didn't really know what to order for the boss so I just got what I thought any boss would drink.

I handed him a caramel macchiato.

"Oh thank you, you didn't really need to buy me a drink," he said looking at the drink in my hand.

"No, no, it's fine take it," I said taking a sip from my own cup.

"Well if you insist..." He smiled reaching out for the cup. "But I'll have to pay you back."

"You really don't need to, it was my choice to get you it anyways." I looked back at my wrist and saw that it was 7:55.

"Oh shoot, I really have to get going now I'll be late," I said already running out.

"Ok, lunch then?" I heard him saying.

"Sure!" I yelled already out of the cafe. Dammit Payton why did you lose track of time?

I finally got to the 20th floor with only 1 minute to spare. I waved to the secretary, she smiled and waved back.

I reached Mr.Blackthorne's door and took a deep breath. Calm down Payton, you're going to do fine. I knocked on the door.

"Come in," a baritone voice answered making me jump again almost spilling the two drinks I was trying to balance with my bagel. I opened the door still trying to keep everything I had in my hands from falling.

"Good morning," I said looking at him. He was sat at his desk fiddling with his phone, He didn't say anything nor did he look up.

Ok, kinda rude dude.

"Um, I brought you coffee..."


Seriously, this dude is really getting on my nerves.

"Ummm, ok then, I'll just leave this coffee on your desk then..." And find my way around this damn place myself.

As I was placing the coffee on the desk, he suddenly spoke. "Ah, Ms.Flores, you're here, I was beginning to think that you got too scared and ditched, It's happened before." I wasn't expecting for him to speak and jumped a bit dropping the coffee. Thankfully, he caught it before it could spill all over his desk again.

He looked back up at me smiled, "Not throwing away coffee this time."

I could feel my cheeks heat up again. "S-s-sorry."

Geez, what has gotten into me? A few minutes ago I was talking to Jordan like it was nothing.

He cleared his throat before speaking again. He pointed at a door beside one of the bookshelves. "That's your office from now on. You're my PA it would only make sense for it to be closest to mine. Got it?"

I just nodded.

"Good, now, your job as a P.A consists of organizing all the files sent your way, accompanying me to meetings, preparing those meetings, organizing my schedule, bringing me coffee, making phone calls and so on," he said staring straight into my eyes. I could tell that he was very serious when it came to business. He continued to stare, was he waiting for a response?

"Uh, yes sir," was the first thing I could think of saying.

He raised and eyebrow and smirked. "Mmh, sir? I like it." 

Oh gosh, what have I gotten myself into? 

I bit my lip trying not to make any eye contact.

"Well Ms.Flores, let's get you started in your office," he said getting up from his seat and walking over to me putting his hand on my back. I could feel my heart thumping very hard against my chest. Why was I so effected by his touch?

My office was about the size of a quarter of his office which was still pretty big.

"This is where you will work," he instructed. "This is your phone," he said pointing at a telephone on the desk. He started pressing the buttons on the phone showing me how to call people through intercom. By the end of the tutorial, I already forgot half of what he said.

"Ok, now that we have that all out of the way, your first task will be to call all these people and set up meetings with them," he said handing me a folder with names and numbers.

"Right away sir," I answer.

"He started walking out of my office but stopped at the doorway, "Good, don't screw up."

I took a sip of my now cold drink.

Definitely going to screw up.

Until next time... <3

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