My Boyfriends' Brother (ON H...

By tyeshiaalsina

9.5K 533 456

Aaliyah Banks alongside her two best friends Imani and Marie move to Houston, Texas for better opportunities... More

1. The Concert
3. Waiting...
4. Mi Casa, Su Casa
5. Do you need help?
6. At Your Best
7. Terrible Mistake
8. Keeping Secrets
9. Coming Home
Not An Update
10. Coming Home Pt.2
11. Coming Home Pt.3
12. Graduation Day
13. Welcome to H-O-U-S-T-O-N
14. The Talk
Authors Note
15. A Brothers' Revenge
16.The News
17. Betrayal
Not An Update
18. Don't Start None, Won't Be None

2. Chillin' Backstage

702 37 18
By tyeshiaalsina

When the concert was over me and the girls headed backstage to chill with 'the boys'.

"Excuse me ladies, do you have permission to be back here?" A large muscular dark skinned man asked us, assuming it was their bodyguard I answered,

"Yes we do, we have backstage passes." I said as we all flashed him our badges.

"Alright, wait here I'll see if they're ready for you ladies." He said walking towards the door at the very end of the hallway.

After a few minutes he came back "Okay everything has been cleared, you girls can follow me."

Immediately I got nervous. "Umm where's the restroom?" I asked following the tall muscular man.

"Down the hall take a right, I'll show you so you won't get lost," he said opening the door allowing Marie and Imani in.

"Boys they're here," the man semi yelled.

From around the corner popped Dino, GI and Shazam. "I thought you said there were three" said Shazam.

"There is, but she has to go to the restroom." Their bodyguard stated getting a little irritated.

"If she wanna she can use this one." Shazam said pointing to the back of the room.

"Do you mind Miss..." "Banks and no I don't mind at all." I said walking straight to the restroom.

After I came out of the restroom everyone stopped talking and all eyes were on me.

"What did I do?" I asked laughing nervously and took a seat where Shazam patted on the couch for me to sit.

"Oh, nothing your friends were just telling us what you said before y'all came to the concert." stated Shazam trying to hold back his laugh.

"Oh my god did y'all tell him tha-"

"Nah, but Shazam can have a taste." Shazam said mimicking me in a female voice. My face instantly turned red.

"Its all good though, I mean if you want to we can go to another room and let your friends talk to GI and Dino." He said.

"Well umm you se-" I was rudely interrupted by Marie saying,

"Girl if you don't take yo scary ass on, all the shit you said you was goin to do to him and now that we here and you acting scared."

"I was gonna say yes until I was rudely interrupted thank you Marie" I told Shazam.

"You ready to bounce?" Shazam asked me.

"Yeah, lets go." I said following him out the door.

"DON'T DO ANYTHING I WOULDN'T DO!" Yelled Imani causing me and Shazam to laugh.

"So what do you wanna' talk about?" Shazam asked.

"It doesn't matter to me," I said playing with my fingernails.

"Ohhhh, so I have a shy one on my hands tonight." Said Shazam

"I'm not shy, I just don't know what to ask." I said making Shazam smile.

"What are you smilin' for?" I asked.

"Nothin', Do you wanna just ask questions about each other?"

"Sure, but since it was your idea you ask the first question." I stated.

"Ok, do you have a boyfriend?" he asked.

"No, ok my turn who was your first crush?" I asked him.

"You know I don't crush a lot, but it had to be my third grade teacher." He said laughing at his answer.

After a few more questions Marie and Imani walked in.

"Are you ready girl?" They asked.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute, y'all can go to the car." I said as they walked out.

"It was nice meeting you Aaliyah," he said giving me a bear hug.

"You too." I said hugging back and getting ready to walk out of the room.

"Wait, I wanna give you something," he said writing something on a napkin.

"Make sure you use this." He said. I glanced down and seen it was his pager number.

"Don't worry I will." I said walking out of the room.

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